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Daveand Barbie

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Everything posted by Daveand Barbie

  1. That's probably a house number. From what I have been able to find, it is 3A current handling and 8318 refers to the package. If it is a metal case it could very well be a zener and if it is a silicone case, it is most likely power isolation. I wish I could have found more for you. All my good reference books are at home and I am not.
  2. I bought 20 acres in NE Tennessee near Kingsport a few years ago and plan to build a nice cabin on it and then sell our place in Ohio. We are on the Holston River, about 10 miles upriver from Cherokee Lake. Our plan is to be there for about 6 months and in the Deep South the other 6 months. my doc told me that shoveling snow causes old people to have heart attacks, so I am following docs orders.
  3. OK, OK, OK, they will be in the mail shortly. i will describe them here so I don't have to make multiple errors typing on my phone. I was taking photos from the grandstand, at turn 1. One is looking back in to the tri oval with cars coming. All the GT cars have yellow lenses to distinguish themselves from the Prototype cars. Another photo is just after the Delta Wing crashed in turn 1. You can see the emergency vehicles in the right of the photo and the IMSA docs car sitting there. I also took a photo of the new grandstands from the infield. The grandstand is 9/10 mile long. I didn't get photos of the finish, I was in a friends pit stall and could barely see over th crowd.
  4. Just for grins, and to renew some old friendships, I took a ride down to Daytona for the 24 hour race. It was beautiful weather albeit rather chilly at night, and the racing was great. A few takeaways from the weekend: 1. The Delta Wing car is crazy fast. It was involved in an unfortunate incident at the 4 hour mark and was retired. I hope they don't rewrite the rules to outlaw it in the future. 2. There has not been a more dominant team than the factory Corvettes. At the finish, after 24 hours, they finished 1st and 2nd, thousandths of a second part. 3. The new grandstands/stadium is fabulous. It has ll the amenities of a major league football stadium. It should be though, for 400 million. i am going to go back for th bike races. Being close like I am, it would be silly to not go.
  5. If you are seriously considering a move, don't take your wife or daughters with you. The immigrant rape culture there is completely out of control.
  6. Is it internally shunted? I may have one in a box at home, but won't be there for a few more months. In the meantime, you might try surplus sales.com, electronic surplus.com, bmisurplus.com, or mendelsons surplus in Dayton, Ohio. Fair radio in Lima, Ohio may have something too. Good luck!
  7. I am planning to go back to the Rockies this summer with multiple "weapons" to tackle the fun mountain roads and the dirt trails as well. I'll probably make a late run to the Gap in the late spring too. Otherwise, who knows?
  8. I'm just a bit over 12K for the year and still riding most every day.
  9. Add that one to the list of reasons to never ever put a wheel in CA.
  10. I got a Christmas kiss from the lovely Barbie. At this point in my life, I really couldn't ask for more.
  11. The top photo is the "twisties" for the bicycle. On the days I don't play tennis, I try to get some miles in on these. The bottom photo is of the Island Club.
  12. A little history of Jekyll Islamd. the island was settled as a private retreat by business and industry tycoons from the northeast at the turn of the 20th century. Some of the more notable names are Pulitzer and Goodyear. In fact, the cottage in the photo is Goodyear cottage. The "cottages" normally have 8 to 10 bedrooms, large living spaces, and no kitchen. All meals were at the Island Club, which is a large structure in the center of the district where all the personal chefs of the families prepared meals. Special guests and dignitaries were also housed at the club. All the servants were housed in another building adjacent to the club. Some notable factoids about the island. The first transatlantic telephone call was made from the island. The first indoor tennis court in the US is located on the island and is still used. After WWII, the families abandoned the island and it was eventually sold to the state of Georgia. It became a state park, and remains as such to date. The Island Club has been converted to a luxury hotel. It is bordered by the Intercoastal waterway and the Atlantic Ocean. The cottages have Ben restored and are open for tours. The he area is very non-commercial with only a small area of shops and a convention center. It has become quite the meeting and convention spot. There was aGeorgia HOG rally here a couple of weeks ago. There are over 70 miles of bicycle trails on the island. Around the perimeter there is a paved trail and the others are all unsaved through the forest and the marshes. The tide is over 20 feet here, so there are lots of wetlands with an abundance of wildlife. There are also 3 golf courses and one of the top 25 Municipal tennis facilities in the US here. I play tennis 2 or 3 times a week on beautiful clay courts. The campground has about 75 sites from full hookup to tent camping, all under an umbrella of live oak trees. Ill send some more photos.
  13. I used the stupid iPad today after none of the photos I took with my phone would upload. I can do it all with my desktop but not this fancy schmancy tablet. i do have a bunch of cool photos to share.
  14. So Puc......I have attempted to upload multiple photos without success. The forum doesn't seem to be able to accomplish it. It must be this iPad and my not being able to operate it in a way that the forum likes. Anyway......my Christmas present is sitting under an umbrella of live oak trees, in a beautiful state park, on an island off the coast of South Georgia. We are going to stay here until at least mid March, so no snow shoveling for me! Besides, I heard that shoveling snow causes heart attacks in old people, so this is doctor prescribed don't cha know! i don't think that big machine of FlyinFool's has enough snot to make it over the Smokey Mountains, so I feel rather safe in this endeavor. i am going for a motorcycle ride right now in this beautiful 72 degree sunshine, then maybe play some tennis.
  15. Merry merry Christmas to Don and Eileen, and to all of the Venture community. My Christmas gift was to not have to be concerned with shoveling snow, being cold, splitting firewood, wearing heavy clothes, and not getting to ride every day. It is, indeed, a wonderful gift.
  16. And that is the very reason I have an LLC domiciled in Montana that owns my motor home.
  17. If you heard him yell in Cincy, then watch out! It means he opened the door!
  18. Just a way cool car and crazy performer. If it the first year C6 that he is looking at with the carbon fiber top panel, have him look at ti very carefully. They had difficulty with them delamination. John "The Heinrocket" still holds the course record at the Nurburgring in a C6 Z06.
  19. 4K on the tach is almost 80mph with a 5 speed so yes, 9K is a problem. methinks your comment was made with tongue firmly implanted in cheek. Ha!!! We were typing at the same time.
  20. Regarding comfort, with the Russell saddle, it makes 800+ miles a day a breeze. There is a reason why the FJR is the most used piece for the big Iron Butt contest. Having an adjustable windshield allows for changes in air management on the fly. Everything on the FJR is stiffer in the frame and forks, the bike is lighter, has more readily available power, and has radial tires, so for me, it is a bit easier to ride in a spirited manner. i bought my VR specifically for 2 up touring. After a couple of multi-day trips, the lovely Barbie decided that she really didn't enjoy spending multiple hours in the saddle of that bike. So, for that very reason, I didn't ride it all that much last season. I agree completely that it is a great cold weather ride, and with heated grips, I could ride mine at below freezing temps without issue. I understand and about getting old. I am already there.
  21. I didn't know they ever deleted it. Was that only the ES model?
  22. In the spirit of the season, some of my favorites(which I can't upload because of this silly iPad) Merry Christmas from the Creative World of Stan Kenton In the Christmas Mood - The Glen Miller Orchestra the Chicago Christmas album(I believe it is #25 ) All are albums and just really great. The Kenton album was recorded in 1962.
  23. Just for grins, here are a couple of the other play toys.
  24. It's certainly not lacking for performance. As stated, 145hp is what the factory says, and I won't dispute that. I don't feel it being more top heavy than my VR. I find the greatest difference is that the FJR frame and forks is far and away stiffer than my VR. i have a GIVI mount that is quite robust that attaches in 5 places to the main frame. It holds a 37litre top box that I have loaded to capacity with no issue. Since it is a second generation, it has cable throttle, linked brakes, and ABS. I haven't noticed the need for traction control to date. I have some Puig frame sliders on it that can be used to rest feet on but not for extended periods of time. Also, there are a number of trailer hitches available for them. I have acouple of photos photos on here and will try to upload some others tomorrow.
  25. So here ya go. Motorcycle Larry produces some slick highway pegs for the FJR. I don't have them on mine, but 800 mile days have not been a problem. I have an aftermarket top triple clamp that raises the bars and moves them back to the point that I sit comfortably upright. The lovely Barbie has not had issue with wind or buffeting, and the big reason is that it has a Rifle +4+4 windscreen on it, and wait for it........it is adjustable via an electric motor that has a range of about 5". Oh!, and it has a Russell saddle on it which makes it those big mileage days possible. I bought my FJR with all the farkles installed with only 7000 miles on it. Me likey.
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