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Everything posted by labill

  1. labill


    I tried rocking but nothing. It could be the cable. Any pics could help. Thanks all
  2. Need some help for daughters bike. 2004 VStar 1100. Has been fine until the other day. Started up, put in gear and it jumped into gear and stalled. Acts like no clutch. Can put it in neutral and will start. When I pull the clutch in there appears to be resistance. No one has touched it. Thanks, labill
  3. [ATTACH]80050[/ATTACH] Late in posting. Hope it takes. Just had V-max rear installed. Pickup this week and will try.
  4. Went with AGM. The AGM gave me 2 1/2 years service. Not to bad. Thanks to all for helping. Forgot, daughter told wife. labill
  5. Ignition gremlin did not get me. Battery showed it has juice. Went thru everything but nothing worked. Daughter cam by and said "Dad try my battery" and dad said its not battery. She insisted so took her battery out and guess what, it started. Thanks for all who helped. I guess dad doesn't always know best. labill
  6. No lights, horn anything. All fuses alright. Don't know if ignition or kill switch.
  7. Turned on key, nothing. Battery good, both fuses good. Need help. Thanks, labill
  8. Will be home in about a week and will post
  9. Steve, Purchased a Formular II from Motorvation in Sibley, IA. They attached without any problems. I took the sidecar brake. That way I can remove the sidecar without getting air in brakes. Plus the individual brake makes right turns easy. I did not extend the front end but getting use to it. Electric lean a must. Mary at Motorvation is super to deal with and sidecar quality is excellent
  10. Squidley, Sorry
  11. Squid key, That's where I start then. Fuel I will have to live with. Thanks again
  12. Just attached side car to my 2000 Venture. Needless to say power and fuel went down. Been told to change to V Max rear and pickup about 500 rpm. Has anyone increased HP in the engine? Looking for ideas. Thanks Labill
  13. Also had to give up the 2wheels. Wife couldn't handle the long rides. Decided on the Motorvation side car with its own brake. It is a new experience. I did not change the front end setup but have learned to handle with out much problem. The sidecars own brake helps greatly when turning right. Took me about 500/1000 miles to get used to. Nice thing about this unit I can remove without having to worry about air in the brakes. They are not cheap, this unit was about $10000 but worth it. Makes the wife happy. It's on a 2000 RSV. Gas mileage is shot and you use 4th gear more. But like I said, wife is happy. Labill
  14. New to this talk of the Kumo tire. I have a 2000 Ventura and just put a sidecar on. The sidecar has its own brake and I can remove it for two up. At 74 I might not do that very much, wife has problems with legs on long rides when two up. From what I read its as good as the regular MC tires. Do you think one would work on the front to help with steering. Won't rake front in case I want to ride without sidecar. Thanks, labill
  15. Thanks guys. Yes she lucked out with the ride. I like the harness attached to the center. I can do that easy. Thanks again, labill
  16. We put a sidecar on our RSV for the wife, couldn't handle the long rides anymore. We have a 10 yr old Lab and she wants to go riding so looks like the dog will win out. I have her in a harness and short lead attached but was wondering if anyone has a different setup for their dog? Dogs rule. Thanks, labill
  17. Read all the post on power with my sidecar, the Vmax rear and Dyna 3000 ignition system. What is opinion on either one? Thanks again, bill
  18. Thanks for the info. Bike has been tuned up. Has K&N filters. Appears may have been shifting to soon. However, I was concerned about constant down shifting to 4th on grades. Guess about time I try that. I did not opt for a trike so I can still use it with two up on short runs. Front not modified so I get a good work out but the sidecar brake helps out. Thanks again. Bill
  19. Read some of the posts regarding power problems. Not sure it fits mine. I have a 2000 Venture and just put on a sidecar for the wife. It weighs 225 lbs. Expected to loose some power and fuel milage. However, I went from 35/40 down to 20/25 MPG. I don't expect to go get the good MPG back but this is a hit. Going up grades on the interstates is a struggle. Have changed plugs, no wet ones when I did. Does not starve or stall out. Looking for ideas, suggestions. Thanks, Bill
  20. Steve, Thanks, going to give it a try. I need a new front tire anyway. You are right, 35 means 35. The sidecar independent brakes do help out on sharp street turns. labill
  21. I have a 2000 Venture. Just added a sidecar. Steers like a bear but do not want to change front sit up. My sidecar has its own brake so I can take it off easy for solo. Read some where that putting the same size rear tire on front will help with turning. Any suggestions? Thanks, labill
  22. Gary, Thanks. Might just remove the risers instead of removing that faring. labill
  23. I just put on 1 1/4 risers. Now I don't have any turn signals. Fuse is not blown. Throttle also is slow to return to idle when released. Horn, lights work. I tried to open up the signal, light and horn assembly to see if I pulled the wires loose. Took out the bolt in rear but can't get the cover off. Any suggestions on where to look or what to try. Thanks, labill
  24. Steve, Took some work to do that. What Motorvation did was put a bracket on the slider tube by the fender attachment. Then attached the other end to a bracket attached to the actual tube that attaches the sidecar to the bike. The brackets are all chrome and was made for the hookup. Your shock is different and looks like it is smaller, may have less pressure. Have a buddy who builds trikes so I will show to him. I rad and have been told the shock should be set at 90 degrees and some say no. Thanks for all your help. labill
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