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Everything posted by Panjandrum

  1. There are many things wrong with this video (lack of gear, dangerous stunts) but it is a beautiful representation of why we ride motorcycles, and why we enjoy the friendship and companionship of those we ride with. There is also some awesome photography and scenery. Enjoy, and I hope it helps to ease the pain of your PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome). http://www.pipeburn.com/home/2011/1/25/riding-september-video.html
  2. When looking for a bike for my Lady (a new rider) she sat on a lot of bikes, and found the V-Star easiest to get up off the stand. We got a 650 cc, and she loves it. HOWEVER, it was not long before she found the bike lacked power on hills when fully loaded, and she would like something with a bigger engine. There is virtually no difference in feel between the V-Star 650 and the 1100, and we would have been better off getting the larger engine. You do not need to use all the throttle, until you are ready for it. Then it's nice to have it. When I got back into riding, I had the MaximX 750. Early into the second season of riding, I discovered that the throttle would go about twice as far as I had been using it. I LOVED that bike! It could keep up with the bigger 1600's even with two heavy-weights on board!
  3. I also have the Scorpion and love it. However, I had problems with installing the with the standard J&M headset. The ear pieces are a very tight fit in the pockets on the helmet, and the only way I could secure the mike was with Velcro... which worked OK. I just bought two HJC CS-5N helmets for the headsets. I will use the Scorpion when riding alone. +1 on the size thing. My HJC helmets have all been large, the Scorpion is Medium.
  4. I ride year round on any day the temperature is above freezing. Like today... only JUST above freezing, and watching carefully for frozen water patches, but rode in the bright sunshine (rare) in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada!
  5. I have a Scorpio half helmet, which is extremely comfortable. It has the drop down sun visor that stores inside the helmet. Very tidy. However, the Yamaha headset is a very tight fit in the ear pieces, and gets uncomfortable after a while. I also had a tough time fitting the mike onto the helmet, resorting to Velcro, which did work OK. I have just ordered a couple of HJC 3/4 helmets, which feel good and look as if they will accommodate the head-sets nicely... including the mikes. Different manufacturers seem to use different shaped heads when designing their helmets, so my advice is to try them on until you find something that feels and looks good to you!
  6. An Obituary printed in the London Times Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; - and maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights I Want It Now Someone Else Is To Blame I'm A Victim Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing?
  7. How do you handle a Wing? Watch the video(s) on this page: http://www.roadcraftacademy.com/ One day, I hope to ride my RSV like that.
  8. I have the Gerbings gloves, and they do a terrific job of keeping the hands warm with temperatures around freezing and at highway speeds. I do not find they are any more bulky than my leather cold riding gloves. I run the cables inside my jacket. It can be a little difficult to hook the wires neatly into the gloves. I plug in my vest and gloves once the bike is running. In town, the gloves can get very hot, and I need to put a switch into the circuit to be able to turn them off. I can un-plug them, but then it's a pain trying to hook them up again. Certainly not something to do while in motion!
  9. My radio seems to dislike the cold. A couple of days ago, I could not get the radio to turn on. When I got home, I turned on the CB... ok. Then the radio...ok. Switched them all off... ok. Today, on a rode, I was slowing for an intersection, and heard loud but garbled voices. The CB had switched itself on. I cannot turn it off, change the channel, or switch to headset. I also cannot get the radio to come on. Is this a fair weather radio I have on my 08 Venture? Is there a quick fix? Or is this a guarantee job?
  10. Just back home after a very pleasant two-hour ride! Hee hee!
  11. Watched the video, feeling VERY uncomfortable. Read all the responses and my stomach is still churning. No way I would do that on a bet, on a dare or for any sum of money!
  12. +1 on the hard drive. Similar happened to me, though I was using the disastrous "Vista". The shop managed to salvage all my data (as a consultant, I have a lot of work on my hard drive. Everything was put onto an external hard drive (about $75.00), and it is now used for regular weekly backups. The new hard drive inside the box was loaded with Windows 7. It is hugely faster, and I love it... BUT... ...a lot of older software and hardware will not work on Windows 7. This is just an excuse to get a new GPS, scanner, Palm Pilot. Best advice? Buy shares in Microsoft!
  13. Thanks, Rick. I will let you know. I am busy this week-end and next!
  14. My new Clearview windshield (Medium Light Grey with vent) arrived on Monday. I installed the shield on Tuesday morning in less than 20 minutes... very straightforward and easy, even for one who is mechanically challenged. The grey shield on my grey 2008 Venture looks great. I went for a ride, and had no complaints from my passenger. There was no noticeable increase in wind buffeting even at speeds over 100 kph. I noticed a little more wind, which is what I wanted. At 5 ft 11 inches, I am still looking through the top few inches of the shield, however. I was hoping to be able to see over the top. I may shorten the shield by four inches or so. The Clearview shield is much more solid than the stock shield. The shield I purchased was advertised as having “very slight scratches”. I will have to take a very much closer look, as I have not spotted them yet!
  15. When I had my running lights installed on my 08 RSV, I was told that the Venture does not have this feature. My Honda ST 1100 did, and when both my hi and lo beams went out, the answer was WD40 into the starter switch, which was not fully releasing, and therefore left the headlight off.
  16. I like the "More time to ride", but it needs to come with weather to ride in. Pouring rain is miserable.. I gave myself an early Christmas present: A Clearview windshield. It just arrived. I am hoping to put it on and test it tomorrow (when the rain should have stopped).
  17. I am asking Santa for a clock to go on my handlebars. What are you and your Venture hoping for this Christmas? :sleigh:
  18. All the time... I'm ALWAYS passing! (Unless I am riding in the middle of a group.)
  19. Automated phone systems that have you punching numbers for 5 minutes, then make you listen to 15 minutes of bad music occasionally interrupted by someone telling you how important you call is to them:bowdown: and then the phone rings... oh JOY! .......... and the call is disconnected. On the toilet theme: what's with this insistence that men put the seat down after using the toilet? Men, we need to take a stand, and insist that women leave the seat up for us!
  20. Thanks for the responses. I have the Yamaha head-set, and while not thrilled with them, I do not want to replace them. The issue I have is finding an open faced (not half) helmet that I can attach the microphone to.
  21. I am looking to replace my HJC and Scorpio open faced helmets, but I am having difficulty finding helmets that can be fitted with the Yamaha standard open-faced head-set and mike. I have a Scorpio half-helmet, and used Velcro to secure the mike. It works OK, but is not ideal. The HJC is getting old (6 years), and works well, but the new ones I have found in the dealers will not readily accept the mike. Anybody using a recent open face helmet with the audio gear that they are really happy with?
  22. What does it do in corners? To me, that's where riding a motorcycle sets itself apart. In the video, we never saw the beast make a turn of any kind. Also, that looks like a very uncomfortable riding position, but you could certainly get from Starbucks to Tim Horton's to Starbucks to Starbucks in a hurry, and get a lot of comments on your bike while you bump up your caffeine.
  23. I plan on riding through the winter, like I did last year... unless this winter is like the one before last when snow stuck around for two months. Fingers crossed that the snow behaves, and stays on the mountains! (Yes, I am in Canada, but in the warm part!)
  24. I have been away, and not had time to check back with this discussion that I started. I wanted to explain that, lest anybody think I would be put off or offended by some of the blunter comments. Political correctness is vastly over-rated, and has led to much confusion in my not very humble opinion. Many very interesting comments and thoughts. Thank you to all who contributed. It had never occurred to me when I asked this question that it was a moral issue. My concerns are entirely about the safety of every rider in my Club. When riding in groups, the actions of one rider can very quickly impact the safety of others in the group. I enjoy a drink, and always have. There was a time when I would occasionally drink so much that I was incapable of walking home... and therefore had to drive (that is waaaay too close to a true story). The number of candles on my birthday cake have perhaps helped me to see the light, and I realize how much one's judgment can be impaired by alcohol. I absolutely agree that the degree of impairment will vary from person to person. But as the degree of impairment begins with the first drink, I am not sure that it is appropriate to leave the decision with the individual who is drinking. My purpose in raising this topic for discussion with the Coast Riders will be to see whether there is consensus on the idea of setting a guideline or even a rule of no drinking while riding. This way I would hope to avoid any awkward situations on the road, with the possibility of leaving an impaired rider to get home alone. If the discussion at my Club reflects the discussion on this site... we are in for some interesting times. I am not sure whether it is appropriate to ask this: if you have anything further to add to this discussion, could you please limit it to: Consumption of alcohol while riding as a safety issue. If you wish to discuss religion or morality, start your own thread! Thanks again for all your thoughts. Even the twisted and wrong ones make interesting reading.
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