I ride a great deal with groups (mixed bikes) with Coast Riders. I have noticed several riders who will have a beer (just one) at lunch time. There are a couple who will have more than one.
I am thinking of suggesting that the Club adopt a strict "No alcohol while riding" policy.
I am certainly not against drinking in the afternoon/evening when finished riding for the day. Also, I know we are all adults, and should be able to decide for ourselves whether or not a single beer would affect riding judgment. My concern is that somebody might drink more than they should. A pint of a stronger beer, is quite different from a can of American beer (sorry, couldn't resist). Also to be considered is the health, age, body size and several other factors that would affect the way a rider reacts to that "one drink".
People can make their own decisions if they are riding on their own. But it seems to me that there is a greater risk when riding at some speed in a group, and when there is only one second between you and two other bikes. Yes, staggered formation... but that stagger doesn't make much difference when something happens quickly.
Any of you belong to a Club with such a policy? Any thoughts or suggestions?