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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Thanks! Jeff
  2. So it is just for the Rider to talk? Can the passenger talk as well? Thanks, Jeff Michael , I will look into that a bit more Thanks! Jeff
  3. And the cables are long enough to run into the fairing? and not having to plug the into the AUX Port in the front of the cassette player?
  4. That would be wonderful if you can do that for me! YES> I am only using the AUX .. so how does this work? I can still hear my turn by turn and MP3 through the external speakers then if I get a call I can switch over to headset to hear/and talk on the phone this is right? also can my wife be able to call or hear as well? Do I need anything else beside your cable? I also hope you have some pictures as well PM me your Pal-Pal account and I will send it today so I do not have to worry about it later. Thanks so much! Jeff
  5. I finely got my new Zumo 550. I must say it is one of the best toys I have ever had. (very fun)! I have been trying to do searches here on cell-sets to run off the Zumo. Looks like the Kennedy is kind of a hard to install device and there are problem? Not sure if Buddy got his working right or not yet. I would like some links to place's so my wife and I both can receive calls through our J&M Headsets I also received an 8 GIG SDHC card for all my MP3's They are only $65.00 now. and it works perfect after the FAT32 Format! (made by Tansend) Did I say I loved my new Zumo? Thanks for any help! Jeff
  6. Today it is $647.40 mayeb I can get money back. *lol*
  7. Got it here... http://www.pcnation.com/web/details.asp?item=6G0330 Jeff
  8. We have had to replace our Clarion Radio/Cd Player in our SUV 3 times already! I thought the Clarion Name was a high standard in the day? Ummmm Jeff
  9. Decided to go with the 550 @ PC Nation for $652.40 with free shipping! Yippy Skippy! I also ordered a 8 gig SD card as well. SO exciting! Thanks for all your help. Jeff
  10. What fast service. THANKS GUYS! looks like the 550 is more blue-tooth and XM ready. (don't really care for the blue-tooth. and I have done the XM) now IPOD! But the other feature that the 550 has over the 450 is that it will say the Street Name instead of turn in 500 feet. (I Like that part! Anyways Thanks so much for ALL of your input! LOOK HERE... ( oohh my is this right for the 550? ) http://www.onsale.com/shop/detail~dpno~7126781~descr~Garmin+International-zumo+550+Rugged+Motorcycle+GPS+Navigator.aspx (good price?_ what am I missing?) all I need is the Unit. I do not need anymore maps or whatever right? Thanks, Jeff
  11. Can you folks tell me the difference between the Zumo 450 and the Zumo 550? Besides the $500.00 difference? Also , I just want a great GPS with all the maps easy to use and TALKS! I have been using an old Street-Pilot for the past couple years now. but It is such a hassle to always have to Map stuff via computer. Thanks for any input! I was looking at this, http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Gamin-Zumo-450-Motorcycle-GPS-Navigator/2261924/product.html Jeff
  12. Thanks for the link Gene, What model on that page does all that you say it does in the above post. (some are out of stock now ) Thanks, Jeff
  13. Where did you get this Item? Thanks, Jeff
  14. And why do we need 4 relays and isolators for the trailers? I have had no problems at all with my just my converter hooked up and running all my trailer lights. and I mean Lots of them as well. (about 2 years now i guess) I was just wondering. Thanks, Jeff
  15. Gunna do my swap this winter when I am not riding. Yep! It is just what my bike needs!
  16. Thanks for the tip!
  17. And I always have wondered WHY??? not ALL are the same? I know there is straight cut gears ect.. but why do some NOT make the noise? I guess over the years I got used to how wonderfully Quite the Honda's have been.
  18. I have also wondered that before myself, I am sure folks can here us coming from miles away.. I still am trying to keep my hopes up of maybe another fix. but with a almost 8 year old bike It is not looking very good. Jeff
  19. They worked with me for over a year on my issue with my Annoying Clutch basket sound. they even took apart the rear and had all the parts measured , after 5 clutch basket changes all the Rep/Sales/Owner and My Mechanic could do was shake there head. Sorry, that is all we can do for you at this point. Or trade the bike (almost did) in on a different one or go with the gold-wing I was looking at. My heart has been into this bike and doing so many add-on's with the help of all you folks made me keep her. heads always turn when they see our Tan Millennium. My Wife and I love how comfortable it rides and she loves the bike very much, it would be real hard to part with it at this point. Like I have said in other post , there IS a range (RPM) that the sound will go away. Having the TACH really helps in this case. Most of the time now I look at the tach for my right speed. then I can enjoy our ride. Good luck with all your law suits ect.. Short story long. Yamaha DID HELP and worked with me for over a year on this same issue. I did how ever have to go to another dealer, the first one said (nature of the beast) so I left and never looked back. Come to find out when the dealers do they basket changes they only get paid for half there shop time from Yamaha. Jeff
  20. For the past 3 months I have been riding in 4th Gear as well. (lets say I haven't used 5th at all in that time) No difference in fuel mileage for me. It also eliminates the whine/chirp running at 3200 RPM and above. It sounds like a great mod Don. I guess that will be my next project too!. Take lots of pictures for me *lol* Jeff
  21. Utopia Backrest
  22. I just went through all that a couple months ago... Same thing- the bike would die out. Take the plastic cover off the tank and find a hose and put it over the vent tube and try to blow into it. My Vent from the tank (the metal part was rusted closed) I even changed out my roll-over valve as well. that was not the problem though. If you blow into the vent hose and the line is clear then your valve is OK. I ended up having to straighten out my metal vent tube and drill a very small hole through it. everything is A-OK now. I also have a 2000 RSV The roll-over valve will be located right next to your filter. good luck! Jeff ---------- just a side note... I tried Everything the un-plug that vent. (before having the bend it upright) A one foot long hose full of sea-foam sitting for a week attached to the vent. A Piano Wire to try and clear out the vent. (the bend is to much for the wire to turn) I was so afraid of the vent breaking off, but I took my time and it went straight and I was able to drill a 1/16 hole all the way through it. and was able to curve it back! (filled my tank FULL to the top with fuel added WD 40 into vent and drilled VERY SLOW) I did not want to blow-up!
  23. when some of these bikes are put together in the shop the guys put the CB Ant. on the wrong side of the bike. just a thought. Jeff
  24. Ride in 4th gear about 3200 rpm (60 to 68) the whine will go away... (5th gear-- 68 to whatever) I hardly ever ride in 5th anymore. I have noticed that my mileage has Hardly dropped as well. I also have tried ALL diff wights of oils even have added Lucas. nothing has helped. Just my 2 cents ... I have been fighting this problem for over 2 years now. I think I now can enjoy my riding now.. if i let the bike whine and we have our intercom on we hear it even louder. Jeff
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