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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Annie, Some guy here in Iowa is selling snow on eBay if your interested!
  2. -
  3. This was my best attempt of Antiquing to try and match the MM Colors. Taking the pictures with the neon lights in the garage kind of changed the colors. Thanks to all the hard work that Ponch did for us already! He does excellent work! These are not hooked up yet. I need to find a different plug for my water side. I did order the one from on-line but the water censor probe will not go through the hole in the plug [ATTACH]39541[/ATTACH]
  4. Like KiteSquid, I Bought TWO of them last month.((Dell Mini 10's)) There pretty neat! HD/Blue-tooth/TV/the works. even have W7 on them now !~ We have normal size laptops and full desktops, these seem much better for traveling and stuff.Wife just throws hers in her purse now. Jeff
  5. Maybe if you keep riding on the black ice try these! they are wonderful! Nope they will not fit on the RSV Tire's http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&resnum=0&q=yak+tracks&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=6FkvS_GuE4P6MPv3zPMI&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=image&resnum=3&ved=0CCMQzAMwAg However , I just use them to get to my stored bike in the garage for (4) months! (lots of ice around my house now) Be safe out there! Jeff
  6. Gattcha,, now that is a different problem!
  7. Take the bike back to the shop , since it is an 08 (warrenty) have them check the tree bearings. just a thought. maybe front tire is bad? I had a high speed wobble on a KZ 1000 years ago went down at 75 mph. it was not a pretty site, I lived bike did not. TAKE CARE OF THAT PROBLEM ASAP. Never appliey front brake in a high speed wobble as well. Jeff
  8. Hide a spare key in there while your at it
  9. And another place with nice folks to ask more Questions about the Stallion. http://www.triketalk.com/index.php
  10. I did the same as BIGSHELL in my Piggy as well. Seems to work just fine! Let us know what you come up with! Jeff
  11. Cougar

    G1 Android

    Htc hero!
  12. Excellent job Leland:thumbsup: good thinking!
  13. And Just think Annie, these kinds of topics will get better as the winter gets worse , or is it when it gets better and then worse? :scratchchin:just think only 4 months of this *LOL*
  14. Eck, SALT on the right! Yep
  15. Then there is A LOT of OS problems out there then!
  16. Brian, I posted the same type of thing about a month ago. I would not worry about it. this all should be fixed soon I am hoping. maybe that is what it takes, but there has been more then ONE Ruffle going on ! Don't tell anyone but I do like the format of this site much better and it is my home. the other site has a lot of great members and good info as well! But this will always be my home! Jeff
  17. Talk about timing.. Ummm anyways I just received this a while ago.. Jeff, My apologizes for taking so long to reply. We should be on new software very soon. I was told by IX that it should have happened by COB Friday but that didn't happen. I am anticipating Monday or Tuesday. When that happens, a notification email will be sent out to the entire membership. Thanks for hanging in there with us.
  18. -I use a P-Tac (like in the hotels) Heat/Air as well as the propane wall heater. - dr_baR, I just set up one of those garage in a box a couple months ago to store our other car and my gold wing. darn thing works pretty well! Got it on sale for I think $250? (lots of room in there) Looks like you might have gotten the roll up door feature? OR how did you make that door go up and roll like that? Jeff
  19. I miss Dairy Queen!
  20. This has been an issue for months now. not sure why they do not so anything about it yet , they even have offered 4 free months , I can barley log in from work , but at home it is a no go. seems that they would have fixed this by now though. I enjoy the folks on both these sites! oh well.
  21. Here are some pics of when I did mine a while back [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=488]Installing a KuryAkyn Battery Meter - VentureRider.Org[/ame] I think I changed my sticky backing with the 3M tape it has never moved or fallen off. and no drilling. Jeff
  22. Striebel Airhorn
  23. My Truck got the 4th Deer 21 days ago! All fixed now! [ATTACH]38959[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38960[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38958[/ATTACH]
  24. Everone see's a pink helmet ! [ATTACH]38954[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38955[/ATTACH] It really helps!
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