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Everything posted by Trader

  1. http://www.newsday.com/polopoly_fs/1.235372.1243574086%21menu/standard/file/ny-walt-baby-boomers.swf Had to laugh! Too true!
  2. Another hospital recognizes the benefits of bloodless surgery! www.jg-teksten.nl/noblood.html The patient interviewed is one of Jehovah's Witnesses...but PLEASE DON"T TURN THIS INTO A RELIGIOUS DEPBATE!!!!!! (Even if we were right all along! Hee Hee!)
  3. To change the clutch all you need is a basic socket set and a phillips screwdriver and perhaps some allen keys...depending on how your side cases are held on. The price the stealer is going to charge you would provide you with a garage full of tools. I'm pretty sure the clutches are interchangable....but I would recommend you just buy the upgrade from Skydoc who is a member here and has an ad in the classifieds for clutch upgrades. I changed my clutch this summer and was amazed at how simple a job it really is. There is lots of help here so don't be shy. Any questions just ask! Welcome to the forum...pay for the full membership...it's the best $12 investment you could possibly make.
  4. Well Don.....Carl is getting old....and they say the memory is the first thing to go.....after looks in his case.
  5. On a Monday???????
  6. Trader


    Just bought Seafoam to treat the bike in case it was the last ride of the year (again) $12 a can! So 2 cans, plus the taxes was over $27!!!!!!
  7. Trader

    Ilse of Man TT

    I would want to START last so I wouldn't be an obstacle to the other riders!
  8. You realize (I hope) I'm just funnin' with you....and if anything it's just pure jealousy! I"ve never been any good at video games etc.
  9. Proof? Can you say "Photo shop"? STILL DON"T BELIEVE YA! It's possible....and I usually give everyone the benefit of the doubt....but it's just SOOO much faster than everyone else!
  10. For the Venture parts it might because they think the stuff is made of gold! Absolutely ridiculous prices from some of the bike wreckers! Auctions are a favourite form of entertainment for my wife and I...trouble is I have to tie up her hands! Just recently we bought a 8 x 12 prefinished wooden shed, complete with vinyl siding, 2 windows, wired for 110v, window boxes, awnings and a double door for $650 NEW! It was a shed company that went out of business.
  11. I CALL BULL SH*T!!!!!!!!!
  12. Annie, if you are trying to imitate us Canucks it should be STRIPE......EH
  13. 122 sec!!!!! 2nd try was 104
  14. Maybe you have a bumper sticker she didn't like???
  15. REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive double-pane energy efficient kind, and today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them. Hellloooo,............just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told me last year, that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! Helllooooo? It's been a year! I told him. There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up. He never called back. I bet he felt like an idiot.
  16. Some apartment complexes will provide an apartment (and wage) to a "superintendant" couple. Ususally only requires some light housekeeping and small repairs, collecting rent etc. Anything too big you just sub it out.
  17. Something tells me you are not talking about the circuit board anymore! ....trust me I know the cause of my poor memory! Too many years of abuse!
  18. I've read about repairing the TCI, (replacing whatever part it is that swells and could blow up the whole works if it goes bad) And discussion about lifting the ribbon...tracers.....tracks....????? (not sure of the right terminology....gotta love "old timers") Question is....what is the cause and how do you avoid that from happening?
  19. I think the cop who was cracking up on the other side of the car said "That must have been IT!"
  20. A University professor (so assumingly a smart person) had severe asthma. Woke up in the middle of the night with an asthma attack and reached for his puffer BUT IT WAS EMPTY!!!! He died. His final lesson was this..... For those who lives may depend on it, always be sure you have one on hand AND a spare in case!
  21. I had to re-read that one...I thought you said you "HAD IT...spent 6 months in Rome while on active duty." Thoughts of penicillion or blue ointment came to mind.
  22. Doing a search on the forum for "Soldering" provided a lot of very good tutorials, tips and links to articles on how to solder...and how to fix the E4 error, which my 88 is experiencing All the tutorials speak of a soldering IRON. I remember my Dad had one, a big clunky beast about 10" long with a shaft about 1/2" diameter. I'm sure they come smaller but what I'm wondering is there any reason why I can't use a soldering GUN? Is there a quality issue here or some other reason everybody refers to an "Iron" and never a "GUN"? Are they one and the same as far as soldering is concerned? Am I over complicating things or is there something here I don't understand? Also, a lot of emphasis is placed on having CLEAN connectors to solder. If you have a solder joint that is bad (you can see the ring around the post) how are you supposed to clean it well enough to solder? The corrosion is probably inside the solder dome!
  23. Could be up IT creek without a paddle!
  24. This might be a stretch....but when the radio is on "mute" :doh:that is exactly what happens with my MkII. But I'm sure you already checked that a dozen times right?
  25. Trader

    A Submerbike?

    I saw that done with an atv. As long as the air intake is dry you don't even need to hose the exhaust....just make sure you don't stall it or it will suck water into the motor!
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