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Everything posted by rlyons

  1. I've used this stuff and it was great' becomes part of the plastic. http://plasti-mend.com/default.aspx
  2. Are you sure your convertor is not plugged? I have worked many GM cars that had a partially pugged cat and they acted just that way. Full or hard throttle they bog down, let up and they gradually accelerate. Idle smooth and low speed runs great. Check for exhaust flow and look for a smashed pipe or plugged cat. You can unhook the exhaust at the manifold and run it to check.
  3. My eyes, my eyes!!!!!:rotf::rotf:
  4. Sorry to hear about the bad times. I had a run of it myself and still not out of the woods but hanging on. This last year has been a rough one. Wife was laid off in June, she was rehired in September thank goodness, I was diagnosed with cancer, went through a round of radiation treatments and still ongoing treatments for now, wife is having still another surgury next Friday, many in a row for her and now a biopsy for possible cancer. I am lucky to have my military retirement and benifits even though they are getting smaller every day. Hang in there, maybe things will turn around for you this year' good luck and keep us posted.
  5. rlyons


    What's winter, going for a ride.:confused24::confused24:
  6. Not sure if I can get there that early but I will try. have a couple of friends that may come also.
  7. Anyone else have plans to attend the last ride of the year eat and greet in Stockton Alabama? The wife and I plan to ride over for the day, never been but sounds good. http://www.thelastrideoftheyear.com/
  8. Merry Christmas Karl and Abby, paypal sent and also the package my wife spoke to you about. No thanks wanted or needed, I just hope if I get into a bad situation I will have friends to help. If we can't help each other then it is a sad world. I hope your new year goes a lot better.
  9. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year right back at you.
  10. Karl, Just sent a paypal your way. It isn't much but I hope it helps. If everyone here sends a little it can go a long way. Keep your chin up, it will get better.
  11. What is this snow stuff you speak of? Nice to ride here today.
  12. You are very welcome, was proud to have served and would do it all again if asked.
  13. Sad but true,how quick they forget. I thank you for myself and my fallen buddies.
  14. Prayers from the wife and I also.
  15. Do a lot of looking and don't get in a hurry and you can find low mileage RSVs. I found my 2000 MM with only 6,000 miles on it about 2 years ago. They are out there and in your price range, just have to do a lot of looking.
  16. Is winter necessary?? No not here'we ride all year.
  17. It does have a Star Branded Ipod touch.
  18. Bought mine in Mississippi. #444. Never seen another on the road yet.
  19. You beat me to it, I have 21 also and I don't think I am old, well at least I can't remember if I am or not.
  20. Mine does the same thing, not a problem just ride on.
  21. Pulling out Sunday morning, heading up to Helen,Ga. taking 2 days to get there by back roads, pulling out of Helen on Thursday and swinging by Savannah Ga. for a day, then coming back to the Panhandle taking 2 days by back road stopping off for a family get together on the beach before returning home. Staying home for a week then heading off to Tennesee to vist my daughter,then if the urge is still there heading up into Ohio for a few weeks, then who knows where???:cool10::cool10::cool10: Had to rub it back, sorry.:rotf::rotf:
  22. I think the venture is the only bike with the exception of the Roadking that I have not had at least a little wiggle in the front end. I can ride with no hands on the venture, (not recommended), with not a bit of a shake.
  23. I too had one with a v-6 GM engine and the ignition cutout on the throttle linkage went bad and it acted just like yours.
  24. Well to answer a couple of questions, the Florida lottery money is a joke. For every dollar the schools get from the lottery the state pulls a dollar of it's support money. One reason we are behind the rest of the world in education is just plain old stupidity on our goverment's part. The teachers spend more time on evaluations,testing and the required paperwork for all the reports that the state and federal goverment demand, than they do on teaching. I can not believe how little actual teaching time my wife has. She works at least 12 hours a day at the school and then comes home and works until bed time grading papers and completing reports, this combined with all the extra classes online and in person causes her to work all the time. I will be glad if she can find other work, even though she loves the kids and teaching. I do not recommend anyone become a teacher. The only thing I dread is these are the children that will be our future leaders, god help the USA then. Obama is destroying this nation and I hope people are paying attention, cut education, drive up the debt, destroy the military, increase welfare, looks like a plan to me. A plan for a takeover! I have not lost hope yet but it is going to be a hard, long summer.
  25. :(Well it has finally hit home. The great budget cut axe has fallen. The wife has been told she will no longer have a job teaching next year. I guess our Governor and President are getting what they want, ignorant kids. First they attack the teachers with pay cuts and no more long term contracts and now cut them out of a job. The outragous amount of pay (which is 1/2 what the private sector pays) and the great benefits (900.00 after 30 years of service) is breaking the state and federal bank I guess, couldn't be their pay of course. Not sure how long we can hold on to the house but I guess toys will have to go. had a great vacation lined up this summer, no way now. My health is not so good anymore, but I guess I will try to get some sort of work to help get us by if the doc doesn't find cancer with my biopsy next month. Sorry for the rant but just needed someone to vent it on. Wish us luck please, maybe a miracle will happen and they will change their mind or she can find a new job that pays more than the minimum wage they are offering around here.
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