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Everything posted by Panjandrum

  1. Wow! not sure where morality comes into the issue. I am looking at the question from a safety point of view. It's a minority that are drinking. I see no reason for me or any of the majority to stay away because a few choose to ride after a drink (or two).
  2. I ride a great deal with groups (mixed bikes) with Coast Riders. I have noticed several riders who will have a beer (just one) at lunch time. There are a couple who will have more than one. I am thinking of suggesting that the Club adopt a strict "No alcohol while riding" policy. I am certainly not against drinking in the afternoon/evening when finished riding for the day. Also, I know we are all adults, and should be able to decide for ourselves whether or not a single beer would affect riding judgment. My concern is that somebody might drink more than they should. A pint of a stronger beer, is quite different from a can of American beer (sorry, couldn't resist). Also to be considered is the health, age, body size and several other factors that would affect the way a rider reacts to that "one drink". People can make their own decisions if they are riding on their own. But it seems to me that there is a greater risk when riding at some speed in a group, and when there is only one second between you and two other bikes. Yes, staggered formation... but that stagger doesn't make much difference when something happens quickly. Any of you belong to a Club with such a policy? Any thoughts or suggestions? Cheers!
  3. I carry a small first aid kit with "After-Bite" for stings. Touch wood, that's the only thing I have used from the kit.
  4. Just back from a four day Coast Riders rally in the Shuswap area. Fabulous scenery and nice roads... lots of twisties, but watch for gravel on the insides. I hear that Duffy Lake Road is in excellent shape... it was pretty good last year, with only a few short stretches of road work. The highway from Princeton to Merrit is beautiful, and 5A from Merrit to Kamloops also excellent. The Fraser Canyon can get really hot, and it can be windy around Merrit and in the Canyon. Enjoy the ride!
  5. I am often tempted to use the shoulder, but generally resist. Here in BC at least, it is illegal, and tickets are frequently issued. The shoulder is reserved for emergency vehicles, though a bike could easily get off the shoulder and out of the way of a police car, ambulance, fire truck or tow-truck! For me, this is another argument for lane splitting... common in Europe and permitted in California and some other enlightened states. I know that the cagers would need to be educated about lane splitting if it were to be an allowed and acceptable practice, but worth the effort to encourage two-wheelers on the roads as well as preserving the health and sanity of motorcyclists... particularly those wearing ATGATT and those on air-cooled bikes!
  6. With only 4,000 Km on my Venture, I had battery issues which caused me to require bump starting if there was a hill or a couple of willing BC Ferry workers to push the beast, or a jump start, which requires taking off the driver seat. What a pain THAT is! Has anyone come up with an alternative to the awkward nuts that secure the seat? My dealer replaced the battery, so I may not need to remove the seat for a while, but it would be handy to have an alternative for any future needs. Thanks for any help.
  7. +1 on lack of lighting on most bikes. LOUD LIGHTS SAVE LIVES!!
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