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Everything posted by dluedke

  1. I just went through this on my 08. if there is oil in the coolant but no coolant in the oil it is the gasket in the Crankcase Vent or the "Twinky" at the base of the "v" between the cylinder. I had the dealer do it under Warranty.
  2. I am running MC II on my 08 RSTD and love them. I have right at 18,000 on them and at 20,000 I am going to change the back tire the front is still really good. I have always ran max tire pressure marked on the tire. I am 6ft1 240lb and ride double on week ends with my wife. I just got home from a 4100 mile trip to BC for two week and was loaded heavy(I like to camp). It rained on me everyday at some point and I never had an issue. I am going to replace these tire with another set just the same.
  3. 2008 RSTD Michelin Commander II front and rear.
  4. I see in the pictures that the air filter housing is broken and the air filter is gone. if you are running these bike with out an air filter they will do just what yours is doing. I tried to open my 2008 up so it could breath better and it just fell on it's face. not sure if this is the case but if there is no air filter you might try that.
  5. Here is a couple more [ATTACH]87635[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]87636[/ATTACH]
  6. I have a reckless and am pleased with it [ATTACH]87631[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]87632[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]87633[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]87634[/ATTACH]
  7. E3's are the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. My 2008 rstd has alway got 32mpg and 35with the wind to my back and down hill. It runs great and has lots of power. I have checked coils, synced carbs, set float levels, changed plugs several times,tryed fuel aditives you name it even running in 4th gear to get in the power band but its alway 32 mpg. Thats about 130 miles to reserve and another 40 or so for a total tank milage of 168.
  9. I drove over the Beartooth pass in Montana 2 weeks ago and had no issues at all. It was cold up there 41 degrees but beautiful!!!
  10. Sorry I had to miss it. It was a good thing that I stayed home we did end up putting My Mom in the Hospital Saturday night. Things are looking alot Better this morning. Hope I can go next time.
  11. This is where I put my light switch. used a dremil and cut a whole and ran wires to a relay I put in the headlight bucket that powers my lights. I got the switch from Napa, I wanted a lighted swithch.
  12. Here are the pictures. The left one has a dent in the top heat shield that cant be seen when installed (under the bag). It also has a little rash on the bottom back chrome tip from backing over a curb the first time I took them out. (again cant see on the bike) new on Ebay are 600 to 650 got these for 400 on an auction they are 750 from a dealer. There is a good vid on youtube under vance and hines monster ovals royal star venture. the price is 200$ and I can get them to Bridgeport on our courier any day next week witch could help with shipping cost.
  13. I will get you pictures. got them off of Ebay for 400$ would take 200$ plus frieght. P.S. I am at work and it is wheat harvest so it will be tomarrow before the pics.
  14. I have a set of Vance and Hines moster oval I would sell. They are Black with crome tips. They were on my bike for 6 mounths about 2000 mile. My wife didn't like them so I gave in.
  15. I have a Corbin fairing I would sell. I was going to put it on my 08RSTD but went with a clear view windshield insted.
  16. Actully I have a new this year 2008 RSTD (set on the floor for two years) after 2500 mile the rear diff failed. After 3 week, lots of phone calls, and a warr with my Dealer I found out that there was a recall on a small number of 2008 that Yamaha left lapping compound in the diff witch would knock out the bearings and cause premature ware on ring and pinion. They installed a new diff and now I have 7000 mile and no problems. I have never herd of this before but the dealer did so me the recall. By the way I Love this bike out side of the one problem it just runs and runs well!
  17. dluedke

    2008 rstd first brand new bike

    2008 rstd yamaha passing lights yamaha grill gard yamaha front fender trim
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