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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. If you're thinking of Inquisition, go buy Dragon Age 1 and 2 and play through those for the story. DA2 though will tick you off with the rehashed dungeons every time you need to go quest, they all look about alike after a bit. Also another good game series is Elder Scrolls, Mike has all the games, but to me, the best are oblivion and Skyrim I never got into morrowind, I hated my character walking around like it lived on a horse 24/7. But Mike enjoys that one over the others I think.
  2. Inquisition is a very good game, but imho I think the bugs and poor coding take away from the game too. I've had to use hacks to progress the story when a bug glitched the game where the story didn't progress properly. Console gamers haven't been as lucky, many of them got stuck and gave up. Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  3. My cousin/roomie is nuts because he wants an xbox one so he can have Halo MCC, I made it worse by getting him some MCC posters for Christmas. Muhaha, though he's staying busy playing destiny, guess it's just me, I don't get the love for games like that. I need a story to get me through the game, my fav series thus far for that is the Zelda series, but I have to get Mike to play those for me. It's honey, play me a story...lol Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  4. I just build Mike the super awesome game systems once every few years. I built his system 2 yrs ago, and it meets or exceeds the specs for Inquisition by a lot. It still struggles to run the game properly. My 3 yr old laptop runs Inquisition better than his beast. I play PC games over console because controllers are hard for me to hold. My laptop is much easier to manage. Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  5. I'm a PC gamer. My last game purchases were the original dragon age and dragon age: Inquisition. Mike however has a nes, snes, n64, gamecube, and wii. And the games to go with them. Mike also has rfactor for pc but never got into online gaming with it. Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  6. Oh, the surgery was 100% covered, so no worries there, but the protein drinks, vitamin supplements, etc, are not covered under insurance. As far as Valentine's, I cheated and we went out to eat last night. There's a nice little Indian place about 10mins down the road we have never tried, and we said why not. Had some awesome Tandoori mixed grill, shrimp, lamb and chicken, with onions, cabbage, and peppers. Worst I thought was the food might be cleansing....yup, it was that, other than that I seem to be tolerating my tiny bits of food well. As much as I know I was supposed to be on a pureed diet, I just can't stand doing it every day, so, I'm mixing in some chicken and veggies into my dinner because cream of chicken soup got old last week!
  7. We are very much still interested, just with my surgery and all we don't have the budget and all for extras at the moment. I just had to rebuild my laptop a 2nd time since owning it and still getting everything put back on the new hard drive.
  8. I have about 20gigs of music on my laptop
  9. Depends on what music you like. I have a bit of everything, but can locate specifics if you wish
  10. Doc won't let me near the bikes til early march, so 3 more weeks of being bored wirh just walking...
  11. I know everyone said don't overdo it....so is 5.55 miles overdoing it? I did that fri, sat, and today, and I feel great, haven't needed the lasix in 2 weeks either. Other than a small dose of liquid hydrocodone 2x a day for my achy shoulders since surgery I haven't needed anything for pain relating to the surgery itself.
  12. Nope, wouldn't let me shower til I got my IV out and was on my way home. Took a shower after Mike came home a second time after going to get my meds. Not allowed to take my ambien to sleep which is why I'm awake @4am.
  13. Yeah, I set the hospital on fire lol. And I just feel very tired, in a few days I won't be this way, because my appetite has returned, which is rare this soon after surgery right now all I want is a nice hot shower and my bed, but the doc's office wants me up and walking every 30 mins.
  14. I'm home now. Not feeling like I should be here, but here I am. Then again the fire alarms went off on the floor above mine and as I was being wheeled out the fire department was coming in, so maybe it's a good thing to be home lol.
  15. It took all day yesterday to get the antinausea meds right for me, Today I woke with killer migraine #2 from the morphine yesterday but I can keep water down so I'm managing mostly ok, don't feel ready to go home just yet,but I'm likely to go home anyway today.
  16. It took all day yesterday to get the antinausea meds right for me, Today I woke with killer migraine #2 from the morphine yesterday but I can keep water down so I'm managing mostly ok, don't feel ready to go home just yet,but I'm likely to go home anyway today.
  17. Oh, iso pure protein drinks are nasty lol Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  18. I'm awake, mostly the nausea meds knocked me out yesterday. My chest hurts.a lot but the morphine is good. Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  19. Thank you everyone! I got the call this afternoon to report to the surgery center @7:45am, not the 5am report time I had hoped for, oh well. Mike, Trent, Trent's gf Amie, were like yay we get to sleep in til I explained how long later morning surgeries go. I may not be in my own room til 4-5pm, which makes for a very long day for everyone. Hopefully everything goes smoothly for everyone. Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  20. I've been told the same thing, but then I was starving when I woke from my gallbladder surgery. I know gastric bypass is way more involved. So I have no opinion either way. And I've actually done well on the all shakes portion of the diet, munched on jello when I didnt feel good. Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  21. But but I wanna eat a porterhouse postop, comeon now! Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  22. I'm having surgery on Monday. Keep Mike in your prayers as I know he will be going nuts in the waiting area. I will try to get someone to post an update here and Facebook, but knowing Mike and the roomie, they might post on Facebook but forget to update here. lts been a long 8mons waiting to have surgery. Here's to being a healthier, more mobile me.[emoji106] Tis Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
  23. Looks like they didn't renew their domain contract and the site was taken down.
  24. I am sorry for your loss. I understand how you feel. I lost 2 people dear to me since Christmas, one was a classmate and married to a deat friend of 35 yrs, the orher was my school librarian and was the 1st person in my growing up to show me having a disability was ok. She too had a disability and was a wonderful example of how to be in life.
  25. Updated my info, although for the next month or so I won't be very available if people need rescuing. But beds and a hot meal are always offered here.
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