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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. glad to hear it, now try 42
  2. To go for a bike ride? It has been since back 2013 sometime. (OCT) about 5 months ?
  3. Come get mine then. same as the one posted (other site) I have an XL Piggy in Iowa (closer to you) :-) and it is painted two tone to match my MM.. Thinking of selling it . only used a few times as well. have around $1200 into it with paint and extra lights. Will sell for $600
  4. MAGLIGHT says if you can not get the stuck battery's out they will send you a new one for the postage charge
  5. PUSH/PULL have fun and enjoy...And lets not talk about how great your weather is ! and if it is 10:30 there you should have been riding two hours already LOL
  6. Your very welcome :-) Oh boy your gunna have so much fun with your new Hannigan this year
  7. I am detailing as well this morning to cold to wash . So I am trying the Griots Car wash spray and it is working very well, no water needed :-)
  8. The brake pads are Brembo and many places will not carry them but EBCbrakes are available in most motorcycle shops, the EBC number is FA266 HH ,,,I think Amazon has them as well. If your looking at them through the wheel they will look like they need replaced pull the wheel and take a closerlook and you will be surprised on how much is really left on them.Jeff
  9. well mine is not etched but it is 6 years old now. they did not etch them back in the day :-)
  10. 42 please and try the rears .. the left one at 24 to 26 and the right 26 to 28 two lbs less on the left if you have lots of crowned roads like I do. it will also make for a softer ride. The rear differences will help make it go straighter on crowned roads.
  11. Get some air in that front tire now and go for a ride the extra 4 lbs will make a heck of a difference on how it turns.
  12. After talking a bit more with Garry, I was not shifting in the right manner for the auto clutch, you must let off the throttle just a tad then shift for no slip. so the set-up was perfect from the get go. The first time I road with it I was letting the RPMs drop as if you used the clutch lever. (that will cause the slip) I road more today and I absolutely love it. So if anyone want to go this route for there trike it will take a few miles to learn it. kind of like going from 2 wheels to 3 wheels. I just wish It the roads and weather would get better soon so I can really work this clutch harder. I think the hardest part is not wanting to pull the clutch lever in all the time I do think that it is a good thing for a Trike . Not sure for the 2 wheelers tho. If you decide to go this route feel free to call me or email me in the future. Now to add the Parking Brake.
  13. I had a 404 on my Trike for 2 months and it cupped really bad. get a Michelin CommanderII ( rear same size as front ) and you will be a happy camper
  14. Get 42 LBS in that front tire and it will be like power steering !! The Trike looks awesome. OR maybe even a New front Tire. if yours is Square as your front tire will slide side to side and not roll anymore. You will be amazed on the diff. Enjoy !! Jeff
  15. See if this works. she is the Beetle.. that was driven by a thief I guess It is a red light RIGHT TURN and not stopping at the line before turning *OOPS*
  16. OH OH OH my wife just got one in the mail 2 days ago. paid $100 and it is in my name LOL.. they said it wont go against anything my wife claims someone stole her car and ran that light They even have video of it. very clear as well. I will try and post it.
  17. Now I am waiting for my Hannigan Parking Brake to be finished and shipped I suppose you folks need to see pics of that as well. :rasberry:Sheesh.
  18. The inners ..... [ATTACH]82734[/ATTACH] (number 2 photo) In this photo you can see the Titanium balls this will be the first one to the left at the bottom from the CENTER steel ball, it will have a darker tint to them , then count six over to see the next one. [ATTACH]82735[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]82736[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]82737[/ATTACH] Saving these pics to show folks later what things are about if they need help.. so Far I just have to make one more adjustment and I am loving it so far. really kicks in great. My set-up is for Trikes ONLY.. There are 6 Titanium Balls in this set-up for the weight of the Trike. When you hold the 2 different kinds you really can feel the weight differences. 2 wheelers will be just a little different. More testing tomorrow after a adjustment. not sure if I have to take the cover off yet.. I did do as a member told me to do is to just oil around the gasket and it stays sealed just fine , this way I can remove the cover and not ruin the gasket. seem so far that there are no leaks. :-) Another report to follow SOON. OH I also had Garry make me another stronger cover plate that the, 12 bolts on into. from .50 to .100 thickness. Jeff
  19. I almost bet it is raked already. If your REALLY new it this 3 wheel adventure it is NOTHING like two wheels. give it a few hundred miles and you won't even notice it remember it will be push/pull now and not leaning. *ENJOY* and WELCONE ! Jeff
  20. I have one that I have never installed yet. took a year to find the right wire to tap into One day maybe when I retire I will install it.
  21. Nope: About a week or so, and you will be the first to know
  22. Darn and I thought everybody Twerked
  23. Some photos of the EFM auto clutch for you folks. EFM [ATTACH]82564[/ATTACH] OEM [ATTACH]82563[/ATTACH] EFM Pressure Plate [ATTACH]82567[/ATTACH] And Installed and other stuff [ATTACH]82565[/ATTACH] NOTICE ALL THE EXTRA DRILLED HOLES ADDED for more oil to the clutch plates. [ATTACH]82566[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]82567[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]82569[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]82570[/ATTACH] Wish me luck !!
  24. Interested as well
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