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Everything posted by tbird71

  1. I'll have an 1800...but first I'm gonna enjoy this 11,000 mi RSV for a few. The late model GL and the Ultra are basically the only two left that I haven't owned. Goldwings are in a class by themselves, I still have and will not sell my 85 GL1200A That is the benchmark I use to measure all the others. But I do like this 01 RSV! Ride safe, Herb
  2. Thought you guys would like to see my old 81 Venturer...this is the way I got it. Someone removed all the Pacifico touring but left the stock seat. The old "Excess" 1100s...what a ride. http://www.timemachinewatch.com/buy/venturer81.JPG What I like about Yamaha in general is they don't change much from year to year for the most part. Except for paint, my 2001 is basically the same as a 10. That helps Yamaha with tooling costs, as well as the riders who can get an 8-9 year old bike that is still current. Ride Safe!
  3. Well, I'm 5'7 1/2" and a 30 inseam, the RS was fine, if we weren't taking this big trip I'd be keeping it, but what the hey...been wanting to try out the venture for awhile now may as well put some miles on one. The deal on the 01 with only 11K that I got was a factor too...they treated me right. As I said in the first post, I had to sell that humongous GL1500 smooth as they come, but do NOT get it into a rocked parking lot!! Just too big...I had a Road King and it's not a small bike but it was like a Rupp mini bike after getting off the Wing! I'll check all the points mentioned, (shock, cowling lowers and trunk tabs) and let you guys know my riding impressions. I'm kinda used to higher seats, just finished up this one below..it has one of the highest seats, but pretty good ground clearance...LOL http://www.timemachinewatch.com/wweek/p21b.JPG http://www.timemachinewatch.com/wweek/p21e.JPG
  4. I'll check the shocks and the cowling vents, all I did was put some money down to hold, I plan to take it out 15-20 miles, with a used bike they won't have a problem with that. If the rear shock isn't leaking, I'll assume it's fine. One last ??....Does anybody know about when the shock is prone to leakage? Is it years or miles? This bike has 11,200 actual on it so it's barely broken in, but still almost 10 years old.
  5. Hi Everybody; Just traded my 96 Royal Star for an 01 bagger: Old guy owned 11K mi example...sweet Picking it up tomorrow Couple ??...I've owned most of the touring models: 83 Venture 78-91 GW Voyager Just about everything except an HD and this RSV Couple questions you experts can answer: 1. How topheavy is it? Surely not as bulbous as my 91 Aspencade! (That thing was like trying to mount an elephant and was absolutely scary in a parking lot with rocks...I kept my 85 Aspencade and was glad I did...still have it) 2. I read some threads on here saying there was a difference between the 01-07 models? I thought after 01 they stayed pretty much the same? 3. Were the WW tires original to some of these, or aftermarket... 4. What about the clutch basket recall...was this model affected and should I have dealer fix before taking delivery? We're going to Savannah next month, might as well go in style with the best (if it's anything like my Royal Star...I like Yamaha quality!) Thanks, Guys! Ride Safe!! http://www.timemachinewatch.com/buy/rsv01.jpg
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