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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. yup yup, still broke....now we need a facebook hangout lol
  2. I also need the ball studs to fix the tabs on Mike's bike, where would I order these?
  3. I noticed it broke earlier.....
  4. Are there any extras?
  5. Hey now...that big blue thing threatened to run Mike and me over at Vogel last time....said he had to get a Venture for this Vogel so he could run away from Annie's blue beast...he plans to stay well ahead in the pack to avoid meeting the Aussie blue beast again.
  6. Hell at my age I still triple check everything when working on cars or puters (haven't changed the plugs yet on the Venture) age isn't an excuse! lol
  7. Agreed, the MAF throws a code when it fails...if you need a new one, look on ebay 1st, I got mine for the caprice alot cheaper there than the automotive places want.
  8. I'm no car expert here and my caprice is a different animal to those foreign cars...but could be the MAF and when my car acted similar it was also time for new plugs and wires. If she drives down alot of dirt roads that will kill the MAF quick.
  9. We were trying to be nice and not scare the nice man off before he became a full member....sheesh
  10. You would be correct there. I know the seasons Inn is one host hotel. Is the comfort inn also another? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=344&day=2013-08-14
  11. At this point, either work. I'm taking the car anyway for the trip and I realize you haven't been feeling well. Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  12. Mike's off work that week, and since I still have TuffTom's parts that are donated to be auctioned off I guess I at least have no choice but to be there either. No worries I'm taking the car this year in case something happens and we need a way home....the parts will come with me.
  13. I knew how to pronounce the last name...not hard at all. Try pronouncing my maiden name, NeSmith (does NOT sound like the Monkee) or my married name of Kosovic...few ppl get either right on the 1st try.
  14. I'm not sure juicing is the answer as was in that video. I'm not a bad late night eater. And yes I eat alot of the wrong things and need more fruit and veggies in my diet. I probably need to lay off the pancakes and waffles (sniffle) every Sat morning. Roomie even makes whole wheat and buckwheat ones. I'm going to go check out a gym today and probably join. $30 gets me full access and a trainer if I need it. I know it only works if I use it...I plan to go everyday.
  15. My Dad also had this. At 39 yrs old it was a bit shocking to get told this today. I know this is in part because of my weight struggles the last few yrs . I plan to lose the weight...almost 100lbs and get to a point where I can stop the meds. Doc told me it's not bad yet and I may be able to come off the meds after I lose weight. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  16. For those following my medical saga privately the last few weeks. I have a diagnosis. I have congestive heart failure from a leaky heart valve. I'm taking lasix and have to lose weight. I need my cheering section as I try this. Tricia Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  17. Mike and I are definitely coming. Got the hotel room reserved. Not sure when I will send the registration but we are looking fwd to this trip!
  18. I'd go, however the last time I crossed the Mason-Dixon it took a year to get back home. And who would want to feed and house me that long? really?? lol
  19. I don't know what to say. Second death in a week in my extended family and friends. My condolences to everyone who knew Don. Tricia
  20. Lewis, if you need me to run those parts to you next weekend I will. Don't go hurting yourself more trying to do too much. It's a nice country drive for me to get to your house.
  21. .....Has a carbtune and colortune and can give us a hand with Mike's new 1st gen? If you live outside GA and wanna stop by I'll feed and house you too! Right now I can't travel with doc visits looming and Mike needs someone who has the time and ability to help him diagnose some problems with the bike. I'd appreciate the assistance, it would be a huge help with prepping for Vogel this year.
  22. Steve, I'm sorry to hear the news. Both of my parents passed away from cancer too. At 27 yrs old I had stage 1 cervical cancer that has been in remission for a decade now. Our new roomie was diagnosed last yr with stage 3 lung cancer, he's been in full remission for almost a year without chemo or radiation. If you want the treatment he was offered and are willing to make the lifestyle changes, let me know, he'll share what the doc who treated him offered.
  23. It was a fun day...I'm still worn out from being dragged from pillar to post yesterday. But I had fun and enjoyed it all. Thank you all for the bday wishes. It was appreciated.
  24. If someone can get them to Warner Robins GA, I can either hold them until Lewis or someone else can haul them from my place. My car just isn't good atm to make the trip to Valdosta, and I'm not sure if the roomie has plans on Sunday.
  25. Guess there's a reason the roomie pulled the steaks from the freezer last night lol. Boy we will be having our own party tonight here at the house (PG rated I swear.)
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