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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Did you ever take any final mounting pictures kind sir?
  2. Did you ever take any final mounting pictures kind sir?
  3. ..
  4. How bouts a 4 X 8 Sheet of damn 1/2 inch plywood. Now that is scary.. The wife and I were riding a good distance from a truck that was cover last Summer. After a 10 miles or so. the darn tarp came off (blew off to the side) Next comes that plywood (OVER BOTH US AND THE BIKE) All we had time for was HOLY CRAP.. Pulled over and took a couple breaths and went our way.. The truck never did stop. Jeff
  5. Umm. Chris , How much is that back rest and do you have a direct link to them? Look like I can get it in Tan>? Or so you think that person had it re-covered?
  6. I noticed that as well. I would like to look into that more for the little woman! Not sure if the those are arm rest or not. kinda look high but maybe they are not? Jeff
  7. Very Nice.. Best looking bike Around! But I am a bit partial to that year. Jeff
  8. Very good Goose! You do good work my friend. You are always thinking! Jeff
  9. Very good Goose! You do good work my friend. You are always thinking! Jeff
  10. Thanks Butch.. Looks nice and safe under there don't it... And very professional.
  11. For while now when posting or typing. if I hit a few different Alpha Keys I lose my post (what I was trying to write or it will pull down window screens only on this site. kinda strange. I was wondering if anybody else has noticed this.. gets frustrating when you type about this much and it will all of a sudden disappear and ya gatta start over again. Jeff
  12. Well dear.. you were only 7 miles from me silly.. should have come by and said hi! I am sure will see each other soon this spring and summer! Glad you had a safe ride. AND watch them POT HOLES and SAND after this long winter we have had. Jeff
  13. Having this MOD and my seats should be here Monday from Rick.. He also lower her seat by 1 inch, Do the the Rake Kit being added to the bike, in return makes her a little higher when done. Or is it me lower? that way it should help with the wind buffeting for her. aren't I a wonderful husband? *lol* She also can WIGGLE around as much as she wants now too!.
  14. Pegs... I am gunna REMOVE the KICKSTAND (remember) ? I am having my ride converted to a Hannigan Trike this week. There is sneak preview under trikes of what the body looks like, we un-crated it yesterday. to get a part I needed out of it . So my new mod will work..for me now.. maybe with some thinking the steel could be still bent and welded to a flat bar to give enough room for a kickstand to go all the way up. Jeff
  15. Kent, I am wondering what the heck those large round objects are used for in your write-up ? one looks like a cut off muffler. I Just had to ask... Jeff
  16. Kent, I am wondering what the heck those large round objects are used for in your write-up ? one looks like a cut off muffler. I Just had to ask... Jeff
  17. about $12,700 but had to add a few more things so>> $13,200----- and thanks. http://www.hannigantrikes.com/content/hannigantrikes.html That is the complete install, shipping and crating. and only dealers can install this kit. There is a 3 year warranty on it as well. I think it can be extended . Here is a picture of what the MM Looks like stock. [ATTACH]27165[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27166[/ATTACH] Jeff
  18. My Hannigan Kit came in last night to my Dealer. I was not going to show you guys until it was done. But I had to... One of the reason's I went there today is that I had to get my second saddle bag that they had for along time for the MM two tone color match. In the trunk is my RAKE KIT and Chrome Fender Tips for the rear. My matching trunk light bar, I looked under it. forgot to take pics *lol* man it is a work of art the suspension and brakes and stuff. I was racking it around in my brain the whole time if I wanted it one color or have it match my two/tone MM colors... So the end result is that I left it up to Hannigan. My Bike should be converted 27th or so.. should be a nice time to ride in Iowa by then. seems like this has taken FOREVER! I will post pictures of the final complete trike when finished. [ATTACH]27161[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27162[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27163[/ATTACH]
  19. Well Folks I went with Gunny's Idea. But used A one peace method instead. I also found:scratchchin: that none of you even thought of (what about the kick-stand?) Here is why. [ATTACH]27150[/ATTACH] I used 1" Round Stainless Steel that I can polish. Might have it chromed anyways.. Here are the end results from my proto-type. With a small plate welded to the center and mounted to the kick-stand bracket. Wife is HAPPY that she now can move her legs out --FORWARD -- now. ::NOTE:: THIS MOD CAN ONLY BE USED IF YOUR RSV IS CONVERTED TO A TRIKE) Here are some more pictures of my modification: A few different angles: [ATTACH]27151[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27152[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27153[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27154[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27155[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27156[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27157[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27158[/ATTACH]
  20. Glad I got these a few days ago then *lol* I have wanted a set, ya never know. http://www.aldn.com/prograbit/ I got the 4 piece set. Not sure yet how well they work yet. Jeff
  21. Mine showed up today at my dealers. we are going to un-crate it tomorrow morning together, were both excited to see how the paint scheme turned out. *crossing fingers* and I am on the books to have it completed by the end of march or sooner. I will try and get some pictures of the body to post. Jeff
  22. jlh3rd, I did order the right one then?.. says nothing about non-fouler though. does this have something to do with fouling that cylinders plug if it is not? Stupid Question?
  23. jlh3rd, I did order the right one then?.. says nothing about non-fouler though. does this have something to do with fouling that cylinders plug if it is not? Stupid Question?
  24. I think I am going to CRY That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Getting ride of that tape deck! GREAT JOB DON! Hey was that a stone wheel on the dremal? and what speed do you run it at? Again that is what I needed to see. Also make sure you post your strapping method as well please. I wont wait up for that tonight *lol* Jeff
  25. I think I am going to CRY That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Getting ride of that tape deck! GREAT JOB DON! Hey was that a stone wheel on the dremal? and what speed do you run it at? Again that is what I needed to see. Also make sure you post your strapping method as well please. I wont wait up for that tonight *lol* Jeff
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