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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Larry, I need to ask a stupid Question>? What does RSMV Mean Royal Star (*) Venture
  2. I sure wish I could this year.. maybe next year.. I know Don still needs to slap me on the back of the head! Not sure if he remembers or not that he promised he would do that if he ever met me one day!
  3. :thumbsup2:Buddy , now that is a good thing.. It should just be deleted!
  4. This will happen more and more as MORE Moderators are added to the a site, Just part if it's nature. I used to run 3 of them years ago. the more I added the worse it got. so I closed the site's one at a time.. I myself will NEVER be an Administrator or Moderator Ever Again! Hard Job to do , baby sit-- and be the bad guy! it sucks. Life is just way to much fun for me now days! I do not understand why kids are on the site anyways. I guess they could be looking over your shoulder maybe, I have never seen anything that has offend me here yet. If it did. I would report it to a Moderator .
  5. AWESOME George! Your gunna love it I only have about 150 miles on mine cuz of the weather, But I will say WHY Didn't I do this 3 years ago. I think I hated the waiting part the most http://www.triketalk.com/forum/images/smilies/yes.gif Enjoy, and YES the whites are awesome! PICTURES ! PICTURES ! PICTURES ! Also after the first ride post your impressions as well please, Also having the rake done , it seems to be like power steering now! I just love it. Jeff
  6. Awesome Job Ponch! I will be doing the same thing I believe. I like how the plate fits right into that space WELL DONE! very professional! Jeff
  7. Awesome Job Ponch! I will be doing the same thing I believe. I like how the plate fits right into that space WELL DONE! very professional! Jeff
  8. Don, Can you take this Entire Thread and place into the TECH Section soon? There are so many great idea's and folks have there different ways that I think it would be good just to place the whole damn thing into it. That way when I proceed one day with this , I will be able to look back and find it. I have all my parts laying on the work bench now *lol* And sure enough if I start the project it will get sunny and warm for riding Jeff
  9. Don, Can you take this Entire Thread and place into the TECH Section soon? There are so many great idea's and folks have there different ways that I think it would be good just to place the whole damn thing into it. That way when I proceed one day with this , I will be able to look back and find it. I have all my parts laying on the work bench now *lol* And sure enough if I start the project it will get sunny and warm for riding Jeff
  10. Jercoupe: So if just mine is turned off I would not engine noise etc. but she still needs hers on and I still can hear her.? Then you just hit the button to talk again. you do not have to hold the button correct? Thanks,. I think I will order a couple of these things. thanks for sharing this. Jeff
  11. How fun! I fly large fuel powered model airplanes for a hobby, and I must have around 4 grand into all my toys. keep up the good work for us hobbyist! Jeff
  12. nice job Spear:thumbsup2:
  13. C/R like this? This is a Drag Specialties Tach. [ATTACH]28151[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]28152[/ATTACH] http://www.accessoryinternational.com/tachometer.html Hope this helps, Jeff
  14. Ditto On those Thumb Screws. A Brilliant Idea! I have 2 sets , in case I lose one two of them.
  15. You can not really tell until you ride for with the modified seat for a while.. Maybe someone can switch seats with you and you go ride for a while with it. Just a thought. It has something to do with being on your tail bone with the original seat for a some miles. then you will know when you get off the bike. kinda how it works! dunno how but it sure works~! Magic? Jeff
  16. *Yippy Skippy! I will like that *lol*
  17. Carbon One... Ditto! It is real nice! I like that that part is gone now. I just can not get over how many +'s there are now. I am having a ball. I also can take corners a little faster now. thinking it has something to do with Hannigan's Suspension maybe?. It is awesome!
  18. thanks for sharing that Yama Mama
  19. NICE
  20. THAT DOES IT !!!... I Have Had it! I am ordering snow studded Tires for the Trike today!
  21. JerryM, That is one awesome trike ya got there.! I am still trying to figure out how to add my flags back on the rear..
  22. Why thank you Crash! . I road it yesterday with very high winds and it did very well in it. I went about 100 miles.. I wish the weather would get better one day! Jeff
  23. I just sent an email to Butt Butler telling him how much We love him and what a great job he did! It is like heaven now! Tell him we said Hi! Thanks Rick! My butt and back bow down to him! Jeff
  24. Mr. Big.. LOOK DOWN BELOW and you will find other post about how folks feel about the MOD! Jeff
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