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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Well, I was able to get in there with a punch and I was able to turn it about 3/4 of a inch, got it all back together and it's still doing the same thing. shake at 70 mph. So I am now thinking its not the head bearing, and maybe a balance problem. I did have to drill the hole larger to be able to do this adjustment. This is a nice talk LOL.
  2. Do you have crowned roads? If so try 26 in the left rear and 28 in the right rear. This is just a starting point adjust as you see fit. Good Luck! Jeff
  3. Any of you folks ever tried to tighten the nuts on a Hannigan through them small holes ? I got the top nut loose but cant seem to get the two nuts inside there to turn with a hammer and screw driver ... any thing special I gatta do to make this work ? wish they would have made the holes larger. Thanks, Jeff
  4. Lol (((( there he is))) lol
  5. I have been playing with it for about 1 hour, there is a new internet explorer browser but you can still use your original as well. all my books are there as well. so far I am loving it. I even had the same desk top when fully loaded. you just have to play a bit and figure out a few things but otherwise I was terrified like you LOL not going back to 7 so far.
  6. Well, I am Impressed, I think they finely did it. Windows 10 is awesome . Windows 8.1 sucked. Loved 7, but 10 is a nice platform and I didn't loose anything with the free upgrade from 7. I think they took XP and 7 and made something good LOL Extremely fast as well. Anyways I am sure there will be the bashers soon enough :-) we already know how much you love your mac. and windows sucks. LOL AND ITS FREE !!! Only one problem is when I tried typing in this box I couldn't until I clicked something down below. The title typed just fine. Jeff
  7. Trying to delete a post. Ummm
  8. They wont charge you a dime.
  9. Are you bleeding the RIGHT rear FIRST ?
  10. Got to Ride one ? I thought we had ordered this about 3 months ago? what's up ?
  11. thanks guys !
  12. oh oh oh,, as soon as I posted I think I might have found one LOL of course http://www.ebay.com/itm/Emgo-Universal-Brake-Light-Switch-Rear-Stop-Spring-Pull-Motorcycle-New-K-S-/301366457630
  13. OK guys, I am trying to search will no luck, for a small type 12 volt switch that has a spring on one end and when the spring is pulled the switch will make contact. I will keep searching maybe I am typing the wrong words in. ( just for another project :-) Thanks Jeff
  14. my book was only about 3 months old on my Surface. Used it just fine a couple days ago.
  15. it would get triked right away silly
  16. That's about 60 miles from my home I better get a ticket :-)
  17. Had to make a new desktop today so I could enter the site . not sure if that was from your coding or not says it was a dead page when I clicked to old one.
  18. SilvrT posted all the correct stuff, go for it you will enjoy the mod :-)
  19. *oops* more chrome
  20. Eck, why the they call it a pair of jeans when you only get one ?
  21. The major diff is that some of them make your ears BLEED... yup. really bad.
  22. most likely didn't like the "Whine"
  23. I had to whack down quite a bit on my hitch as well. glad you got it all done ! you will love it.
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