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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. I just reformatted my hard drive and lost the Zumo Forum link.. Can somebody copy/paste it here for me? Thanks Much! Jeff
  2. Sheesh, the Zumo has dropped $75.00 in about 5 weeks. http://buyeretail.com/product.asp?i=GARZUMO550 $595.00 now. Another thing I found out today was that the Zumo will only hold 1000 songs in it.. so there probably is not a need for an 8 gig card like I got. Jeff
  3. Yes I was the same way last year on my thinking that Kit has.. I have tried and tried. differant oils and additives. but finely gave up it cost me a arm and a leg to try all this and nothing improved it. I REALLY hope that Kit can come up with somthing. I am defeantley keeping and Eye on this thread. Like Kit. I love this bike and have learned to just stay at the right RPM's for NO SOUND at all. I finely got it figured out but adding a $50.00 Tech! I also am going the do the rear end higher rpm thing this winter. and my RPMs for the speeds I like to ride at will be perfect ! Thanks Kit for looking into this matter more. I also think that some bikes are extremly load in this matter as you stated. Have a great day! Jeff
  4. How heavy and slick is Lucus Oil (additive)? I tried that stuff last year and it did nothing for the whine in my basket.
  5. Thanks Guys!
  6. Yes there is... There is a Tech How to: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3905 Jeff
  7. Yes there is... There is a Tech How to: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3905 Jeff
  8. There is no plugging into a "Y" Connector with Buddy's Cable.
  9. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=15303 I hope it helps some of you. Jeff
  10. I Just received the Buddyrich cable last week and had some time today to install it. I like some of you need pictures and and maybe how too Instructions. # 1 Remove Fairing # 2 Looking from the front of the bike on the left you will see this cluster of color connectors (Lift the RED Connector up a bit and un-plug it. # 3 I put a little DIELECTRIC grease in the cables # 4 Now take the BuddyRich Cable and plug it into each of the bikes corresponding cables. # 5 This is what it looks like after the New Cable is plugged in. # 6 Take some Black Electrical Tape and wrap them up to help water proof them. # 7 Run the Small wire from the BuddyRich Cable through your fairing up the (MICROPHONE IN-PORT) on the Zumo Cradle # 8 Turn Zumo on and make it find your Cell Phone.. (TEST IT) Plug your helmet into your bike connector like always then have your Radio System on AUX switch to headset and make your call. I also Ran my Other 3.5 Connector in the AUX Port on the Zumo Cradle For my Loaded MP3 Music that I play from my Zumo. My Findings Were More then I Expected. The set-up worked perfect. I first called my Daughter from the bike with my helmet on from the garage. she could her me perfect and I could here her perfect as well. Then I Had my Wife come out and put her helmet on she could hear the call being made and My Daughter talking to me. My wife could not talk to our Daughter. But she could tell me what to say to her from helmet to helmet. Also , with the Zumo's MP3's Playing it will Mute it when the call is being made or coming in. I also was able to have the speakers on the bike on (not the H/S) and hear and talk to my Daughter. So for the price this set-up works PERFECT! Thanks Buddy for taking the time and making these cables for us. (Buddy make sure you add anything else I Forgot before Don puts this into the TECH Files.) I Hope this helps some of you folks. (not sure why these two photos are at the bottom of this page) Jeff
  11. I Just received the Buddyrich cable last week and had some time today to install it. I like some of you need pictures and and maybe how too Instructions. # 1 Remove Fairing # 2 Looking from the front of the bike on the left you will see this cluster of color connectors (Lift the RED Connector up a bit and un-plug it. # 3 I put a little DIELECTRIC grease in the cables # 4 Now take the BuddyRich Cable and plug it into each of the bikes corresponding cables. # 5 This is what it looks like after the New Cable is plugged in. # 6 Take some Black Electrical Tape and wrap them up to help water proof them. # 7 Run the Small wire from the BuddyRich Cable through your fairing up the (MICROPHONE IN-PORT) on the Zumo Cradle # 8 Turn Zumo on and make it find your Cell Phone.. (TEST IT) Plug your helmet into your bike connector like always then have your Radio System on AUX switch to headset and make your call. I also Ran my Other 3.5 Connector in the AUX Port on the Zumo Cradle For my Loaded MP3 Music that I play from my Zumo. My Findings Were More then I Expected. The set-up worked perfect. I first called my Daughter from the bike with my helmet on from the garage. she could her me perfect and I could here her perfect as well. Then I Had my Wife come out and put her helmet on she could hear the call being made and My Daughter talking to me. My wife could not talk to our Daughter. But she could tell me what to say to her from helmet to helmet. Also , with the Zumo's MP3's Playing it will Mute it when the call is being made or coming in. I also was able to have the speakers on the bike on (not the H/S) and hear and talk to my Daughter. So for the price this set-up works PERFECT! Thanks Buddy for taking the time and making these cables for us. (Buddy make sure you add anything else I Forgot before Don puts this into the TECH Files.) I Hope this helps some of you folks. (not sure why these two photos are at the bottom of this page) --1/12/12 -- NOTE:: I have noticed that the 3.5 connector will fail after a year or so , so I have been going with the (GOLD PLATED ENDS) they seem to last longer from all the vibration going on. Jeff
  12. THANKS MUCH! you da man! I can't wait Jeff
  13. Just switch over to head-set on your radio control on the bike. You have to have the Zumo plugged into Aux . Buddy makes a cable for this if you want cell-phone as well. my cable is on the way (right buddy?) Jeff
  14. Yeppers , Works PERFECT!~ Just make sure you format FAT32 !! Jeff
  15. This is my bike in this article.. removing the rear tire the front tire is very simple. I had them both removed at the same time when the bike was on this lift. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=515 Jeff
  16. :080402gudl_prv:TAKE PICTURES PLEASE!!!
  17. Thought I would be the First!! :rotf:na na boo boo Thanks Don for adding this Folder for us. FYI http://buyeretail.com/product.asp?i=GARZUMO550 I sure love my Zumo! There is also another price drop on the 8 gig SD Cards This card works great in our Camera and Zumo. (got two of them) Manufactured by TRANSCEND http://www.mwave.com/mwave/Skusearch...iteria=BA23821 This card is $63.00 now was $79 last month. Hope this helps someone! Jeff
  18. Your Darn Right Sir... Let me know Hey, I understand Don (Freebird) Just added a new folder for GPS/ Computer Ect... For us now , So we can post all this stuff there now. Jeff
  19. I just Moved this Post the the new GPS /Audio/ Electronics. Folder. Maybe a Moderator can delete this one? Thanks FYI http://buyeretail.com/product.asp?i=GARZUMO550 I sure love my Zumo! There is also another price drop on the 8 gig SD Cards This card works great in our Camera and Zumo. (got two of them) Manufactured by TRANSCEND http://www.mwave.com/mwave/Skusearch.hmx?scriteria=BA23821 This card is $63.00 now was $79 last month. Hope this helps someone! Jeff
  20. Yeah, it is a 4 stroker.. I Posted right after I road it "Illegally" *oops* up and down the road for about 15 Min's.. then I shut it off posted here then went out to dinner about 1.5 hours ago. I just got back fired her up again and no smoke.. ummm I think your right. maybe there was a stuck ring! (hope all is well with you and yours Don) Jeff
  21. I picked this little bike up last week from a garage sale for $50.00, It has not ran for over 13 years. I changed the Oil, Plug and cleaned the tank out a bit. Got a new battery and cleaned the carb. and what do you know. she fired right up. My Question is when a bike sits that long is it normal for it to smoke for a while out of the muffler? (think i got a bad ring?) Valves?) My wife and I love going on the back roads here in Iowa but haven't since we bought the RSV.. I just don't like being on gravel roads with the much wight under me. Thanks, Jeff
  22. fixed my 2KMM Also, Mine had Bridgestone Tires.. Most 2k's came with them, get rid of them.. I switched to Michelin Commanders.. All the difference in the world. Good Luck! Jeff
  23. Yes I think I will give buddys a try first. I really think that is all I need for now.. and anything I have set-up on the bike is ran through the AUX on the bike I never listion to the Bikes Radio anyways! This darn Zumo is a gas to play with tho! Jeff
  24. Thanks much for the update Dennis. I think that will be ok... So I take it that when the call comes in--- switch over to head-set and My wife and I can hear. and I can talk back into my mic, If I am understanding this correctly, I guess if my wife can hear she can just tell me what to say ! she always does anyways! Or she aways tells me what to do? *BWG* Jeff
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