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Everything posted by RAMBLER328

  1. I rode the tail back in 2003 on a Yamaha 1600 Silverado from the motorcycle camp through the 318 hare pin turns in 11 miles. I meet all kinds of vehicles on coming in the turns.After turning around at the bottom and returning to where I started I was wore out. I couldn't safely do another run. So I bought the TEE SHIRT and still proudly wear it once and a while. I personally wouldn't venture it on my Venture. I find it a little to top heavy
  2. I did it in 1975 Toronto to Vancouver Island on a 1973 Yamaha 750 twin. The next year we went to Newfoundland. The memories will last a life time. I know the roller coaster ride your expriencing, I was diagnosed with leukemia Jan.5, 2005 at age 49 that April I was also told I have large B-cell lymphoma. Two blood cancers at the same time. The future didn't look good. They scheduled chemo at Sunnybrook to start asap. I asked my doctor if it could wait until the summer was over, I had planned a trip to New Orleans and thought this could be my last road trip. If I had stayed longer it might have been, I just got back home when Katrina struck. Since then I've done a lot of road trips. I've riden the tail of the dragon NC, been to Sturges SD., Americade twice, founders day in Akron OH. This summer I'm heading to the outer banks NC. What I'm tring to say is never give up keep making plans. Live life too the best your abilities and enjoy everyday. If you would like to get together for a coffee we could meet at a Timmes. Best of luck with the chemo.
  3. My odometer reads in KMS.so converted to miles it's 43,495.98. your miles converted to KMS equals 64,373.76. I'd say we're both doing serious riding. Keep the shiny side up. I'm thinking it might be time to put my baby away for the winter, it's about 34 F and been snowing off & on all day. It's not staying on the ground but the top of your is white.
  4. Hi everyone My 2004 RSV as 70,000 kms and I'm hearing the front end bang when I go over rough roads.I've tried adjusting the air pressure which hasn't helped. The front end isn't loose, no handling problem. I suspect the front fork oil is either gone or low. I haven't seen any leakage anywhere. So I thought I'd try draining and replacing the oil before getting too involved. So I'ved been able to find the the quantity of 0.553 L or 19.5 oz Imp., 18.7 oz us and weight -5W. for each fork tube, "Funny they sell it in 500ml or 1L size" The way of marketing. My question is the procedure ? I believe it to be a simply job, first remove the cap bolt with the air pressure valve. (both sides) next remove the bottom bolts allowing the oil to drain. Applying up & down pressure to the forks through the handle bars to push out any remaining oil in the forks. Replace the bottom bolts add correct volume of oil to each fork again apply up & down pressure to settle the oil, then replace Cap bolts to 17 ft-Ib torque. Buy following this procedure could I expect any problem I haven't taken into account. Any advise would be appreciated.
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