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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. If I had a truck and a trailer and could drive up north I'd be on my way.
  2. Jeff can you come to GA on your way home to help Mike with his electrical issues? Replaced the solenoid, it still wont crank, there's an obvious short somewhere, but it has Mike beyond frustrated. I know, I had to try.....
  3. If you are in Atlanta, we could try to hold a mini maintenance day at my house in Macon and try to figure out 2 bikes at once. My husband has a carbtune so we can do a carbsync while you stop by. Husband has an 87 that has electrical issues. I know next weekend we are busy, but almost any other weekend the rest of summer we are free. Pm me if you are interested is coming down. I can throw some burgers and dogs on the grill and maybe a few more 1st gen folks would kindly show up? I make a good sweet tea too lol.
  4. I really wish Mike and I could go this year, we've look forward to seeing everyone we haven't met yet, but between my surgery, his Dad being ill, and a non running 1st gen, it's not in the plans. But we both agreed if there is a maintenance day next year we will be there unless unforeseen events keep us home. We hope everyone enjoys themselves celebrating my birthday.
  5. Lol, better talk to other wives and women, while I might be willing to pose for a calendar for the site, I think it only fair other ladies join in. Maybe we could split the money between the special fund and St. Jude?
  6. On a stock 1st gen isn't the TCI located in the left fairing? Or am I just thinking the mkII? I know the one on Mike's bike (an 87) sits on top of the air filter. But it was relocated by the previous owner.
  7. I hope next year Mike and I can go to Don's house and enjoy the weekend so many of you look forward to each year. Just not in the budget this year.
  8. Before having kids I was about 120lbs but even then felt too thin. I'll be happy at 130lbs, basically anything under 150lbs is my goal. Easier on my body long term and as Mike jokes better on the gas mileage on the bikes lol. Downside is I'm not as strong as I used to be, whether that's weight or age, I'm not sure. The one day I had to assist Mike's dad walking to and from the bathroom after his stroke. I felt so inadequate to be his strength and support should he fall. I assisted both my parents with their health issues, even mobility from the age of seven. I didn't realize I lost so much strength since surgery. But still thrilled with the weight loss.
  9. Now I know where to find myself a trike.....muhahaha
  10. How is the site tablet unfriendly? Is it possible your user settings for your VRO account or your tablet have pic uploading disabled? There is also a size limit on how many mega pixels and megabytes a pic can be to be uploaded to the site. I posted a new thread with pictures earlier in the watering hole using my tablet and chrome. I had no trouble whatsoever other than figuring out which button was for uploading pics within the thread. If you could give us the exact error code you get when trying to upload a pic maybe one of the tech geniuses here can help you. Also, tapatalk is now a free app in the play store.
  11. Dan, I have faith in you! Just tell the Warden to stop baking sweets. Lol seriously, you were diagnosed a type 2 diabetic, bariatric surgery, gastric sleeve and bypass can reverse diabetes in most patients. I don't think you meet the weight requirements, but look into the diets and portions and stick to it! Smaller portions several times a day are better than 3large meals. Low carb protein shakes like pure protein and premier protein are recommended for meal replacements, use water or unsweetened almond milk instead of milk. Get rid of the soda. Soda keeps the stomach bloated and stretched making you eat more and keep the weight on. If you have a hiatal hernia as I did you also eat more and have reflux regularly. Only fix for the hernia is surgery. Both the hernia and my stomach were fixed at the same time. I did test my tolerances weeks ago. I made a trip to DQ, got a tropical blizzard, within 15mins I was so sick I wanted to die. I managed to call Mike and tell him he needed to come get me. He found me passed out in the van, parked at the mall. He and the roomie came together so Mike took me home. The sugar in the ice cream did me in. So I know I need sugar free now. So I know now I can't cheat and binge on sweets.
  12. Mike's accident was a passenger van vs semi, we were originally told by one of our local big wig lawyers we didn't need a lawyer for our case. I didn't like that answer and kept looking for better answers and found the worker's comp lawyer (Mike was working when he was rearended) who sorted through the comp claim and set us up with the personal injury lawyer to handle the accident. Most personal injury lawyers will not try to settle the claim until almost 2 years post claim. In that time you will see lots of medical specialists who will evaluate everything about your current medical history, past medical, and future health. Be completely through and withhold nothing, even a small detail could mean a huge difference in a long term settlement and what you were owed. Also, never miss or cancel those exams for the previous reason. Mike was lucky that the people who scheduled all his appointments went through me and I would threaten to toss him in the car myself if he got stubborn. He didn't get as much as the lawyers or we hoped, but it was enough to live on for a year. And that was a huge help.
  13. I don't ever see myself running unless it's to get away from a zombie attack. While I'm fairly active cerebral palsy kinda slows me down lol. If I ever get below a 15min walking mile I will be thrilled. Meds forced all my weight gain and it took 15yrs and finding the right doctors to help me start getting the weight back off. To be honest, it should have been addressed when I gained 100lbs in 9mons and was freaking out. If I manage to drop below 130lbs I will weigh less than anytime since Mike met me. He was thrilled last week that for the 1st time ever he could pick me up from the floor. I've been blessed that my postop recovery has been fast. The weekend after surgery (had surgery on mon, went home wed) I walked 7miles. I went to the mall and grocery shopping and let the pedometer track me all weekend. Even my surgeon was impressed. I've wanted this a long time and have no regrets doing the surgery.
  14. I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure @39 yrs old from a leaky heart valve. Probably something I'd always had but didn't bother me until the weight gain. At my highest weight 1yr ago I weighed 230lbs last week I weighed 175lbs. I have a 31 inch waist, down from a 38 or 40 waist. The doc's office counts my weight from around 215lbs that has been my most common weight preop. But the family pic was my heaviest weight. Not to get on a soapbox, but I was told by my PCP to diet and exercise, but with no counseling on portion control. It took going through all the counseling preop to realize that how I ate in college and before was closer to the normal portion sizes. Go to the grocery store and food is not pkged for healthy portions. Now I eat roughly 2-3oz of lean meat and a couple of tablespoons of a green veggie. I can't have rice bread or pasta ever again. Sugar free ice cream I tolerate well, but most postop people can't. Too high in fat. I still eat out, other than Chick-fil-A fast food is out. Other restaurants are carefully chosen. Most will accommodate my needs reasonably. Others agree to then send out their interpretation of the dish out. Those are the places we limit visits. Cooking at home has been easy, we have a roomie and many nights his girlfriend is over at dinner, so she and I split the chicken, pork loin, steak, etc between us. She's been trying to lose weight too and finds my postop diet easy to follow. She's lost abt 30lbs since Feb. If she isn't home Mike splits the chicken, steak, etc with me. Anyone really can do this if they want it bad enough. Tough choices are never easy, but that can be rewarding!
  15. But Mike gave me my mother's day present last weekend. He took me on a photoshoot. The 1st I have done since the gastric bypass. I'll also post a pic from exactly 1 year before my photoshoot. I'm 3.5mons postop and haven't felt this good in years. I have lost 55lbs. so far, another 45 to go. If anyone is overweight and has medical issues that could be eased by losing weight. Please go to a bariatric support group and become informed. It could save your life. It saved mine. Tricia
  16. Find a good personal injury lawyer that specializes in motorcycle accidents. Mike's and my experience has been to shop in the bigger cities, like Atlanta for one that's looking for and needing cases. Looking for a lawyer in Charlotte, Raleigh, or Asheville is a good place to start. With our tech driven society have Lori google a few in those areas and send some general emails to them. That's how we got our personal injury lawyer. He did almost everything through email, txt, and fedex. If your accident had been here in GA I wouldn't hesitate giving you his info.
  17. Ankle and broken wrist are confirmed injuries.
  18. Mike and I plan to come, barring something between now and then with Mike's Dad's health. We look forward to seeing everyone again.
  19. Tell the son to call AAA, that's sadly why I keep several spare keys on me, I misplace mine, at least once a year. 2 yrs ago my entire keyring was stolen off my purse in Savannah, bet the thief had a fun time trying to find a caprice and g6 that weren't in Savannah.
  20. Check ebay and pinwall. My husband was thinking he needed to rebuild the carbs on his 87 and had me looking for a set. Also check with Skydoc here on the forums, Earl has been great with helping us get parts we didn't feel comfortable locating on ebay. Best of luck getting the bike running. I feel your pain.
  21. You have my sincerest sympathies on your illness. I hope you find the answers you look for and have a good recovery. You are right that colonoscopy exams are scary and intimidating, but so is cancer. I'm 40 and had my 1st exam at age 27, totally different thing going on at the time, but I was told I'm at risk for cancer later on. Colon cancer can hit as young as 30 with few symptoms until it's too late to treat.
  22. As the one and only public pagan here, this is my .02 cents. Your prayers are your communication between you and your god of choice. When one of you is ill and requesting prayers I pray to God for you and yours, I don't hate the religion or the bible. You pray and someone hears your request. Who cares the type of person you are walking into that moment of prayer. The bible teaches us the humility is the 1st step. Never seen you not fit that when you post your prayer requests. I know personally how powerful prayer can be. Live your life as you see fit. Ignore the idiots who spout religion as their truth. It's not your truth. Tricia
  23. I understand my father in law's fear with the results of his stroke. But the bullying and threats were normal part of him before the stroke. It's not something new. I just made sure years ago that he knew if he hit me I would file charges. Yelling I can take, I grew up with a Dad similar to him. It upsets me but it's his anger, his problem. Mike, his mom, and others are worried that his Dad could lose control and seriously injure me or someone else. Little things always set him off and now, there's no predicting what will set off Mike's Dad, kinda like Monday, there was no warning that he would start yelling. It wasn't the 1st time he's asked me to take him home. And I refused to lie to him. I was honest, I have no where at this time to put him. He blew up over that. His behavior sadly made Mike and his Mom reconsider moving him back home or in with us. Mike will do his best to visit his Dad regularly. There are never easy answers.
  24. Larry, I'm just tired from all the driving back and forth, driving 3 hrs straight with no stops isn't my forte. I may drive around town running errands all day, but it's not the same thing. I also hurt my shoulder and neck sleeping in a crumpled heap last week, no worries, the chiropractor is getting me back on the mend. Mike has me staying home to rest for a few days, before we see his Dad again next weekend. Yeah, this is hard for Mike to deal with, seeing his Dad sick, but maybe something good will come from this.
  25. Mike and his mother both agreed that I'm not to go to the hospital alone anymore given the drive and not knowing how Mike's dad will act once I get there. Haven't felt great this week so been staying home and taking care of errands.
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