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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. I have a brand new one in a box I have had for a couple years gunna install it one day just for the heck of it :-)
  2. Give it a few days for the oil to soak into the new friction plates then come back and tell use how happy your are :-) (did you soak the new frictions plates) for the new install I just installed the EFM Auto Clutch with brand new Barnett Friction plate but I have not had to a chance to try it out yet. Good luck !
  3. Awesome !! ENJOY !!
  4. Pictures soon! Yeah, Mike, It might be nice not to pull in the clutch lever while in a turn on a trike for a change :-) there IS tweaking to do for sure. Just hoping this will work out !! Soon Jay !!!
  5. MOD is DONE... will be shipped out tomorrow... ( 1 day turn around ) Garry did a bunch of stuff even added extra holes for more oil flow.... the other thing he mentioned is that I remove the fluid from my clutch master cyl... and a few other things I will get into later. this outta be interesting . He ahs it set up pretty good for the Trike he says. there are 34 steel balls in the plate and 6 titanium's balls for the Trike Wight. Will keep you posted , but should be able to test it in the garage I hope be another month before I can ride tho. if I am lucky. Jeff
  6. get the old one back from the shop and take it to a rad shop :-) this way you would have a back-up just in case .
  7. I went through two of them until I added to Wagner Rad Cover. that was 8 years ago. I even took one of them and had them solder the leak. now it is a back-up I guess. If you think about it, look at all that open space for rocks or whatever to hit the rad. also think about a mud flap on the front fender. good luck and have a safe trip.
  8. *crossing fingers* This is what it is going into .
  9. Will do Jay, as soon as the ICE BREAKS
  10. Well My Basket is at EFM for the MOD now. I also sent him all new steal plates and all new Barnett Carbon Fiber Disks I had laying around and never installed yet. Will post pic's and stuff later. this will be nice not having to pull the clutch lever in at all. you can if you want to. its about a 1/4 pull if you use it. He is making it a bit different do to the weight of the Trike. (adding more weight to something) Will post pics of both baskets side by side when it arrives. If this (groundhog day effect) will ever go away I will post what I feel about this option. so much snow and ice for so long. I also talked with Hannigan and they now make a parking brake for the RSV Trike. OH MY !!! so many add-ons . Jeff
  11. You got it bBo. maybe even photo's Yes there are lots of ways to hold that front brake lever when you put your mind to it . Here is another way : http://www.webbikeworld.com/r2/motorcycle-lock/grip-lock/ Thanks to Sylvester and mralex714 for bring this alternative clutch idea to our attention. Jeff
  12. Just picked up a 04 complete clutch basket from pinwall for $104 so I can send that off and the Trike won't be down while waiting :-) still wont be riding for a bit anyways living in IOWA LOL
  13. Jay, please keep me in the loop on this, as I will be most likely doing this as well. Thanks, Jeff
  14. Jeff: We modify the clutch you send us, the complete assembly. We bolt our pressure plate to your basket, the pressure plates all look the same, just different sizes to match the clutch basket. You can see what they look like on the web site. 695.00 plus shipping. You don't have to use the clutch lever if you don't want to, let the motor go to a idle, then just put it in first gear and give it gas. You still have to shift, but you don't need to use the clutch if you don't want to. The clutch pull is very little up to around 2/3rds the engine rpm. Thank you for the interest in EFM Auto Clutch
  15. I was seeing $695 that is still and ouch tho
  16. I wonder if it is a whole new type basket as well ? that could possibly eliminate the whine . will call them soon.
  17. I might look into that , thanks !! Just wanted to say my wife loves the EFM auto clutch. We had it installed on her 800 Volusia Trike, and it performs great - no stalling - no problems. This has allowed her to enjoy riding this summer, without having to master a regular clutch. We would recomment this product to anyone. Thanks also for your prompt delivery of the clutch. Ed - W.V.
  18. First Gen Fuel Pump
  19. Who says you can not take your toys with you after you die
  20. Tall as you can go
  21. I also had to Dremal the end holes as well. I told them about that a few months ago. guess they have not done the fix it. even sent them pics of how I had to do it as well. you will love that screen. :-)
  22. RAINX is built into the F4 a fresh clean brings it back to life.
  23. I have had both. F4 & Clearview.. I have had both Tinted and Non Tinted. My conclusion, would be for the F4 All shield have been talls. I just put on the F4 tint about 6 months ago. love it. does help with the glare. However it is tinted darker then the clearview tint. The other nice option is that you clean it with paper towel and Windex. you can NOT do that with a clearview. Good luck on what you decide. I also chose the option of no vent this time around. I never saw a use for it but to catch bugs. If it was to hot all it would do is let in hot air for me. Jeff
  25. You can also rent motorcycles their as well...have fun, just got back from there myself. Walked my daughter form the isle for her wedding. Then flew back lol
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