Just figure out maybe try it and see how you like it, its cheap enough to do that with
I am down in a valley and I am about 70 miles or so away from ANY broadcast towers
I only get 8 channel's
If you have lots of high winds and snow and other bad weather YES look into that type
the one above is not very strong at all. I am just experimenting to see how long mine last. so far so good. only been a month or so .
I just got done looking for the grease (zert?) and it took 12 pumps of the grease
gun to fill the U Joint. So some of you might want to look into that
as well. Keep in mind I am at 5 years on my trike. so keep an eye out for that
as well in your trikes future years.
OR check -- put a grease gun on it and see if its full maybe.
I just got this a few weeks ago (like you posted) and it works just fine it already has a rotor built in it and a amp.
I am using it for the guest home
good luck.
This is from a 5 year old Hannigan Build.
Really am not sure why you don't have that brace. very odd.
that brace is welded to the frame. mine was not built by The Hannigan shop.
ask Jim Gooch
Yup, your talking about losing the bolts next to the cruise control
censor, mine are the same , they un-bolted very easy for me.
my next post will show my pic as mine is up in the air right now
I will go out and take a shot for you.
well mine where the U-Joint bolts that seemed to un-bolt very easy
you couldn't undo them by hand. but if there supposed to be at 100 FT LBS
I would think they would be kind of hard to wrench .
I was also thinking the same thing as well. those bolts are so small.
I don't want to break the head off of the bolt.
We are talking about the 4 bolts that have the ridges on them correct ?
I am also thinking of using medium Loctite on those bolts as well when
I add the reverse gear. having that yoke going back and forth could cause
more movement on those bolts maybe?
The Torque is 100 Foot Pounds on those bolts, I just ask Jim about this last week
as I am under there getting ready to add the reverse. I took a wrench and I couldn't
believe how easy it was to undo the bolts, it has been five years now. but why so loose?
Anyways I am going to be checking them every year now. and all 4 bolts are still there.
No regrets the last 5 years. the only regret you will have is how to
remove that HUGE smile off your face after you do this.
I will never go back.
Good Luck!
Bob, it's kinda like saying are the foot fairings $1400.00 nice?
I might also do that now as well in a couple years if I had a revese
didnt want them before as I needed to put my feet down to move it.
oh and thats $1,153.00
Kid this is a post from Veritas from Trike Talk.. He works for Hannigan
The Retro-Fit of the Reverse Assembly will not require ANY cutting or welding no matter when the HMS Yamaha Trike was built and/or converted.
Here is page two of this talk
Jim will just refer you to John for more details about the cost . I have no clue about another shop installing I do know that it is $195 from a fresh build. most shops
will charge you shop time at $75 or more per hour , also they might want to remove the
body as well. I am going to try and see if I can do it with out removing it. if so removing
the body is very simple.
As of right now the cost is $1095 and $58 shipping
Good luck and keep us posted :-)
I am going to so as much as I can to help the next person do this install in the future.
John has told me that the install looks very simple to do as well. we will see !