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Everything posted by tpalshadow

  1. Is it hard to adjust valves? I thought I saw somewhere you are supposed to do that before syncing carbs.
  2. Did it work, did it work?
  3. Mine too, just bought it today. Runs 0 weight full syn. Manual says only use full syn. Manual mentions nothing about break-in. Of course it isn't an American brand so it is probably better )
  4. My bike fires up every time (rarely any clutch) and idles right away at 1,000 RPM, when cold. As it warms up the idle will slowly go up to 1,500 where it will then idle there. It is obviously too fast and downshifting doesn't seem to slow the bike down enough. My question is will a carb tune clear this issue up or am I looking at a bigger problem? If I recall I set the idle before doing the tune, so should I set it when the bike is fully warmed up, then do the tune and then set the idle again? Thanks for any input.
  5. Those have Chevy motors in them right?
  6. Hey, check this out: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4MPyX0QCYw]YouTube- How to pick up your motorcycle[/ame] Someone had posted this previously but I can't find the thread. Also there are some related videos of how to pick up a goldwing and such!
  7. Just curious but why wouldn't you want to wear a helmet?
  8. Very cool app and pictures! Looks like you are having a great time! Stay safe. Anyone know if there is an app like that for Windows Mobile?
  9. Yes, I would look at running any available Windows/Microsoft updates using the Windows updater.
  10. Some of those made me sick to my stomach. Interesting that most of the bike related vids were the bike fault. A lot is made of cages not seeing bikes, but I guess it goes both ways.
  11. With that bike you are in the right generation, 1st gen! Where abouts in MN? Any issues with the recent storms?
  12. Yes, here in North Iowa it got pretty bad, but the worst of it that we heard reported was north of the border.
  13. Pulled down again and used the gun on it. Then once it was all back together (w/ oil and everything) we used the torque wrench.
  14. That's a cool idea. I bought the Kuryakyn pegs that you can adjust the extension however you want so it is mounted to the crash bar but they are out forward.
  15. I just got done replacing the seals and putting Progressives in my bike yesterday. What we did was pull down hard on the outer tube to put pressure on it and use the impact wrench. Came right off.
  16. Looks a little lonely up there!
  17. haha, Monty, when I first saw that picture I thought you were showing the logging trailer being pulled by the GW
  18. That would certainly work, I just leave my helmet and jacket on my seat when I get off the bike and have no problems when I return.
  19. Was that Polaris the XP chassis?
  20. Thanks Goose, that made me feel better! I did read one of the user posts who said it was on a plate already and had everything set up. Hopefully it is or I'll have to test their return policy. I paid for the FedEx ground shipping and the tracking number shows it is going to be delivered tomorrow!
  21. Great, now all I have to do is figure out how to use it!
  22. Sorry, forgot the link: http://www.jcwhitney.com/carburetor-synchronizer-standard-4-gauge-kit/p2004169.jcwx?skuId=234595
  23. Is there an advantage to this style vs. the guage style available stateside for around $40-50?
  24. Would this work? Could I just velcro them to a plate?
  25. Can you please let us know how the order/product goes? I really need to order one and that price looks tough to beat! (Unless someone around N. Iowa has a set they want to help me use ) Thanks!
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