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Everything posted by rlyons

  1. Been there, done that with the gear swap. Didn't like it at all, too low gearing so I went back to original and have had no problems with it at all,gearing is fine,plenty of power and torque. Won't say you won't like it, but for my personal opinion, the originals work just fine.
  2. rlyons

    OEM Parts

    I have ordered a few from http://www.boats.net/ . Prices have been great.
  3. No sir, they are not "just dogs". They are very much a part of the family and are missed long after they are gone. I can relate because over the last two years I have had to put down one of my German Shepards and lost the other in a freak accident and lost my poodle which was only 7 years old, he died in his sleep. I feel the pain every time I vist their graves in the back yard. Sorry for your loss and send my prayers your way.
  4. Sorry for you loss from us also. Great tribute for her though. She is in a better place although I know it doesn't seem that way when you lose a parent.
  5. #444 and only 7,000 miles.
  6. Two spring latches and the windshield pops right off.
  7. Keep the oil changed, engine tuned and the clutch in good shape and you don't need anything added to it.
  8. Just turned my central air on today. Hot and sunny.
  9. I don't guess I care which side they are on as long as they work.
  10. So did they write tickets for loud pipes or did they just check for proper paperwork and lights,tires and so on? I plan to head to Helen in May and will change my plans if it means changing my pipes. Plenty of other states are glad to get our vacation money.
  11. The wife and I are proud members also, thanks for the posting.
  12. Keep the faith,she will be found safe and sound. Our prayers go out to you also.
  13. The wife and I joined yesterday and we are proud of it.
  14. I do my part all I can. It is hard though because everything seems to be against you when you try to not waste. I do still drive my 20 year old truck and see no reason to trade it or my bike as long as they both serve the purpose. My wife drives a 12 year old car and my son is driving his 22 year old Honda Accord. I use evrthing I own until it is used up and if I do have to get rid of something I take it to a Goodwill so someone else can get some good out of it. I am a firm believer in not buying new just because it is new. I buy recycled auto and bike parts as much as I can and buy clothes at the thrift stores. I don't know how much of it is saving the planet and how much is that I am poor and cheap.
  15. rlyons

    Is there a

    Don't know what the problem is, 82 yesterday and in the upper 70s today. Best time of year to ride here.
  16. We have one almost like that one except it opens from the top. My little dog loves it and I can zip it up tight when it is cold.
  17. Look a lot like mine. http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/rlyons_photos/Venture/PictureorVideo001Large.jpg
  18. Best reason I know of to boycott Georgia. We were going to Helen in May but I think another direction is where we will spend our money.
  19. In the 70's here all week also, great riding weather. By the way I lived in Tularosa in the 70's for a while, out by the sewer plant on a small farm. Loved it there and plan to return some day when I can unload my house in Florida and go full timing RV. Loved the desert.
  20. Keep us informed on this. I think the wife and I can make it.
  21. No, they are tan. Is it possible to get them clear? If not maybe the smoke would be best? http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/rlyons_photos/Venture/DSC00329Large.jpg
  22. Buddy, I have the MM edition that is pearl white and tan, which color would you suggest? All my other deflectors are clear and I do not have the lower deflectors yet. Thanks.
  23. How can you buy "Fresh Frozen" food? Which is it? Why are drive up windows at fast food joints called drive thrus? Are we really supposed to drive thru them?
  24. Just great, now you went and made me spend more money. Ordered mine today.
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