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10 Good


  • Birthday 07/20/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ron Witt


  • Location
    Escondido, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    race mx with vintage club in post vintage and modern class
  • Bike Year and Model
    2001 Goldwing/1993 cr250
  1. Previous bike was 1986 Venture Royale which was wrecked when a large german shepherd came flying out of a grove and took us down on the highway.Anyway 6 months later all healed up and back in the saddle again ! I love the Goldwing but the venture was a nice bike as well outside of being top heavy when at a stop.
  2. does anyone know what if any mods. would need to be done to a 2004 Venture from Az. to be able to be registered in Ca. ?
  3. 3 weeks ago,I was going to put a little more in this week.
  4. I just hope it helps with the higher rpm's.I took a quick look at it last week and assumed it was fine.Then I checked the carb. diaphrams and patched a few small pinholes.On second look the current air filter seems restricted.The bike runs,starts and idles fine it just doesn't want to go much beyond 75 mph. If this doesn't help I'll change the fuel filter.
  5. I need a new air filter on my 1986 venture.When I went to blow out the old one no dust came out,then I noticed it wouldn't hardly allow any air flow.The bike also had a ceiling of about 4500 rpm on the freeway. Anyway has anyone had good results with a K&N air filter ?
  6. I switched from dunlop 404's to elite 3's and they are great.
  7. My 1986 will burn out the tail light fuse when the handlebars are turned all the way to the right with the side stand up.It won't happen with the side stand down.Any ideas of what is happening?Thanks for any help.
  8. I just got a 1986 Venture Royale with 33,000 miles on it.We just took it on a 1200 mile loop thru California and all went well. On freeway riding my rpms were arond 3800 to 4100 for speeds between 65 to75 mph. Does that sound normal for that speed and is that motor happy running that speed all day long? I'm used to lower rpm's as my last bike was a road king.
  9. Thanks for the help
  10. Is difficult to find venture driver back rests for the 1986-1993 models? It looks like a very well designed unit and it may play a role in which used bike I buy if it will be a pain to come up with something that would work as well.
  11. I previously had a 2005 Road King Classic.I chose it because I wanted a bike that was capable of touring 2 up and handled well in the mountain roads.I wasn't sure I wanted a full dresser and it seemed to be a good fit.I rented one first and liked the way it rode and handled.My other 2 bikes are Honda cr 250 and crf450 that I race with the vintage mx club.Has anyone rode both the RK and the 1st gen to offer a comparison.From what I've read I think the 1986-1993 Venture is the next road bike I want.It seems to a lot of motorcycle for around $3000.Thanks for replys. Ron
  12. I'm planning on getting a 1986-1993 Venture.I used to ride a 2005 HD road king.Does anyone know how they would compare top heavy wise.I was use to the road king but had to be careful when riding double and stopping on steep inclines.Also how about the handling.I want a bike that is happy in the mountain curves.
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