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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. I guess It would be word of mouth *LOL* My Wife told me about this place from a search Engine. after we bought the bike! Jeff
  2. XXL With Tint And Vent.. I look through it.. No Problems, 2 years now.. Love it. Wife love's it as well. be prepared to wait about 5 weeks for it though. great guy to work with. Jeff
  3. Very Very Nice !
  4. That is a good start for you then.. I am happy to here that! then you should be good to go Bro! Jeff
  5. Another thing that I Just notice that your in ND? Open that fuel take and shine a lite down into that tank. CHECK FOR RUST.. Just a thought. I Bought my bike used here in Iowa and I never looked into the tank. FULL OFF RUST... The guy never had the tank topped off during the winter months here.. *sigh*. This is also what I had to do.. So far so good. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=524 BTW, When I got my Bike 3 years ago it Only had 3,400 Miles on it. Jeff
  6. Not to burst your bubble, Last year my 2KMM (like yours) did the same thing and I tried everything and even ran 7 Full Cans of Seafoam through those carbs, nothing helped , I guess I should say it did for a while, But it always seemed to come back for me that is. I am hoping that yours is all cured. After taking my carbs apart I noticed that I had to replace the Idle Needle valves and ALL my floats were at Different Heights, One was so high that it was the one that was causing my fuel to run out of the overflow vent by the Fairing. So this is what I had to do do this http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7830 Anyways I hope Just tapping them works out for you. If you run into more problems with this, feel free to give me a call. Good Luck, Jeff
  7. Ummm ,,,, June 7th ? 950 Miles? .... Ummmm ,,, *thinking*
  8. Just did that a while back with JB Weld.. It worked Great! Jeff
  9. But He Never In-Hailed *sheesh*
  10. Then we must add this as well, http://rateyourmusic.com/wiki/Official%20Australia%20State%20Abbreviations
  11. Here ya go *LOL* http://www.usps.com/ncsc/lookups/abbr_state.txt http://canadaonline.about.com/library/bl/blpabb.htm
  12. You Da Man!
  13. Turn it on in your UserCP
  14. :whistling:Or, even what there riding under there handle. model / year / etc:whistling:
  15. Color-rite has an EXACT match for your bike colors/ I have the 2K MM and the paints they sent me are perfect I did two small bottles of each color for touch-up and now I have ordered an aerosol spray in one of the colors for my new grill on it's way. BUT the cost of the small bottles are about 20 bucks and the aerosol can of paint is $33.00 I have tried the krylon and it works pretty well , but make sure you sand real well with fine scotch bright! that is a must! good Luck Jeff
  16. Thanks Squid, I am glad your ok and my Michelin Commanders can still remain on my bike.. I really have enjoyed them. thanks for the up-date, Jeff
  17. Well, The Bike has been sitting for about 4 months now through this long long Iowa Winter. I did get a chance to change the plugs , oil , yadda yadda yadda..... Oh I took a 10 mile ride yesterday! *WOW* Still lots of sand and real bad holes in the roads. As some of you know about 1.5 years ago my Radiator had a pin hole in it and I got it welded. and it has been fine until today.. now I notice wetting right at the lip on the bottom of the radiator.. not sure why after sitting for FOUR Months now it decides to leak? anyways unless you guys can figure why it is leaking again.. I am going to order a new one ANY SUGGESTIONS???? where? what to pay? ect... Thanks for any input. AND if I do install a new one I will write another how to remove the RSV Radiator! Jeff
  18. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7830 Aww shucks.. *blushing* Heck I even have to look at it once in a while if messing with the carbs... Hope this helps, Jeff
  19. Here ya go Bob, http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15303&highlight=BuddyRich+Cables Do A search for Buddyrich.. and email him...for one... Yeah , My wife has built in GPS and XM in her new SUV so If I ever do add XM it would only be $5 extra per month for the Bike I guess. Jeff
  20. Thats why I have all my music on my 550 ... I have no intentions of ever getting an Antenna,, I think there reason most want them is for the ahead traffic jams ect. If the XM ant. was like 50 bucks I might add it... but not for now.. I am happy camper with my Zumo Music. Oh and Buddy's Cable for the cell works awesome as well Now I can just touch the Zumo and call the little lady! And talk to her through my Mic in my helmet! Jeff
  21. Bob, Looks like right now it would be http://www.compuplus.com/i-Garmin-GXM30-XM-Satellite-Antenna-010-00423-00-1006590~.html?sid=96xsu99k4db40bg @ $183.00 not to bad.. Jeff
  22. Oh,,,, And Let me know what kind of prices you are finding for the XM Ant.. The Lowest I have seen in the past month is about $159.00 I will still wait a while until they come down lower in price, Jeff
  23. You Will Love Your Zumo!
  24. Folks PLEASE DO NOT BUY FROM THEM,,, http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Camera_Addict It is YOUR Dime I guess. If your paying that low of a price for a Z550 there is something wrong... also make sure you scroll down and READ the reviews. Please let us know how your experience was with them if you decide to go that route. $629.00 or above is about the going rate now days... Jeff (Did I Tell You That I Love My Zumo Lately?)
  25. What kind of Battery??? ONE WORD ...... *** ODYSSEY *** Best investment I have ever made. and I do not need to remove it during the winter months anymore. Jeff
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