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About DCSC

  • Birthday February 16

Personal Information

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  • Location
    Kingsland, GA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    08 RSTD
  1. I have a KBC half helment fits in mine 08RSTD
  2. I filled up then drove 40 mi, the bike sits in the sun and fuel leaks?? I open gas cap and look in and the level is way below the fill neck?? Very frustrating.
  3. I know it's been discused before but I want to make sure I don't have a proble. I get fuel leaking out of the vent hose under the seat low to the ground not the carb vents up forward, I am under the understanding that it is the tank vent. My question is could this be vapor escaping and then condensing that is dripping under my bike? I think it's a little excessive although the direct sun and heat here in SE GA are intense I am not seeing the same stains on the ground under other makes?
  4. I have a almost new kickstand that came off a 08RSTD.
  5. I have the same ride and color LOVE IT!
  6. you got that right!!!!!
  7. Larry, you are the man I just went out and checked I had them in the side that was steady and neglected to put them in the other, DUH. Thank you Sir I will redo everything tomorrow. Dan
  8. I have 08 RSTD attempting to sync the carbs useing carbtune #1&2 (left side) the vacume on both are bouncing up and down like crazy and when I rev they peg to top? 3&4 (right side are steady? Am I missing something??
  9. Any adivice where to get a good rear tire for a 08 RSTD at a great price??
  10. Thanks for the replies the dealer tried to put it on a stuck float which I new was wrong. I was unsure which tubes were by the kickstand so thanks for clearing that up as well.
  11. I have gas leaking from hose near ground under seat but only when bike sits in hot sun? I know the standard answer is stuck float but I put bike in shade or garage and no leak?? Any ideas?
  12. Saint Mary's, was up your way last year what a beautiful area to ride!!
  13. Anybody in the South East Georga area can help with carb sync? I borrowed a carb tuner but still unsure how to perform the maintence??
  14. Anyone in the south east Georga area can help with the carb sync?????
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