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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Friend of mine found one of these and got it for $700 http://www.microlitetrailer.com/MLThome4.htm Score notice what it is hooked up to.
  2. YES I receive and make calls through my Zumo 550. it will even show your contacts list in the Zumo as well. my phone stays in the trunk.
  3. Yes I have, I use the BuddyRich cable and bluetooth it. works very well. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15370
  4. Hang in there and get well soon! no chasing the nurses !!
  5. NOTE : this thread is 6 years old. HOWEVER Freebird has another link that there available now. :-) HERE YA GO !! , He did an edit on this link if this helps http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=155829#post155829
  6. Love it !! yes, I would pull it as well with my Trike. so you need to sell it to me
  7. Here is what I did for the wife a few years back she loves it so she can stretch her legs out. this can only be done on a trike though. [ATTACH]75286[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]75287[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]75288[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]75289[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]75290[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]75291[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]75292[/ATTACH]
  8. Here ya go http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3921&title=-26quot-3bbutler-built-26quot-3b-rsv-seat-thumb-nuts26amp-3b-rear-seat-thumb-bolts&cat=25 They work awesome ! Jeff
  9. AND http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=74787&highlight=twinkies
  10. Chuck AKA (Slowrollwv) makes them and also the carb covers as well I am very happy with his work.
  11. air filter covers:scratchchin:, YES WE DO !!! great suggestion.. maybe this will happen soon Somthing to just cover the fronts.
  12. Yup, the first few time when this started for me it was driving me crazy then I said heck with this and turned the bike off open the cap and BAM all the vacuum sound come out. then made it home fine with out the cap. I just un-locked it and let it sit there. Good Luck! Jeff
  13. Try one more thing.. take the fuel cap off and ride it . I had a clogged vent line and the bike ran like crap. after pressure build up Yes all this stuff has happened to me lest these are simple things to try first. Jeff AND THEN http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7830
  14. I just remembered about 4 years ago , after getting above 3rd gear , it would stop producing the power range. could not go over 60 mph. come to find out I had a bad left rear coil. Good luck on what you find. Jeff
  15. Ran for 45 Min's at idle? fouled plugs maybe. have you pulled a couple yet to take a look ?
  16. Kevin. I added the lights right under the side lip of the tank on each side. you can't see them when you have them off. perfect spot. Nice looking Bling ! Now all you need is a set of Twinkies ! Jeff
  17. Dale,,, Here... http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3738&title=butt-butler-seat-mod&cat=25
  18. Yup, going on 4 years with our two seats LOVE HIS WORK DALE, I am betting he can just email him.
  19. that depth long enough
  20. It fit just fine for me.
  21. Yup we need a poll to see what time we all sleep. might be kind of interesting
  22. no no no that's way to early I said 3:30 AM
  23. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13263
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