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Posts posted by bknsaddle

  1. Got one a couple of years ago. Great for the hot weather. Lets some air in underneath you, and you can shift positions to give your hindquarters a little massage every once in a while.


    My theory in buying it was that all those 3rd world taxi drivers must have known something I didn't!:lightbulb:

  2. My thanks for all the replies.

    I operate under the philosophy that if something designed to be silent starts making a noise, there is something wrong. The tangential discussion regarding spousal acoustic interference is for another thread.


    Late yesterday I called a "Star Specialist" at Yamaha and asked to speak with a Tech rep to discuss the issue. I just wanted to hear what they had to say. Little did I know that Yamaha doesn't allow we mere customers to speak with technician other than at the dealer. The phone conversation got interesting, however, when I asked to speak to a supervisor and the young lady said "I'm not going to connect you to a supervisor", and started to ramble on in a fashion that would not let me get a word in edgewise.


    This sort of thing grinds my gears, so I called another number and got a very nice lady to whom I expressed my dissatisfaction with the way I was spoken to. She ended up connecting back to the "Star Specialist" who asked what I wanted to have done. I told her that if a shock on my car starts to make noise, I replace it, and that seemed to me the to be the logical action for a shock on an RSTD. She said she would call the dealer.


    I called the dealer and gave them a heads-up, so we'll see what happens and I will advise.


    Thank you all for your input. This site is invaluable!



  3. Get you mind back on Bikes! Darlene is a stock 2006 RSTD with 20k miles......


    When the she is cold, I hear a groan when I climb on....Be nice!


    The groan seems to go away after I have ridden her a bit.... Oh, jeez!


    The dealer says that the Yamaha rep. has told him to take out the rear shock and lubricate it and all moving parts....


    So having read many posts on here about this shock, I don't recall any that discussed removing and lubrication. The shock is not leaking as far as I can tell, but....


    Am I being slow-rolled by the dealer/rep?


    The bike is still under warranty for another month.


    Many thanks....Steve


    ****UPDATE**** ****UPDATE****

    Well, after a slight delay due to weather and health, I brought Darlene to another dealer who lubed everything up and still heard the groan. They told me today that they have ordered a new shock under warranty.


    This is a wonderful site and I am the grateful recipient of many tips from the others on here.


    I trust now that Darlene's action beneath me will be as energetic as when she was younger, but I'll probably miss her groan...................

  4. Need an RSTD owner within striking distance of Beloit, WI who wants a free rider's backrest, in return for letting his bike be used for the measurements.


    Just spoke with Grasshopper Limited (http://www.grasshopperlimited.com) in Beloit, WI. They need someone with an RSTD to come to their shop for a few hours so they can start making rider's backrests for RSTDs. Whoever goes gets a free backrest.... and I get one too!


    Anyone avail and so inclined please contact me ASAP so I can turn this on!



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