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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Rob, yes I have a bunch of pics on a drive somewhere LOL, now are you taking the body off or not? I think I am the only one that did it so far with the body on, (cuz I am crazy that way) :-) I am here to help you through it of you need me just call when you get stuck LOL , in the mean time remind me to look for the photos. however Jim will send you the instructions with pics in it and even some of my pics. I kind of guided him since I was the first outside/ not dealer to install this. the photos and instructions she be better now. anyways I am just a call away when your stuck and it will be 60% easier to remove the body. Good Luck ! Jeff
  2. Ditto on WAY HAPPY! with mine, best ever !!!
  3. Cougar

    New Site

    nice to have the photos open now (in one click), been two years since I could do that unless I opened and closed them once. thanks
  4. Ummm they gray might just work for me... thanks Don
  5. whooo, yes the RED sucks.. sorry. very bad on these old eyes.
  6. Fleetwood Mac are all back on tour , (original folks) just saying
  7. Got rid of all my gas saws, this is the BEST saw I have ever owned! Mo more mess, cuts just like the big boys / read the reviews. never going back to a gas saw. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000LFL152/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1]Amazon.com : Makita UC3530A Commercial Grade 14-Inch 15 amp Electric Chain Saw with Tool-Less Blade And Chain Adjustments : Power Chain Saws : Patio, Lawn & Garden@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41fOFwolH0L.@@AMEPARAM@@41fOFwolH0L[/ame] Make sure you get the correct 100 foot cord for it. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BQM06U/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1]Yellow Jacket 2885 12/3 Heavy-Duty 15-Amp SJTW Contractor Extension Cord with Lighted Ends, 100-Feet - - Amazon.com@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513xH8iVPQL.@@AMEPARAM@@513xH8iVPQL[/ame] Power Outage? no problem, I just plug it into my generator ! :-) Good luck ! Jeff
  8. Lowes will have them
  9. Mine also has the works, comes in handy
  10. Yup, I gots one to about a year ago. works pretty darn good.
  11. Correct http://www.venturerider.org/clutchupgrade/image021.jpg
  12. I guess the Toyota has a steering wheel
  13. Toyota is also starting this concept as well soon I think. pretty cool.
  14. Call SkyDoc and get the newer High Output MOSSFET Reg. for that new Stator.
  15. send one of your saddle bags to Hannigan for color match if you can :-) it will come back in the trike kit. when they deliver it.
  16. More like 8 to 12 weeks if it will be even done by then The worst part is the last 2 weeks congrats on the new adventure !!! Keep us posted ! Jeff
  17. The F4 tint is about DOUBLE the tinting on the screen. (from the clearviews tint ver.) Keep this in mind when riding at night. I ride to work in the early AM and I do notice the difference. I ride more in the daylight and I like the darker tint myself. make for less reflection from the tank area. Don , do you have my old clearview I forget easy these days
  18. YUP your are correct... need at lest a couple hundred miles then all is good . I will never go back to two wheels .
  19. I have one. the pics of the TINT are from my ride on the F4 site. I have had 3 vented screens in the past. I do NOT on this one. I saw no use for them except to let in hot air and lots of bugs. I am very happy now that I do not have a vent. good luck on what you decide. Jeff
  20. I have had 3 Clearviews and now I am VERY happy with the F4. I will stick with the F4 from now on :-) I like the features that F4 Has in there design as well. Cleaning, water shed property's, etc. However the F4 will cost more. The clearview is also a good product as well.
  21. Well, did we ever try one yet? . . . Also what is a REAL REVERSE ?
  22. Call Jim, they will make it right for you.
  23. When upgrading to lets say Barnett clutch disk there are no disc alignment marks, when I removed my OEM disks the disc alignment marks were all over the place. that was from the factory as well.
  24. I would but that part on the one has disappeared a while back think the wife tossed it..... I will just order another cup with the lid. thanks for your help!
  25. OH OH OH looky here http://www.highwave.com/product-p/topjoemo-tc.htm
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