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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Is one of these any better then the other? ---Mobil 1 V-Twin Motorcycle 20W50 Motor Oil---- ---Mobil 1 Racing 4T Fully Synthetic 10W-40 4 Cycle Motorcycle Oil---- Or has anybody tried the V-Twin Stuff yet? (about $56.00 for six Quarts) (amazon) Though about trying something different this summer. Thanks, Jeff
  2. You could think of it as Partly Sunny !
  3. Yep it is.. Just go to http://www.ride-on.com/ ( READ READ READ) You have to find a dealer. or do as I do and I just order it on-line from them. I have been bugging our local Honda Dealership to carry it. I think she will. Change A Tire (or repair it) with Ride-On in it. then Try one with SLIME in it Jeff
  4. :happy34:YEP! What THEY said!! Ride-On will balance your tires. I use it in everything now, AWESOME STUFF . It will not gum anything up. It will balance your tires even better and keep them cooler. (MUST BALANCE BEFORE YOU ADD IT THOUGH) Best part is that the folks that repair your tire will love you for it.. it is nothing like SLIME.. It is water soluble, cleans out very nice. Jeff
  5. The first time I did. I have had the front of that bike apart I don't know how many times now. and I did notice that they were kind of loose. So after the first time. they just kind of got that coating around them and have been fine ever since. Pobably I will do it again next time. Jeff
  6. GAtcha.. yep--- your right.. Guess I gatta read more better!
  7. BLUE LOCK-TITE >>>>>>>Not RED...
  8. Yes- your fuse is probably behind the fairing.. Also , take a look were the 12Volt Plug is down to the bottom left as your sitting on the bike. (on the inner faring) The instructions show to put the on/off switch next to the aux 12 V receptacle. maybe you hit that push switch somehow. now right behind that switch in the fairing will most likely be your fuse for the lights. Looking at the bike from the front your fuse will be behind the right side of the fairing. From the looks of your picture you have the same light as I do on my 2KMM Keep in touch on what you find! Jeff
  9. Only one that is above the 550 is the new 660 not released yet.
  10. clearview helped my wife
  11. Yep, Just hold on and yes they will go down, there is still a delay on the release of the new 660 , a (ship date hold) http://www.zumoforums.com/index.php?topic=7997.0 (I am Betting June) When that happens our 550's will drop like a rock. and many will be for sale on eBay I am sure. I myself will not get rid of my 550. it does a fine job. Jeff
  12. I know you would bro.. I am keeping an eye out on ebay as well, there are a couple I am looking at. thanks jeff
  13. Would anybody have a used set of passenger Floor Board foot rest?. For a RSV 99 to present I need a set to cut up and to make a top secret Cougar Mod for longer extensions. Anyways, let me know if you might have a pair for sale or even better (Free) , I will pay the shipping. Thought maybe somebody might have added something different or might have removed them all together and might have a set laying around. Thanks! Jeff
  14. I use my Zumo 550 and the Buddy Rich Cable. (in-coming and out-going) Works Great! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15370 Jeff
  15. Thanks, YES http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16960 Thats it.. I might even make it a tad longer Down.. It will be on a trike so I would not have to worry about the leaning problems. Thanks So much Guys. I also think the shorter wife and phone book is a pretty good idea as well but I was thinking the peg conversion might be cheaper. *lol* Jeff
  16. It has been a while since I have asked this Question. Has anybody come up with an Idea or do they make any kind of extension for the passenger for 99+RSV yet ? That is her only complaint on longer rides. I saw these today but don't think they will work http://www.kuryakyn.com/index.cfm/go/Home.ProductDetail/catID/18/scID/122/IMID/1009 Just wondering. Thanks, Jeff
  17. Umm. the instruction are pretty straight forward. I myself think that maybe you have the meter hooked up wrong? no light on the meter should go on with a battery tender and it should not flash or blink. It might go back and forth a couple green lights ever so often http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=488 Jeff
  18. WaterBug, thats cuz your rpm's went up.. the whine will go aways when they go up.. try it next time. Nothing to do with oil. I have tried ALL of them. nothing has worked. even Lucus mixed. Just sometimes when any of the Oils I have tried are very fresh it will not be so bad until after about 100 miles or so. I run in 4th gear most of the time anymore. (for higher rpm) Jeff
  19. Matter of fact I just pulled a FROG out of mine a few weeks ago *LOL*
  20. When you install the battery back-up sump pump above the main pump.... If the main fails and the battery back-up turns on.. A very loud alarm goes off to let you know that your main pump has failed. you can turn the alarm off and let it still do its job for about 3 days until the battery runs out.
  21. I am so sorry to hear about your basement. That is my biggest fear, We have been finishing ours for over two years now. when we had the hole dug for our basement we were almost done with the dig. Then we hit a water table. To this date we have had a constant flow sump, about every 15 Min's the sump pump will run and do it's Job. over the past 2 years I have learned not to have a pump that as a tethered ball on the end of it. make sure it is on a shaft that goes up and down , so it will not get stuck. I did replace the original pump with a stainless steel pump (lifetime warranty) and also above that pump is our battery back-up (not tethered as well). that is if we are not home , that will kick in.. and our 3rd back-up is our generator. the generator is no good when we are not home. so that is why the battery back-up. We also did find out that (we thought was covered) is that Most insurance company's with not pay any claims for mechanical brake down. I had to add a amendment to our policy that, and anything that will break ie: water line in bathrooms, washing machine, ect. it added a cost of about $40.00 more per year. it will not cover outside water coming in. anyways I just wanted to share this info with you. Jeff
  22. Cougar


    :thumbsup2:WAY KEWL.. YES--- Pictures on the build for sure..
  23. Mine also got WAY better on my 2KMM after I looked into the carbs and the factory settings on the floats (wacky all over the place) I did also replace some of the smaller jets as well, but this does not mean YOUR bike is that way. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7830 Jeff
  24. Just wondering if you had sea-foam in the tank while sitting over the winter or not? My first tank seems to be that way on my first ride, until I get nice fresh fuel in there again. Jeff
  25. Leveling Links are. --------( S O L D )--------- (and shipped) I have decided to add these to my list for sale (forgot about the links), when I pre-sold my air shock a couple days ago. I tell you that I am so glad that I purchased these last year made all the difference in the world on how my bike handled after the install. http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=Leveling%20Link%20Kit For $65.00 Shipped. The only things that I have left is the rear fender, rear tail light, Almost new rear tire. complete rear wheel Assembly. (click my handle for a pm or my email) Thanks, Jeff
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