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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. For you Mobil - 1 Qt, Synthetic Oil Users I see that Napa is having a sale on it for $5.99 a QT. http://www.napaonline.com/Catalog/Result.aspx?N=0&Ntk=P_Promotion&Ntt=September%20Mobil%20Oil%20Special&utm_source=NAPA_MIDMID&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=9_3_2013_VA&mobile=off&cid=email-9_3_2013_VA-Mobil1_synthetic Hope this helps some of you. Jeff
  2. One was from from a 2008 and the other was from a 2006 I believe. the miles were around 9K and 17 K I have 25 K on my trike and still no issues, However I run a AUX tank with a second pump and I could run off that one if my OEM ever crapped out one day, I still keep the OEM back-up in the trunk just in case. I have a switch to run the tanks independent of each other.
  3. I have already bought two OEM pumps from pinwall for about 40 bucks each, both test out great, I keep one in the trunk, my original oem has not failed me YET Both pumps came out of newer Ventures. So far I have never used ethanol in my tank. Try the small air ports for the good stuff only 120 octane though.
  4. I switch mine out about 6 years ago and I Believe the above is correct, matter of fact Mike (eusa1) told me the size way back when, he should chime in soon .
  5. Called AFX today and talked to them direct, they say that RevZilla with have my my 2XL in about six weeks in the color I want. that's OK as I have my old one still Did learn something I did notice that the side fit was great in the XL and told the lady I was talking to. she says with the 2XL being that the front and rear of my egg head will fit, she says now order the cheek pads in a XL as the smaller you go on the cheek pads the thicker they are. (great tip) The part number is 0134-1219 for XL Found some on Amazon for the FX-50 for $13 with free shipping. Now to wait for the new helmet :-) So far two returns and it was all a great experience, money credit back with in 5 days from sending back, not bad. no hassle's See you in 6 weeks !
  6. So far no new helmet The XL does not fit my head as well. returning today (2nd one) Waiting for the 2XL to be in stock. (silver) So far I have tried the Large, Extra Large. no go. Wife is happy though with hers.
  7. :clap2:plan on 5 to 6 weeks and the last 2 weeks will be the longest of your life then another year to get the etched on GRIN off your face. CONGRATS !! POST PICS !!
  8. Welcome Hawkdragon.
  9. :sign yeah that:Hannigan had a little to do with it as well
  10. My review so far.... Took 5 days ( Friday to Friday ) Received both helmets today wife's fit perfect and mine fits like a small , my head is 23 inches purchased a large ( 23 5/8 to 24) above what it says.... no go.... so I called and RevZilla and the best part is the folks there are so wonderful and helpful. I even told him that he is WAY to nice. and I am not used to customer service like there's in a really long time. Anyways, they sent me a UPS return label and my XL (24 3/8 to 24 13/16 is now on the way. Even though the site says not to buy multiple helmets for the intent on returning one of them but he suggested it to me. Now there will be some figuring out on the head sets as there is only a half pocket so I will have to carve I am sure of it. and do I little mod here and there. this has been like this with any helmet we have owned so far. Will let you know when I get mine and how the heads sets installed. The Quality is pretty darn good on these helmets, LOVE the slide down sun shield and you can also remove the pointy thing in front if you want still undecided on that for now. They are also lighter then the past helmets as well. DOT FMVSS #218 Jeff
  11. I am thinking if you remove the antifreeze over flow tank you can get the squirrel in there.
  12. Tom----- please read all of the post above this one, then your set
  13. There are like 12 pair on this site for your bike I have used them and they work fine. http://www.ebay.com/itm/99-Yamaha-Venture-Royal-Star-XVZ1300-COILS-COIL-/190637554999?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item2c62e23d37 http://www.ebay.com/itm/01-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-XVZ1300-COILS-COIL/130823146091?rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D17214%26meid%3D594446880133081794%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D8039%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D190637554999%26 99- to 2013 will work Good Luck ! Jeff
  14. Just did this myself. and yes the CB ant is tunable. I had to raise mine about a 1/8 inch and man it really picks up now. I had added a new wire and then went to radio shack and paid $29 for the SWR meter or maybe it was $39 Anyways it is very simple to use. even my Chihuahua can do it. That old boy tx2sturgis helped me out a bit as well From what I understand firesticks are tunable as I looked into them as well last year.
  15. 2005 Midnight Venture Pinwall will have some
  16. I found this really old post from 5 years ago. I remember reading it and almost bought a set. Now it is my turn I guess , looking into the Costco Premiums digital BTE with Blue tooth. and the 360 deg hearing now days two sell for $2,000.00 maybe we can get this thread updated now :-) from reading I think they have come a long way since 5 years ago. Please add any new info you can for the update Thanks, Jeff
  17. Same here until I found out that one day that this scum bucket renter I had that never paid rent to me got a lawyer from united way to sue me for trying to kick them out. and I was supporting that. NOT ANY MORE ! They lost the case anyway. Then they decided to destroy my property and left . and that's my 2 cents.
  18. But he will have all that speed and power he wants -- Just kidding around with you . I hated this part when I looked into this 6 years ago. Craig, this will drive you crazy for weeks, so what YOU need to do is ride both Trikes to see what fits you in the right way. My only option at the time was to try a GW trike . And there where no Hannigan RSV's around at that time. I think the worst part is all the waiting until it is finished Like I said I did not feel of the GW trike. some do some don't. Feel free to call me if you need to. Jeff
  19. I have two LEDs on my tank pod if I flip the switches to OFF for my running and head light to tell me if I forgot to turn them back on or not. not sure if it would tell me if it burnt out or not though. I always flip the switches to off if I am working on something that I have to turn the key on for, so the headlight don't drain my battery so fast.
  20. They do NOT do the 1st gen
  21. Nemo did bring up a great point. it reminded me back when I was having my trike done at my dealer the owner let me ride his GW Trike. All I could remember it seemed to have a bit more power almost like a crotch rocket. but the one thing that comes to mind is the foot placement I hated it from the get go on the GW. It was very uncomphy for me.
  22. Remember what ever you decide on GW, RSV , HD Hannigan will make it for all three and even others. Hannigan will be the only rear that has the 5 foot wheel base as well . I don't ride fast anymore , I have no problem passing others. I have had my trike up to about 90 I would say. not sure if it will do 100. Fuel adjust will be about 25 to 28.. some say they only get 20 whatever you decide I wish you luck and you most likely never go back Hannigan has reverse now as well. Keep us posted feel free to give me a call if you want to one day. I have had mine triked about 5 1/2 years now. Jeff
  23. Happy Birthday Bob
  24. Naww,,, your fine we all still love you !! It's just that most want the faster 2nd Gen
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