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Everything posted by motorcycletom

  1. Ride safe my friend. See you when you get home.
  2. Thanks for the updates and we are still keeping you all in our prayers.
  3. COOL!!!!!!!! Now we can get to work. What do you need us to do BIG TOM????????
  4. Tom, You can count me and Amy in for help.
  5. Thanks for the updates, David you are still in our prayers.
  6. Wow now everyone knows.
  7. Ride safe Bob, I have 1 package for you.
  8. Glad to hear that things are on the upswing.
  9. Welcome, Nice bike.:wel_5Wa:
  10. Annie ans AL, It was nice meeting you and enjoyed your company this summer. Have a safe trip home the USA will never be the same. Remember all the book and the great authors (Rusty zipper by I P Daily) HAHAHA:thumbsup2:
  11. Nice pics!!!
  12. Sorry we have plans for the weekend. Have fun!!!
  13. Prayers sent from Amy and myself. Hoping for a speedy recovery but not too speedy as the body needs time to heal.
  14. Prayers are sent from Amy and myself.
  15. Nice set of wheels. I love the color but have fun keeping it clean. Tom and i were looking at black when we got ours last September but got black cherry insted that is almost as bad. Toma and Amy
  16. Nice Bike good taste:clap2:
  17. Amy and I wanted to wish you a Brlated Happy Birthday. We hope you had a nice day.
  18. Amy and i wish you a Happy Birthday eat lots of ice cream today.
  19. :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday:Happy Birthday:Happy Birthday:
  20. Glad to hear that you are having a good time. see you when you get home.
  21. Hope that you have a GREAT trip.
  22. Thank you for visiting with us and have a safe trip.
  23. Annie and Al it was a pleasure to meet the both of you. You both have made Amy's and my summer. We miss you already. Have a safe trip out west. Keep in touch:ice_awesome-vi46644
  24. Glad you had a good time and enjoyed PA. It was my pleasure to lead you all down there and back.
  25. Glad to hear that you are getting better, Need more ICE CREAM. See ya this weekend.:fnd_(16)::fnd_(16):
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