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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Cougar


    Nope.. I will never give up my Clearview Shield nope!
  2. Cougar


    OR.... like that big black crow that hit John's face in Wild Hogs ! Yeah!
  3. Cougar


    Too Funny!
  4. Cougar


    I See it now Lou.. I was in the garage on my other computer.. (not sure if I need to download something for that one maybe) Just can inside and now I see the U-TUBE Wow that is wild.. I wonder what our clearviews are made of? *lol* Thanks for sharing that.. Jeff
  5. Cougar


    Well. What did he share? I see nothing.. does that mean he shared nothing with you? If I left click over the blank space I see a blue box ! Jeff
  6. I am so happy for you that this all came back together... Very Cool! Jeff
  7. Don, I think this would be a good thread to add to know problems or to keep it a sticky some how? Just so folks can keep an EYE on this... just a thought. I am like you always two up riding and trailering.. Jeff
  8. First of all , find out what head set you have,, there are several lowers to get...depending on what your upper connection is..... most likely you will find it here. http://www.sierra-mc.com/categories.asp?cat=29 good luck. Jeff
  9. What should I expect now that the carbs are running in synch? (smoother ride and better mileage for me) Jeff
  10. Ditto, what Buddy says! Yep a great investment. wise move...! Jeff
  11. I have found over the last couple of years. working on the bike and Idling them for a time.. will foul a plug or two.. same thing has happened to me a few times. I have a whole drawer full of plugs that are not that old.. as soon as I change them out the bike runs fine. I did however go to a # 7 this year. these carbs run REAL RICH! (specially at idle) (at least this is what happens to me better now since I have re-set all the floats) Jeff Note: Mine Fouls where always on #1 or #3 the rear cylinders.
  12. I just saw this post while out in my garage and my seat just happens to be off.. I am so sorry to see that ! Sheesh... I just snapped a couple myself so you can view these what it was like before, I use a trailer all the time with my bike.. Left , I do notice one rust round spot on mine [ATTACH]16995[/ATTACH] and the right [ATTACH]16996[/ATTACH] I just can not believe that happened if I did not see those pics.. Let us know how you got it welded ect.. Jeff
  13. I love my Piggy Backer.......... yeppers! AND it looks like your bike is black , that is the color of the piggy when it ships.... Mine matches my bike colors now.. good luck on whatever you decide! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PIGGY-BACKER-MOTORCYCLE-CARGO-TRAILER-PIGGYBACKER_W0QQitemZ110241787561QQcmdZViewItem I have this model... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PIGGY-BACKER-XL-MOTORCYCLE-CARGO-TRAILER-PIGGYBACKER_W0QQitemZ190212698774QQcmdZViewItem It has a little better suspension and a tad longer.. Jeff
  14. you have my interest....as well....
  15. Don, was kind enough to spend time on making this so it would read on-line I just emailed him the stuff from Word and he made it work.. Thanks Don. He as added this to the TECH Section. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=192219#post192219 I will post pics of my new radiator and the new cover from Steve after I get everything installed, I hope nobody has to go through this. Or if so I hope it helps you, Jeff
  16. Cougar

    Ride On?

    Thanks, Good reading there. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=5932 Yes, From now on look at the venders list... *DUH* Jeff
  17. Cougar

    Ride On?

    *LOL* yep to FAST!!! I did get there Number and I will call them the first thing Monday Morning.. See if the can do the 10% before they hit the card the rest of the way.. heck 10% off 64 bucks is $6.40 Jeff
  18. Cougar

    Ride On?

    Now ya tell me.. *oops* to late. thanks for the info though Jeff
  19. Cougar

    Ride On?

    Thanks for the Info Chuck... Wonder why the smaller front tire would take the same as the larger rear tire? Jeff
  20. Cougar

    Ride On?

    Gunna also try there other product All Kleer Cleaner and Polish just for the heck of it.
  21. Cougar

    Ride On?

    *lol* I am not in the garage. but there the Stock Size's For the RSV I think I ordered enough though... I think ONE bottle would not do the trick.
  22. Cougar

    Ride On?

    Looks like now there is only a one bottle and 3 bottle deal.
  23. Cougar

    Ride On?

    Alrighty then.. The 3 Pack it is then.. now to figure out how many ounces for rear and front when it shows up! Thanks, Jeff
  24. Cougar

    Ride On?

    And?? *lol* How many bottles did you guys need to get? *waiting* got the order page open *hint hint* How much for the front How much for the rear?
  25. Cougar

    Ride On?

    So how many ounces are you guys putting into the Rear and the front? Are you purchasing the 3 Pack? I thinks I am going to order some. Thanks, Jeff
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