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Everything posted by Trader

  1. I'd love one.....too bad it's 2nd Gen specific.
  2. No problem....but remember....a few members here know where you live!
  3. did you guys remember to save it before you exited? Just a thought....they should show up if you did everything right....not that complicated.
  4. Sigh! My computer used to give me a preview of pictures and documents in a window....or I could change the view to small icons or large icons which gave me a preview of pictures. now(since installing Windows 8...which I hate by the way) all I get it the file icon with a red exclamation point on it. Windows 8 with McAfee total protection.
  5. Sort of like changing out burnt light bulbs on the Titanic isn't it? Hey....Have fun with it! Ya gotta start somewhere!
  6. There is a manual in the tech library....but I'm not sure if trial members can download it. Pay the $12....the help you get here will pay that cost 100 times over.
  7. I think most of us first gen owners will have more into it than you could get out of it. That's the joy's of owning a 20-30 year old bike. But it's a love affair once you get one that runs the way it should. And how much is love worth? (as this is a PG site, please no comments about the price down on the corner!)
  8. You know...that's not a bad idea. I think I'll do just that! Only I think maybe a bit of reflective tape down each side of the cover. might not hold up to well being scrunched up....but worth a try! Cheap insurance! Think about it.....a dark and rainy night....with what is probably a dark cover over the bike. might not be easy to see. Or for you 2nd genners....you could always just hang a couple of those slow moving vehicle reflectors over it.
  9. I'm biting my tongue for so many reasons right now!
  10. No....the picture is not something from north Korea I broke the top tip off my CB antennae...still trying to save it....cheaper that way any suggestions? can't seem to get the screw??? out. Is it even a cap screw?
  11. I see it came equipped with the original wolo!
  12. I was wondering about that as I could only see the 1 first Gen in the pics! Way to go Dan!
  13. take off the air box and watch the sliders and see how they are reacting. (It will run lousy with the air box off) but you will be able to see if they are all bouncing the same. opening up the carbs to check the diaphragms is really easy. Even I could do it! Just hold the diaphragms up to a light and look for pin holes(or worse) they are easy to replace, just be sure to put the tab in the right spot. Lots of info in the library. GO FOR IT! Lots of help here! (well....not HERE....on the site!)
  14. The easiest way to see if it is running on all 4 is to feel the headers. Just remove the side covers before you start it up (easier to reach) and when it starts, feel all 4 headers. Don't wait too long because they get HOT! If one is not firing up, it will be noticeably cooler. It will warm up....but much more slowly than the rest.
  15. Somehow, if my car was on fire I think a gas station....with thousands of gallons of flammable liquids would be one of the LAST places I would want to go! At least, not close to the pumps or the underground storage access.
  16. I'd join you but I'll be on my way home from Marcarl's venture inn
  17. WHOOO HOOO.....new bike for all members!!!!
  18. Jim, there is another thread going on.....paying it forward. Perhaps you can join in the fun. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=78273
  19. The bike I bought last summer has run VERY rarely during the time I had it. I fired it up to demonstrate that "Yes ...it does run" and shut it right down again. The guy liked it and took it home. When Al took it home he did a few quick fixes and found out there was no oil in it. ( I have to admit I never even looked...my bad) He put oil in it....ran a few hundred yards down the road and back and was very happy with the bike. BUT...next morning the oil was all over the driveway! He said it's not the filter and seems to be further back from the oil drain plug. He hasn't got a hoist to lift it (until Sunday). Any suggestions on what it might be? I really hope it's something minor or I'll have to buy it back and have 2 parts bikes!
  20. a friend gave me some of that .....thanks anyway
  21. Bright side? Now she will be so much easier to catch!
  22. The "hockey stick" icon is your side stand warning light. Telling you the side stand is down. If you put it in gear with the side stand down it should stall. Red light should also be flashing if side stand is down. Your side stand switch could need cleaning. OR.... when you cut the windshield perhaps you caused a bunch of vibrations in the dash.....check your connections.
  23. Would be really tough to weld a butt joint. (side to side). With the T weld the corner helps hold the rod in place....with a butt joint it would wander all over the place.
  24. You realize that your little experience cost you $5.00 right? And I don't mean for the spilt soda either!!!! I mean the donation of $5.00 we all pay when we drop our bike. My first year back in the saddle cost me $15!!!!!!
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