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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Lol great bday prezzie....KIC I'll ask Mike if he needs the top rear pipes too. Sorry, me crawling under the bike isn't going to give any useful answers today lol. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  2. Bob, need the rear ones with the heatshield, but I'll take those too.
  3. I don't drink and drive...and like some of you, I love a good drink. I know the rules about 1 hr per drink before one is supposed to be safe to drive, I know everyone is different so that's not the argument here. Once about 10 yrs ago I was sipping a drink after dinner when I realized that I needed to run the 3 miles to the store to grab some item that really couldn't wait til the next day. Mike was working 2nd shift so couldn't ask him, so I waited a couple of hrs before heading to the store. Worst mistake I've made the past decade I think. I couldn't hold my lane. But I made it there and back. I swore that day I'd never drink and drive again and I haven't and won't because I know I can't handle alcohol and driving afterwards in the same day. Good for you calling the law on those ppl, may not have saved them, but likely someone else that day.
  4. I was outbid by $1...Mike basically froze up at the idea of bidding on ebay....sheesh....so, the next question is now what do we do?
  5. Thanks for clarifying....I need more coffee...really!
  6. Need an exhaust for the bike....Mike found a hole in the right side one just before the muffler. Help! (Adds that to the list of valve cover gaskets, rear wheel, rear rotor, rear brake pads.....the list goes on...
  7. Does this apply to fuel injection or just carbs? The van is fuel injected with a 350 vortec engine. My caprice gets 25-30 mpg around town on the same gas the bikes, Van, and traverse get, it's just needs the front end done and an oil leak fixed so it's parked til we have money for that. of those the Venture gets between 30-35mpg, the volusia gets 45, the van 15-18avg, and the traverse.....12.
  8. I know! but the cats on the van need replacing (we think). Mike's Dad gave it to us for Christmas and while I wasn't expecting a lot for a 1990, when he said 6 mons prior he was getting 30mpg with it and Mike or I avg 15...we started scratching our heads. We think a lot is the gas quality here and the light timers around town. Some are 6mins plus around town.
  9. Puc, if you find you ever want to part with that trailer I might be interested. Our conversion van just ain't practical on the crappy gas we found on the way to and from the B2's. sometimes it was 9mpg, others it was high as 25mpg. Do not ask me how much we spent in gas going 1000miles roundtrip trailering the bike....I still don't want to know! I haven't asked Mike...but it wasn't good.
  10. I also had a friend that spent the weekend with strep, and he claimed to be pretty sick. I hope not for your sake.
  11. Think you might be onto something with Mike's bike....depending on gas quality he avgs between 29-35mpg. I still think he needs to check the diaphragms, needles and floats now that he did a carbtune. But its been a crazy yr so far. This weekend is the 1st since Jan we haven't had to run somewhere or do something. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  12. I'm the boss of Mike's bike and they both know it! Lol Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  13. I only know about the space coast because I went to Melbourne Fl 4 yrs ago with a friend for a weekend trip. But otherwise I know little of FL lol. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  14. And the space coast is the Nelbourne Fl area. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  15. Tom go to the medstop...cat bites can turn septic fast, not to mention rabies. And yeah...I agree with the stray pussies comment lol Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  16. We have 2 yammy dealers, both are good to us at least. Mike loves the fact I get a 20% discount on parts when I come in with part numbers. Sometimes on the 1st gen it really makes a difference when ordering online or local. I understand every dealership is different. Heck, even 2 chevy dealers burned me with the traverse.
  17. This is my personal opinion regarding HD so I don't want to ruffle feathers with the statement. I hate our local HD dealer. And I really dislike the blind idiots that say HD is made in America. It's assembled in America, but no longer made here. Our local HD dealer is the oldest in GA and you go there or to a functions off the lot and they make sure you know. Their customer service is poor and turned Mike away from the possibility of being a future HD customer. 3-4 yrs ago when Mike was looking and educating himself on bikes he decided to give HD a fair shake at wowing him with a bike, stopped at the dealership and did what many on the forums suggested, sit and get a feel for the bikes. After maybe an hr of that one of the sales guys walks over and tells us to stop that because we will damage the bikes doing that. Oh and as a passenger I didn't know the proper way to get on a bike so I didn't need to do that either. After finding out Mike was shopping for a 1st bike the sales guy told us to leave and come back after riding metrics for a few yrs and wanted a quality bike to replace that "cheap jap crap" sold next door. Mike told him that he didn't need or want a Harley that bad to come back begging for a bike and walked out. We drove 2 doors down the street to the metric dealer and a sales guy spent about 3 hrs answering all of Mike's newbie questions and showing us bikes that would be good starter bikes. Then told us to shop craigslist for our bike then come back when we wanted something like the RSV or Goldwing. That day they earned our loyalty at least on parts. If and when Mike buys new they will likely be the place we go.
  18. Mike and I will see what we can do, all depends on the next 2 doc appts for me as to how my riding season plays out this yr.
  19. Don't do it! It wouldn't be right! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  20. Note for the record 86er and Yammer were both workung on Mike's bike and somehow Mike snuck away to take a pic...now that's takent lol. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  21. Some of us heal slower at younger ages too!
  22. I never want anyone to feel left out. I've spent so much of my life not being asked to go out and be social because others don't understand or feel awkward asking what I can do because I have cerebral palsy. I get it, everyone needs decompress time. Even Mike being the introvert he is likes his quiet time. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  23. well you know my house is on your route. Not sure what our plans are at this moment, but you can stay here if needed.
  24. Eck if you felt you were unsafe to ride you could have hopped a ride with someone. We would have rather had your company. Don and Patti loaned Dragonslayer and his wife their jeep to drive over to the hotel and restaurant since their bike still had the trailer attached. There was room for you in the jeep and at dinner. We had the conversion Van as well, it's not like I couldn't have hauled a small army in it as well (it holds 7). I hope next time you and anyone else needing a ride ask. I would have driven anyone to the restaurant from the hotel or to the hotel from Don and Patti's if needed. I am glad you used good judgement and didn't ride, but noone should be left out at dinner if they are able to be social. So please think ahead for next time.
  25. Larry, Mike and I enjoyed seeing you and Joyce again, hope you have a safe trip home.
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