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Everything posted by rlyons

  1. Buddy, I am fairly new here so I am at a loss to what is going on. Where is the bike and where does it need to go? What is wrong with it? I don't know Lowell but might be able to help as it sounds like a good cause.
  2. Just doing a little maintenance on my son's, new to him, bike. Picked up a free 2007 Vulcan 900 Custom with 3200 miles. Swapped out the frame and going back together. http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/rlyons_photos/Vulcan/Vulcan.jpg http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/rlyons_photos/Vulcan/Vulcan3.jpg http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/rlyons_photos/Vulcan/Vulcan4.jpg
  3. It kills me when someone says they are going to buy an Ultra Glide if Yamaha doesn't change the Venture. Guess what the Ultra, with the exception of a little bigger engine, is the same as it was 30 years ago. I used to ride a Roadking and almost every part fit for 30 years. The sucess of the Harley has depended on no change, why do you think they still shake your eyeballs out of there sockets at a red light, because if they balanced them no one would buy them.
  4. Why change perfection?
  5. I had the WWWs on my Roadking and I can say,NEVER EVER again! I was so tired of cleaning whitewalls and having them dirty before I could get to my destination. They look great but I want no more of them.
  6. The Butler mod was the best 40 bucks I have ever spent. Like night and day. I stopped by his house and an hour later I picked up the seat. Great guy and a great mod.
  7. rlyons

    Help !!!

    Join BAM. It is free and the assistance is free. It also comes in really handy if you break down somewhere on the road. You can call them at 1-800-4-BIKERS or go to their web site. http://www.russbrown.com/what-is-bam.html
  8. This is the lights I put on my 2000 MM. Looks great and really increases the visability in the rear. Hooks on with two screws in holes already under the trunk and hooks up in about 10 minutes. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-LED-Brake-Running-Light-Bar-/230491106710?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories
  9. I'm 57 and been riding since long, long ago, rode a bike to high school if that gives you any idea. Had my 2000 MM for about 6 months, sold a Harley to get it and plan on riding it for a long time yet.
  10. Stopped in and had him do mine this summer while on a trip. He had it ready in about an hour and it was for sure money well spent. I would reccomend it to anyone.
  11. I had one that had a defect in the casting on the rim. I soaped the entire rim untill I found very fine bubbles coming from the casting. I dismounted it, cleaned and covered the area with JB Weld and then painted the inside of the rim, never a problem since then.
  12. Dang and I thought insurance was high in Florida. I only pay less than $300 a year on all three of my bikes with full coverage.
  13. Gee my 2000 MM is still a baby with 6840 miles on it. Of course it won't stay that way long now that I own it.
  14. Well I have owned a Goldwing, a Harley Road King and a Venture among a lot of other bikes and I can say the only thing superior about a Harley is the availability of parts in every little town and all have most every part you could possibly need and it handled great. The vibration is terrible, the bike is very primative just like 20 years ago and the engine will not last near as long as the others without a rebuild. The Goldwing was very dependable with 200,000 miles not unheard of at all with little repairs needed and an engine so smooth that you hardly know it's running. The dowfall of the wing is it's handling which is bad at low speeds and the width of the engine and the foot position back under you, it will give you leg cramps in a hurry and my legs were not meant to bend that way for long periods of time. The Venture is not great at handling but a little better than the wing but the parts availabilty is next to zero at the dealers if you need a part quick on the road. The engine life is much better than the Harley and a lot smoother though not anything like the wing. The seating position with a little seat mods is much better than the wing but far less comfortable than the Harley was. I guess what I am saying is they all have there good and bad points and I am convinced after many years of trading bikes that the perfect bike has not been built. I am riding the Venture now but if a better bike comes along I may not be tomorrow. I will not ride an ugly bike though like the Victory!
  15. If you taper the sides of the pads a little with a grinder before you install them they will not click. The clicking sound you hear is the shoe passing over the vent holes in the rotor.
  16. Glad you posted this. I am going to stop in and have him do mine on my way back from vacation in New Mexico. That way I don't have to mail it and I can meet Rick in person.
  17. I have to say I would think the engineers at Yamaha could get a seat that is at least somewhat comfortable by now. I mean this is supposed to be a touring bike. I love the bike but the seat sucks. I could ride all day on my Road King and have no trouble at all, 45 minutes on this seat and I am ready to get off. I am having the Butler mod done while I am in Texas this summer and I hope that helps. Meanwhile I think we should flood Yamaha with complaints about the lousey seats they are selling on these bikes. I don't even have the option of aftermarket due to the tan color of the MM edition seats.
  18. Been there almost did that, mine came loose at the last minute. Even worse I was in my truck one day coming to a red light and my shoe lace from my left foot caught on the brake pedal and I couldn't get my foot on the clutch and with a diesel it just keeps on pulling, lucky I thought in time to shut off the switch or it would never have stopped. I try to always change into my boots when riding but sometimes I jump on and go without thinking.
  19. When I bought my bike it only had 6,000 miles on it and that same bolt was finger tight. Along with a lot more on the bike I should ad,so it is wise to check everything as some times I think the person putting these bikes together is asleep or a very weak fellow.
  20. I run amber passing lights and a headlight modulator with my high beams on, if they flash then I know I am seen. Funny though how many cars pull over and let me around thinking I am a cop. Seems they would know by now why our lights flash:doh:, but oh well whatever works.
  21. rlyons


    I lost mine a couple years ago at the age of 92 and I tell you it never gets easier and he is right I never said goodbye even though I was by his side when he passed away and I will never say goodbye. Sorry for your loss man, I know how you are feeling. Just know he is in a better place.
  22. Not required in Florida if you are over 18. Required in Alabama.
  23. Ok, just returned from the official test ride and I have to say they are perfect. A nice rumble at idle, a nice rumble at cruising speed and a little loudness if you get on it. Sounds like a big block chevrolet with glasspacks. I love it and would recommend the modification to anyone with the Baron's Nasty Boys. Flow looks good and power is good. Looks like a keeper.
  24. Yes Ace Hardware has them in chrome.
  25. It will reduce the volume but they still flow way more than the stock mufflers will. The tone is a little lower and it took out some of the harsh sound. I would say at idle and in the garage it reduced the loudness of them about 35 or 40 percent. At least now when I rev it my ears don't start to bleed. I have the baffles wrapped with fiberglass also which helped a little.I will know more when I get it all back together and on the road. I am waiting on a part which I should get tomorrow or Friday.
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