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Everything posted by 1982vette

  1. Rebuilt the water pump on my 89 Venture over the weekend. Everything went well until I started the bike. Now I have a steady stream of water while the motorcycle is running. The water is exiting the weep hole. There is only one seal inside the pump. Any ideas on what I did wrong?
  2. Is there anyone out there refurbishing radios frm 1st generation ventures.
  3. I have a 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale with about 40000 miles on it. On a recent trip I noticed when I was in 4th or 5th gear and rolled on the throttle at highway speed the bike felt as though it slipped before takeing off. Any ideas of the cause?
  4. I just returned from a 2000 mi trip on my trusty 1989 Venture. I was close to Canada so the mornings were chilly! Each morning when I would get to the bike there would be a spot, about the size of a small plate, of antifreeze under the right side of the motorcyle. I would top off the expansion tank and about 5 minutes later the leaking stopped and would not appear until the next morning. Now I am back in the Midwest and it has not leaked a drop since I returned. Any ideas?
  5. Sorry I am in the wrong generation...Kinda the story of my life. Thanks for the info.
  6. I just purchaased a 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale. My questions are...1. Is there a reserve tank? 2. If there is, how do you activate it? Thanks JC in MN
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