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Everything posted by tpalshadow

  1. That is awesome, congrats!
  2. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ik0UK6r3s0]YouTube- Extreme Road Rash Fail[/ame]
  3. Unfortunately until they bring the bike into the 2000's they aren't going to move a lot of volume.
  4. I need the plastic piece that the CB and CLASS sit on, have an 89, anyone have that?
  5. Sounds like your local dealer isn't very good. I wish yours was like mine up here, they probably would have given you a new bike! I hope the new ride is good to you, my experience with that brand has been fluid everywhere.
  6. In another thread it was stated 5" down if you have Progressives. They said that was gleamed from the instructions that came with the springs.
  7. I just tore mine apart too and was a little worried about what I saw. The right side is missing the metal spacer below the oil seal (#21 on the 89 part diagram) and the left side had none of the wavy washers in it! I'm assuming this is part of the reason the right side was weeping oil. I guess it's going to take a little longer than expected to re-assemble as I will have to order some more parts! I'm hoping it will ride like a new machine when it is all said and done.
  8. Any plans to sell them? Or any plans you can put on here for us to duplicate?
  9. My only question is...how much?
  10. HID's are the way to go. Just think about how annoying they are when you come head to head with someone on the highway at night! They are bright.
  11. Their web site seems to be offline...any place I can look at the description of the one you will let go cheap (if royalstarjac doesn't want it that is)?
  12. Had anyone seen the train on the rear of my new ride? It was hand painted very nicely and cleared over. Looks like a good job from what I can tell. Just wondering if anyone had seen it in the past.
  13. Here is what mine looks like. I have the wires to the length needed and then little clips to hold them along the bottom/back (front of bike) of the trunk. I haven't had any pinching problems...
  14. Look great in the pics. Just curious, where did you get them?
  15. Yeah, I have a buddy who is looking for one for the 2nd gen. I would be interested in the one in need of recovery...pm me with some details if you don't mind!
  16. What model (links please) are you guys using? Thanks!
  17. I was just checking out a used Venture at a local dealer (rough shape) but it had some cool alternate floorboards mounted on the rails around the saddle bags. There were three different positions for each side and they even had the Venture V on them. Any ideas where I could find a pair?
  18. Thanks everyone. I'll keep holding out for someone on here possibly having an extra or trying to fab /paint my own.
  19. Thanks to EVERYONE for all the help. Even my little brain thinks it has it figured out now Looks like there are 2 on each side, would that be 4 total? Thanks!
  20. Just wondering if anyone has a part bike or something where I could get these plastic parts. Attached is a picture, I can look through the part diagrams for the numbers if it would help. Basically the plastic that the CLASS and CB sit on. 89 VR Thanks!
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