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Everything posted by Panjandrum

  1. As an Atheist, I believe in one less god than you do, probably for the same reason Christians, Jews, Moslems, etc. don't believe in all the gods they don't believe in. I do not see that as any reason to indicate that Atheists are fools! No, I am not offended... just saying!
  2. It was nice to put a face to the name, Brian. Dianne and I enjoyed our lunch and the great ride to Salmo (Salmo-Creston Highway). Glad you enjoyed your visit to BC. Until next time!
  3. I have begun to practice new waving rule: if a motorcycle rider is wearing shorts and a T-shirt... NO WAVE. Such a person is obviously lacking brain power, and I do not wish to put them at additional risk by encouraging multi-tasking like riding and waving.
  4. Add a CD player to the cassettee deck... all that's missing now is an 8-Track!
  5. I don't understand. Why would you want to boil an egg for 45 minutes?
  6. From the cold side of the border... I recently ordered two pairs of Kevlar jeans at a very reasonable price through Amazon.com. When they arrived by UPS, I had to pay another $78.00. $54.00 of that was brokerage fees. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: That is the last time I am ordering stuff to be delivered to my home from USA. So much for "Free Trade"! I will find an address close to the border where I can get things shipped, and pop across to pick them up myself (as others have suggested). There are mail services that do that at this end of the 49th parallel, and I am sure elsewhere.
  7. Avon Venoms are in the process of being replaced by Avon Cobra. However, Cobras are not yet available for the Venture! I bought tires (Avons) on Saturday, that's how I know.
  8. I got a 2008 in 2010 for the same price! (But mine was in Canada.) Still another two years to go on my Warantee!
  9. I like the target, and in a previous age, I would have gone for it. However, in today's nervous world, I do not take random shots of children without first getting permission from a parent or adult. Just saying... be careful!
  10. He is Pope Francis. He will not be known as Pope Francis I until there is a Pope Francis II. I know, don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff.
  11. Not sure what tires were on my 2008 Venture... bought in 2010. I had to replace the tires at about 12,000 km. Love the Avons I replaced them with. My concern would be that the original tires are now at least 5 years old, and may be getting a little hard (puck- like). So, if you go for the bike (and I LOVE mine), plan on new tires. Western PowerSports in Langley have a tire sale March 23 - 30. 40% off tires in stock, 30% off anything they have to order.
  12. Yaaay! I hope it was winter weather and not the nature of the target that took so long to find one. What's next. It is riding weather here... finally!
  13. I appreciate the comments and the civility of the comments regarding my post. When I think about it further, if we were to restrict postings and questions about weapons, we would also have to restrict questions about computers, trucks, and the host of other topics discussed by the amazing group of people who ride, rode, or want to ride these wonderful motorcycles.
  14. At the risk of raising the ire of some members of this forum (or even of being shot!) I wonder why gun discussions are permitted on this Motorcycle Forum? In no way are guns motorcycle related. There must be other places to get this sort of advice. I am absolutely certain that there are many members of VentureRider.org who have strong opinions regarding the obsession of many in USA regarding the "Right to bear arms". Here's my vote to the moderators to exclude guns as a topic for discussion. Respectfully...
  15. Good luck catching ice!
  16. "Pimped". Good word choice!
  17. Panjandrum


    If ever you are on the south coast of England, visit the D-Day Museum in Portsmouth. http://www.ddaymuseum.co.uk/ I have visited a couple of times with my mother, who was on the Coast as the troops were gathering for the embarkation. The tapestry is amazing! Outside is this very moving statue of a young soldier. Who knows what was in his letter.
  18. Is a tugboat a difficult target? Apart from the Southern US and anywhere south of the equator, it has not been riding weather. Surely there are tugs in Australia!? Even here on the Left Coast it has been too crappy to ride... until yesterday, which was GLORIOUS... and I had a Birthday Party so the bike stayed wrapped up. And it's raining again today. I agree, it would be nice to get things moving again. Snowdrops are flowering in my garden, so soon, very soon! Is it ok to go after your own target?
  19. Dianne rides a 650 V-Star. I love seeing the grin on her face in my mirrors! It is absolutely horrible to watch her go down, which she has done several times, two of them with injuries that prevented riding for a few weeks to a few months. She is not a light-weight, and with the bike fully loaded with her and camping gear, she sometimes has difficulty keeping up on the long hills. We wonder whether an 1100 would not have been a better choice. The size and weight difference is negligible, and having that power would be handy at times. In the early days, you do not have to use the top half or third of the throttle. I did not discover the top third of throttle on my Maxim X until I well into the second year of riding it!
  20. The understanding is that, with the disappearance of the penny, prices will be rounded up or down. So henceforth, your 2 cents worth will be valued at nothing! ... but I always knew that!
  21. Snopes = False http://www.snopes.com/history/american/lincoln-kennedy.asp Some co-incidences, some false facts.
  22. As a boater (sailor), I am constantly in awe of the power of the sea. This video is awesome in showing just how seaworthy some boats can be, and how skillfully some can be operated. Some scary moments for all, though!
  23. Are those "Go Faster" stripes? (Like you need them....) How much longer before you stop preening and start riding?
  24. Wanda: [after Otto breaks in on Wanda and Archie in Archie's flat and hangs him out the window] I was dealing with something delicate, Otto. I'm setting up a guy who's incredibly important to us, who's going to tell me where the loot is and if they're going to come and arrest you. And you come loping in like Rambo without a jockstrap and you dangle him out a fifth-floor window. Now, was that smart? Was it shrewd? Was it good tactics? Or was it stupid? Otto West: Don't call me stupid. Wanda: Oh, right! To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! I've known sheep that could outwit you. I've worn dresses with higher IQs. But you think you're an intellectual, don't you, ape? Otto West: Apes don't read philosophy. Wanda: Yes they do, Otto. They just don't understand it. Now let me correct you on a couple of things, OK? Aristotle was not Belgian. The central message of Buddhism is not "Every man for himself." And the London Underground is not a political movement. Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up. A Fish Called Wanda
  25. Cages pulling into another lane without looking is a common event, and a common cause of accidents to motocycle riders who are riding normally within their lane. It has happenned to me many times; 3 times on opne half-hour trip. And I was not lane splitting. If this is a concern, you would be a "Tool" to ride a motorcycle anywhere there is traffic. It is unsafe (though legal throughout the USA and Canada).
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