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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Well, I am DONE !! Its raining so when that lets up I am going for a ride :-) I don't think I want to ever do that again LOL , seem like it took forever. I did learn lots tho. I also had to wait on parts as well. so anyways lets hope the front end stays together ! :-) Jeff
  2. You can now be skimmed through your wallet in your back pocket, my new wallet has that new protection to stop that.
  3. OLD OLD OLD thread,,, Just had to say, I use the Dyno Rotella 15/40 with 8 OZ of STP for the past 5 years, :-)
  4. Spacer Cut is 6.75 inches. Using 15 wiehgt BelRay fork oil. 18 oz Yeah Don, I think these should be fine since the bike is triked I had Already ordered them and got them for $52 so I hope they work for my Bottoming out , otherwise my steering is upright at all times , no leaning.
  5. cut it out just now, thanks, and my forks have a drain plug in them at the bottom of each fork... what size did you guys cut the plastic tube for the progressive springs ? and did you use to same amount of fork oil ?
  6. Thanks much, yup, At my wits end, GUUNA CUT —- LOL
  7. OK gang, got the bearing out, but how the heck are you removing the RACE ? .... HEAT ??
  8. ( EDIT) ---- 27 foot lbs for the bottom star bolt and snug the top one, from what Hannigan says .
  9. Hey Old Boy. Hope all is well with you ! Yes, that is a great jacking point on both side. However I have it on my MAXJAX right now. now that rocks. LOL So far have have the springs out, and the top tree off, waiting on a new bearing tomorrow and the race it goes into, and some other parts. Gunna try and drop the shaft down so I can at lest pack in some grease on the bottom bearing for now I guess, not sure I wanna mess with changing out the lower yet. Just trying to figure out the best way to screw that darn caps back on when I put the new springs and oil in :-) that otta be fun. Oh and I am not pulling the forks all the way off as well. Anyways, nice to hear from you. I guess nobody loves me anymore, only 2 folks that I know have posted back to me in this thread. guess I did something to piss folks off ? I dunno. oh well..... Jeff
  10. If I remove that top will the shocks stay in place ? I still have the wheel on.
  11. Sweet , Just removed one of the springs :-) I am in this far , how hard is taking off that tree top and replacing the bearing or re-packing it ? Any tricks?
  12. RED NECK WAY ? enough room now ?
  13. Then when the other mess is out of the way do I put a wrench on these and turn un-screw them ?
  14. If good ,I will now remove the other messes, and the bars, think I will put in a new bearing as well. maybe hang the bars from the garage ceiling .
  15. Do you think I have to go any farther then this ?
  16. up in the air now , front fairing removed but the part of remove whatever bolts for the rear fairing is the problem. guess I will have to figure it out on my own. :-) and I promise not to take any pictures LOL
  17. http://sonicsprings.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=27_117&osCsid=590402cfe774948ebddea67ac591c25f OK, so there is the 1.00/KG/MM 1.10/KG/MM 1.20/KG/MM What ones did you use ? Why are they better ? Thanks!
  18. Thanks Casey , This is on my Trike, 2000 2nd Gen. and I think I will put it on the lift , then Start tearing it apart LOL , I am tired of the bottoming out feel when riding and breaking. Thanks much for the tips. maybe more will chime in later. Jeff
  19. I can not seem to find the (how to install progressive springs) on the 2nd Gen.... Can this be done with-out removing the inner fairing ? Or can anybody guide me to the procedure ? Oh, and is the number for them 11-1144 ? Thanks for any help. Jeff
  20. no problems for me after 10 years of on and off
  21. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/152132417453
  22. https://www.google.com/search?q=T+Handle+Cam+Lock+(Chrome).+30+mm+shaft.+Part+%23+ Make sure it is the ( 70 ) not the 45 the 70 has a longer thread.
  23. It is NOT the Hannigan part number. it is the ( T ) handles that some of use switched to. Just call Neil at Hannigan if you want one of there locks. they will mail it out that same day. OR talk the Jim Gooch. 270-753-4256 ext. 225 . John Lee no longer works at Hannigan. Jeff
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