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Everything posted by fxitdude

  1. I wannna watch sounds like a hold my beer and watch this moment.
  2. I saw a car that went thought one with the brushes once that had an antenna caught in them it beat all the paint off of one side of the car and broke out he window on the passenger side. Not pretty would not want to be in there on a bike.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-venture-whole-parts-/280559391687?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item4152a493c7
  4. I am thinking if you have an 2007 Venture you should sell it right away. Totaled mine on 7-6-10 and State Farm paid $14,300.00 I could not figure that out either but was very happy. Glad to hear you and the misses are Ok.
  5. Funny that you have an 07 that is what I had. I did the same thing and felt the same thing you did although you went from stock to level I went from lowered to level and I took them off the next day and went back to the lowered. I am not sure why they like it better but most do. My 2010 that I have now is stock and I have considered Lowering it just because I think it makes the Bike look better. But I am with you on the leveling links:fatsmiley:.
  6. I remember the pain well. Prayers from Oklahoma. Glad it was only minor injurys the bike can be replaced life can't. Ok I have to ask the question was he wearing a helment I have been asked that at least 100 time since 7-6-2010 when the cager took my 07 VSR out from under me.
  7. The 2010 looks better.:whistling:just sayin.
  8. Hey I like the LED sigh that is good looks like that could be my next project.:nanner:yea me to.
  9. Same in Oklahoma I have had three different times when a cager has been close enough that I could hear the engine behind me. It was so close once it made my wife nervous and she turned almost completly around and was informing them that they needed to back off. I slowed down to almost a crawl and they finally passed me. I followed them to a quick stop and it was a young girl I pulled up beside the car and when she got out I didn't have to say a word my wife was on her like a rat on a cheeto. I really don't think the girl had a clue she just stood there and listen while my wife told her some what fors. It was pretty cool. I am with you on the ball bearing I have heard of some other bikers doing that and I don't want to become part of the problem. If I am alone I will just put some distance between me and them it is not that hard to do. There is a point that I won't be pushed past but it is out there a ways. In my younger days that point was a little closer than I would like to admit.
  10. So so sorry for the family prayer are on going.
  11. Sorry to hear that any chance the memory will come back. It is good that you have someone there to remember. Prayers are with you.
  12. Wow at $12.00 a month I may have to rethink this investment.
  13. http://www.ou.edu/home/beta/map/images/ouLogo_map.png OU is the one.
  14. I feel your pain been there and done that 0 fun. Hope things turn around for you soon.
  15. Prayers to you hang in there and Prayers to your family.
  16. I am looking for a set of Chrome disk that fit on the back wheel of the 2nd generation Venture. I understand that at one time Yamaha made them does anyone know where a fellow could get there hands on some. They bolt on to each side of the wheel thourgh the holes in the bottom of the spoke on the wheel. Short-Haul said that he picked up a set on Ebay but there are none on there now. let me know if you have a set or know where to get a set.
  17. Found one thanks to all
  18. My guess is 4 as in Not 4 sale.
  19. Guys, I would really like to find someone who has a front wheel for a 2nd gen that I could run while I am having mine Chromed. I would pay for shipping. I would like to find one close to Oklahoma if possible I will just need it about 5 weeks. I am also checking salvage yards but I really don't want to but one. It cost 275.00 to have your wheel chromed and takes 4 weeks or you can exchange for 400.00 so if shipping is 25.00 ea way and I could save about 50.00 to 75.00 that is worth a little trouble. Other wise I will prolly just wait for winter.
  20. The wine is still there not a much as my 2007 but it is still there and gets louder with heat. No fuel injection and no 300 tire either.
  21. I have a riding bud that had an FJR that was a sweet ride he rides a 2000 kawsaki and a busa now and he has said many times that he misses the FJR.
  22. Does it do anything different when you are below speed or up to the speed where it can be set? I so that eliminates the vehicle speed sensor. If that checks out I would check the hoses and the wires going to the module and to the switch. I am sure there is a connection in the fairing. I will look in my tech manual tonight and see if it has any trouble shooting info. It is digital so I could email it to you. I purchased it on Ebay for 6 or 7 Bucks it is pretty comprihensive. Oh yea check both brakes make sure your brake light is going off.
  23. Prayers to your family.
  24. Hey-a boo boo I think I smell a Pick-a-nick basket.
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