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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. .....
  2. ..wrap the engine with it.
  3. Oh, and this is the Venture Rider Dog. Bella, [ATTACH]25998[/ATTACH] And I am truly sorry to hear about your Dad.
  4. Oh sure, I have looked into doggie helmets , but for now we just use leathers , For there head you would use the doggie hat. [ATTACH]25996[/ATTACH] Then you must have the doggie vest [ATTACH]25994[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25997[/ATTACH] Then of course the Venture Rider Chaps! [ATTACH]25995[/ATTACH] and thats that Jeff
  5. Our Chihuahua Loves to ride as well, I put ours in the doggie front pack that is like a back back but goes toward the front of you. Make sure you get some Doggles though. http://www.doggles.com/doggles.html keeps the junk out of there little eye's and helps with the UV stuff to. Jeff
  6. Novus, http://www.novuspolish.com/ Best stuff I have ever used for plastic. The Small Blue Bottle will last 2 seasons. The red and green are for scratches. I use it on my clearview. Jeff
  7. Should fit from 99 and up..
  8. Good Mood Special Price Reduction:happy65: Now $125.00 Shipped (PayPal) Jeff
  9. ( s o l d )
  10. Well after ALL the title of this thread does say-- (( NOTICE! This website is FOR SALE )) So yeah it is worded wrong *LMAO* Jeff
  11. Looks like shipping starts 04/09 http://www.zumoforums.com/index.php?topic=7712.0 http://www.zumoforums.com/index.php?action=forum [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpP_iV7vbs8]YouTube - Garmin Zumo 660 at CES[/ame] Well at least I have had my 550 about 2 years now.. 550's should drop like a rock pretty soon. 660 looks great though... Ummmmmmmmmmm Better pixals ect... Jeff
  12. You will get ALL your Questions about those kind of things here, http://www.zumoforums.com/index.php?action=forum Great place to learn lots about your Zumo and get help pretty fast.. almost like this place but for GPS *lol* This is my other Favorite Forum. Jeff
  13. --s o l d --
  14. Don, I remember saying something about that a while ago? *lol* (about Mobile friendly) *lol* Yeah, I bet it would be a lot of programing involved. I did however find if I changed my settings for this site to ONE COLUMN only I could see more stuff to access. But I am using the HTC Mogel Windows based phone though. Jeff
  15. Wow, thanks for the detailed post. excellent.. I just copied it to my note pad and printed that. Hey I just called my Geico Motorcycle Ins. and added an amendment for the conversion.. raised my bike 14 k above stock.. I said make it 25K , to my amazement my Insurance did not raise a penny. still $22 a month and that is full maxed out coverage with the trailer and all my upgrades, also included is flat-bed towing. Kewl! The only thing that they will Minus from the claim (totaled) is the labor cost to add the conversion. (did it help when you bled them)? and yeah I bet I will have a few more Questions *hehe) (NOTE) my new tag under my handle *lol* Jeff
  16. Thanks. And YES having the RAKE done for sure! (A MUST). And I hope to meet you soon as well! (well after this damn cold winter at least) *lol* Jeff
  17. Yep, I have really enjoyed my little plow in front of my old faithful Craftsman Rider. I leave the blade on now all the time as I purchased a John Deere ZTR last year, and has cut my mow time from 3 hours 15 Min's to 1 hour and 40 Min's. Yippy, so much fun! I even don't look drunk using it anymore. I have over 46 hours on it now. (true expert now) *sigh* Jeff
  18. Oh , I forgot to ask you something, what if I you need to work under the rear section (the trike body) like brakes ect.. Does the body come off fairly easy? If so how?. I am also wondering if there hitch system is kinda hidden (have you seen one?) or if I will be able to remove the ball from the receiver or not. Thanks, Jeff
  19. *LAMO* @ Eck!--- Ok I won't sell the the parts to him if you say so ! *EG*
  20. OMG , That is so How do I say? ((AWESOME))! Way Kewl.. Maybe one day we will be a trik'en together *BWG* So Far how have you been liking the handling ect.. ? Damn, I have so Long it seems like until mine will be done *lol* Jeff
  21. Well it is official today, My Hannigan Conversion Kit Was ordered today at my dealership. (I think One of the First 2K Millennium Color trikes they will be painting) Should be installed sometime March and I should be able to ride by the end of March. This is also my Birthday Present from my Wife *BWG* (cost approx $13,200) great wife eh? . I will be removing ALL of the rear of the bike from the bottom of the trunk and the only thing left under the trunk will be the drive shaft. ALL will be sold on eBay or here. I will also have Don's Great Center Stand (SOLD) The other thing I will have ready pretty soon is Venture Dads Complete Hitch (SOLD) System witch has work very well also. (having a new one added to the trike) has to be a different design , by hannigan. The rest that will be removed-- Rear Tire, each side of rear tire - A-Arm stuff? Lower light bar under trunk (SOLD),------ Both Hard Saddle Bags (SOLD) , --------Saddle bag Guards (SOLD), -----------Fender, Rear Tail light, Rear Shock (SOLD) and Blinkers . I am sure some of you will figure out what else I don't need anymore... oh maybe even the Kick Stand.. ummm. Make sure you spread the word that the Saddle bags are the Millennium Color's very hard to find. or to try and have one's painted to match. (one saddle bag is going to be sent for color match and come back) Anyways , I am very EXCITED !! And all this should be done by the time all this damn snow melts! I am also snowed to the point that I could not bring my bike there. my Dealer at no charge 70 miles away is coming to pick my bike up with his bike truck rig. no charge. P.S. >> I did hear from one other trikster that his (WHINE) went away when he added his kit. (not hannigan) Now wouldn't that be something. I wont believe it until it happens to me *lol* But you see I still have this bike no matter what! I love it. (medical reasons for triking) and other issue's. Jeff
  22. nope, not as pretty
  23. this is what I used http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Royal-Star-Venture-Harley-Davidson-Muffler-VTwin-Clamps_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2em20Q2el1116QQitemZ350113187713QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  24. Were abouts is this part number on the muffler? I have been using my R/K.s for about 2 years now. I wonder if my part number is right or not now. So what will happened if I have had the wrong part number installed all this time? Jeff
  25. Don, I just checked yesterday here in Iowa. where I pay my gas bill , they said Propane is down to $170 a gal this month and they say it should not go up anymore this winter. Also, I buy the propane at the right times if I can. Kinda Like buying gold *lol* We were paying $2.00 a Gal For a year though. Also consider a 1000 gal tank and buy at bulk rates. Jeff
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