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Everything posted by tpalshadow

  1. Not with Yamaha there wouldn't be.
  2. OK, just curious here, I changed the coolant a few weeks ago and have had a slight drip out of the plug under what I am assuming is the water pump (what I used to drain the coolant). I went into the local shop and ordered the gasket for it (part 13 on the attached diagram). This is a metal part with a lip on one side. Is that the right part and if so, which was does the lip go. I was expecting a rubber gasket or something to hold the fluid in! http://images.powersportsnetwork.com/fiche/images/YAMAHA/1989/Motorcycles/327_waterpump.gif
  3. What is the campground?
  4. I don't know about that. Pretty soon you won't be able to buy anything, there is always a bad dealer for any brand.
  5. Because Yamaha wants to sell some bikes and the current version is far overpriced for what you get compared to competitors. Don't want to start a war but those are facts (IMHO lol).
  6. Should know if they are doing anything in the next week or so. Probably nothing with the way the bike market has slowed down this year.
  7. Sorry, that made me chuckle!
  8. I see what you are saying, but I think that using the tubing method to ensure they are at the same level would have the same effect. I think I might pull the plastic spacers out and see how it rides. It really seems like the springs have far too much pre-load on them. It almost seems like the forks are rocking front to back rather than up and down because there is so much pressure on the springs.
  9. Right and there is 5.5" of travel so with them extended 11" should be correct...are you suggesting I should remove some oil?
  10. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=482672&postcount=8
  11. OK, I did the progressive install a few weeks ago and the ride is better than the leaky stock it had when I got it, but I think it is far too harsh. Little bumps seem to affect the ride too much and my wife said it felt like we were on a Jet-Ski! When I did the install I left the following parts above the new spring: plastic spacer from progressive, cap and cap bolt. I filled it up with oil to 11" deep with fully extended tubes. Everything is back together and working correctly, but it is far to harsh. Any suggestions on how to make it ride like I have read it should?
  12. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=48750 I just bought one about a month ago. There is some great advice on the thread above. If you decide to buy a Vent (and you should) make sure you get a membership here. It will be the best $12 you can spend on your bike. Good luck!
  13. Very cool!
  14. FJR, just got to ride a new one at our dealer...new top on my list.
  15. Fixed that for ya!
  16. Hi! That icon is for if you want to put a picture in your post that is on another website. If you are using Internet Explorer you can right click on the picture and hit properties and it should bring up a little window that shows the address (URL). If you want to add a picture from your own computer you should scroll down to the Manage Attachments button way down below where you type. That will bring up a different window that lets you add pictures to your post from your computer. Let me know if that didn't make any sense! Thanks, Todd
  17. Bought a GW, dropped us like a box of rocks.
  18. Thanks, let's not turn people away from the site. Also, thanks for being a moderator who will come out and say what is being done and why!
  19. How much does it need to cover? You could just use some of the chrome edging: http://www.jcwhitney.com/universal-chrome-edge-and-trim-molding/p2024253.jcwx?TID=8014524FT2&zmam=15972153&zmas=18&zmac=129&zmap=32975G
  20. Looks like you had a great time! Welcome back to God's country!
  21. Favorite part of your whole post!
  22. I would attend if it were occurring.
  23. I have never heard anything bad about a RAM mount. They even have waterproof boxes you can buy if needed. http://www.ram-mount.com/
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