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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. OK well good point you have there. I will still win though !! Will send funds soon
  2. I really Don't know Kevin. lets see when we are there who's it would look better on Mike I figure If I wait my name should be right on top in the drawing
  3. See you Sunday for tickets then
  4. Yup, both car and truck outside Venture in the warm garage !! oh and I clean the snow off wifes car and start it for her
  5. I was wondering can one buy tickets there before Wednesday for this
  6. Mike will do it !! no problem
  7. Oh good , So you can just bring my new trailer to me then
  8. Happy Birthday old boy !!
  9. No clutch slip for me has well
  10. 15-40 Rotella Dino, 8 oz of STP and 1 OZ of Moterkote. It has been wonderful for my ears and piece of mind this past year. Makes me Happy !!
  11. Dan, you maybe right. As long as I do not go through the front door I am safe. It's kinda like a fly trap. no getting out once your in !!!
  12. that was me !!
  13. I hate Walmart as well I go into the BACK Auto shop door turn left , get oil, pay for it at the counter in back walk out in less then 7 Min's flat !
  14. I just picked up the Dino for 12 bucks at Walmart yesterday and the T6 was like 16 or so. Loving the Dino though
  15. Kevin you are so correct
  16. Kevin, I know that ONE has crashed as the parts for it are on Pinwall now.
  17. That's if you like Yellow !!
  18. When I was younger I had a shoie (sp?) full face and went down at 65 mph arched my back and when all said and done with holes in my side and shoulders. The Helmet had a baseball size hole in the back of the helmet from sliding on it so far. the ER DOC said oh boy your one of the LUCKY one's !!
  19. Let do IOWA Ride on Tuesday morning. so I can keep going back home .
  20. My Job is DONE !!
  21. AL EMAIL MIKE...
  22. wonder why so long? All my parts went away FAST through here and the rest on eBay...All in a wekk or so. GOOD LUCK! and YES Mike needs all your parts ASAP
  23. Here ya go http://www.bikersrights.com/states/50state.html
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