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Everything posted by GAWildKat

  1. Hubs has a 1st gen, so my answer is going to be slightly different. But 1st off, tires are a touchy subject here. Most 1st and 2nd gen riders swear by the dunlop elite 3 series tires. Some use metzlers, Avon, etc. My suggestion is try the E3 and see how it holds to your riding style. My husband weighs abt 180 and at the time we last took the bike out I weighed abt 220. We unfortunately never tested it on a roadtrip before it gave up in the spring, however we did load it down a couple of times with about 100lbs of clothes, snacks, etc for a day trip or 2. Most of the time we were within 4 hr ride of the house and he would ride the bike and I drove the van to camp. Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
  2. Puc, glad Tippy is on the mend. Gall bladder troubles are hard to diagnose, I went 4 yrs undiagnosed because my doc at the time focused on my heart even after I went into liver failure. I was lucky that an ER doc realized it was my gall bladder was sick and made sure I got all the tests and seen by a surgeon, he saved my life! Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
  3. I'm probably going to sound like a snob here, but I LOVED my Dad's stash of 50+yr old Cabin stills. Back story on his bourbon stash. Way before I was born Dad had been part owner with a friend in a liquor store. When Dad quit drinking, he sold his friend his share of the business, but kept his extensive stash of liquor. He hit it in the garage sometime in the 60s or 70s and it was about 20 yrs aged then, and we didn't find it til after he passed in 97. I'm not an expert in whiskeys and bourbon, but I have a list to try now. Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
  4. Oh God, I love Daddy's Hands, always made me teary eyed, more so now that Dad passed on. One of my choral group's singers has been trying to pull me from retirement to sing at his church. I keep saying I'd need voice lessons to be where I was vocally 20 yrs ago. If he ever agrees to my terms I will make sure to get a recording, especially if I do a solo or duet. That will be worth saving because I have never done a solo. I have done the duet "All I ask of you" from Phantom of the Opera, but that was by request and was not recorded. So, Puc, I'm sorry, I dunno how to solo lol. Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
  5. In my past life I was a choral singer, almost went pro. Got offered singing jobs and scholarships right out of high school. My tastes are very eclectic, everything from classical baroque style to mostly American and European metal. On my phone you will find mostly fast paced metal and country because I like my foot in the floor when driving... But the music that tends to make people scratch their heads and wonder about me is when I play the Monkees, Beatles, Beach Boys, etc. I also love the Ballad of the Green Beret. I love music that tells a story. Wierd Al is another fav. I could go on. I grew up on Roy Acuff and Hank Williams Sr. And please don't ask me to sing, it's been more than 20 yrs since I got on a stage. Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
  6. It's beautiful! The oldest ornament I own was made for me in 1979. It was a needlepoint my kindergarten teacher made for me. I'd take a pic but I think it's unlikely I will get the tree out this yr. Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
  7. I'd post pics of my traverse's pics but being there's other things going on I've been told not to make the pics public Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  8. I was rearended 2 weeks ago. No, my airbags didn't go off. And I'm mostly ok. I got lucky. Sent from my B1-810 using Tapatalk
  9. That poor, poor van. Glad you are ok! Sent from my B1-810 using Tapatalk
  10. Eck's right. However, I have Cox. And because most if not all cable companies get their broadcast from satellite feeds, they can be prone to signal outages caused by weather too. But it has to be extremely severe weather to disrupt a cable signal. The only time I lost signal while using Direct, it was a severely stormy day that likely affected the cable company as well. Sent from my B1-810 using Tapatalk
  11. Congratulations on kicking the habit! Both of my parents were smokers as was my father in law. I watched both my parents' health decline as a result of their habit. Their smoking also likely affected my asthma. My mom passed away from lung cancer. Dad had copd and heart disease. He kicked the habit almost 10 yrs before she did. I never liked the smell so it wasn't something I wanted to do. But in the last year, I started vaping to manage the food cravings. I vape a nicotine free juice. Sent from my B1-810 using Tapatalk
  12. I understand your pain with the parents. I was 23 when I lost my Dad, he was 76 then. I feel I missed so much because he had me late in life. No, Mom isn't around either, but we weren't close as adults. I just wish I had Dad around to show him the bikes and brag about my hubby taking up riding. Dad too was a biker, had a '54 Indian he bought new in 54 that he rode til he gave up riding abt 1967/68 when my great uncle passed. Dad would not know what to do with groups like this. Enjoy your parents, I miss my Dad. Sent from my B1-810 using Tapatalk
  13. To be honest, he'd just have me drive wherever he is (prolly work) and hand him the spare. It's not like I don't have all the free time in the world to jump up and save him, right? Lol. Giving him a spare would mean he'd have to know where I stuck it. After his car accident in 2009 memory is a big problem for him on the best of days. Sent from my B1-810 using Tapatalk
  14. I keep a spare copy of all keys to all vehicles in the house. Those stay with me from the moment I leave the house every day. I suggested Mike keep a spare in his wallet or on the bike. He doesn't. Oh well. Sent from my B1-810 using Tapatalk
  15. Sounds like the Avalanche my Father in law has/had, now that he's in the nursing home my mother in law drives it. Very nice truck. I'd love to have it for pulling a trailer. Not happening anytime soon though. Good luck!
  16. Sometimes you also have to wonder if it was really a good idea to open Pandora's box and learn about what you didn't know before too as is the case of the chiari I have. I'm glad to see you can walk better at least GW. Always something to be happy about.
  17. Bright blessings to a new start in life! May they have many wonderful happy years together.
  18. I've had the numbness and tingling for years. The pcp and orthopedist both thought that I have a pinched nerve in my arms. I saw my ortho's PA, followup on the pinched nerve and weak shoulder. Now he's sending me back to the ortho to discuss the chiari and what that might mean orthopedicly for me. I haven't seen the pcp yet, that's next wed. I think he's going to freak. And if anyone is going to freak him. I will lol.
  19. I'm not as young as I used to be either. Might surprise some of you who have met me and a few that haven't, that I used to be proud to deadlift almost 2x my bodyweight. Not a huge deal to some, but awesome for me considering I have cerebral palsy. I was kinda hoping to be able to do some of the things I did in my 20s...instead I get yelled at in PT if I bend at the waist. Keep in mind I'm in pt to rehab my shoulder. Starting to wonder if I will have a decent quality of life or am I getting told more bad news.
  20. Oh I do that. But I'm used to telling strangers about cerebral palsy. I feel like I'm an advocate for people with cp that are like me. I'm definitely not the image most people think when they hear of cerebral palsy. I'm fully independent, strong-willed and stubborn. Heck, I wasn't all that private when I had gastric bypass in Feb. This is just feels different and way more personal if that makes sense.
  21. I've had migraines since I was at least 2 yrs old. In the 70's it was almost unheard of to see a child with migraines, let alone a toddler. None of the meds currently used to treat migraines work for me. So it's been take something for the nausea and sleep off the migraine. On avg I get migraines once or twice a month on a good month. When the weather is changing a lot with fronts moving through rapidly, it can be daily, as it was in August. The challenge any neurosurgeon will have is how much of my problems are caused by cerebral palsy and how much are caused by the chiari malformation. And will surgery help alleviate some of the problems I have with balance and walking. Those are things usually affected by a chiari. Getting better balance would be great. My future on 2 wheels rather than 3 would be almost assured. It might seem vain to worry about my hair. But in all my surgeries thus far in one way or another I was able to cover up the fact I'd just had surgery with clothes. I didn't have to explain to someone I didn't know or care to discuss the finer points of my case or why I have a new set of scars. If I am shaved partially or completely to do surgery, it exposes me in a way I'm not comfortable with yet. I'm aware hair grows back. I alternate between long and short hair every couple of years or so. I already field questions regularly on why do I limp or hold my head a certain way (my sense of balance is always skewed) or just the fact I do things differently because of my physical limitations. Anyone who has met me knows I sometimes push myself too far and have to take it easy for the next few days. As with everything, this is a journey, and I will take it at my own pace. I just refuse to give up riding for the sake of being free of migraines.
  22. My hair generally grows fast, abt an inch or so a month, but not quite that fast. Hubs has already said he'll buy me a wig if I need one.
  23. I don't think I can rock a Sinead O'Connor look myself. Will be interesting if it happens...
  24. Nah, a 2nd gen is much more top heavy than a 1st gen, not to mention the balance is different. I can pick up the hub's 1st gen off the side stand with very little trouble, but a 2nd gen I really have to muscle off the side stand. I agree, neither are good choices for a 1st bike. Get something smaller like a Suzuki c50t or a a vstar 950, or a Honda shadow. All good starter bikes. Also the MSF course is excellent. Hubs and I took it. A class like that could make the difference between a bad accident and good skills to avoid that bad accident. Also remember all the gear all the time. I wear an icon stryker vest, and bohn leg armor. Spent the $$ to get a really good helmet. I mean, how much is your head worth to you? To me, mine is priceless. Just food for thought.
  25. I think what's really scary is I might be bald for a while, I just cannot see myself with a chrome dome. Mike's actually taken the news better than I have, which is unusual. I'm not sure what that means. I'm the one usually keeping him calm and convincing him that I'll be ok.
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