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Everything posted by motorcycletom

  1. Welcome to the club!!!!!!
  2. Enjoy your new ride. Can't wait to see it.
  3. Thanks Don I got mine on thursday.
  4. Great to see you are back on the site. Amy and I wish you the best on your recovery.
  5. My girlfriend has had TMJ since 1984. She has to wear a night guard and can't eat anything you have to really chew like taffy or chew gum. Everything said above I agree with and then some. Be prepared because most insurance does not cover this either once you have been diagnosed with TMJ. The Medical INS said it’s a dental problem and vice versa. So you end up paying for most of the treatment. She gets headaches all the time. She was also hit in the face and that made it worse for many years. If you need any advice feel free to ask. We will be happy to help any way we can. Good Luck.
  6. Thanks for the updated Don and Rose. Prayers are still coming from Amy and I.
  7. We just got an Iphone 4 for Amy and she loves it. It took a little to get use to but now works good.
  8. Amy and I send our prayers to both Dan and Rose. Godspeed
  9. Thanks for the update. We are so happy that Ponch is doing better. We are all a big happy family here.
  10. Thanks for the update. Amy and I still have David in our prays. It is nice to see him doing better each post.
  11. Prayers sent for the whole family.
  12. Thanks for the updates. Amy and I send out prayers for a full recovery.
  13. Will not be around Sat. Grandsons birthday. Maybe Sunday it may be a good day for PA.
  14. Great pics Thanks for sharing.
  15. Nice pics!!! Looks like you had a ball.
  16. I am in the same boat. I was on pills until Feburary of this year i went on insulin. I have no idea what threw me into a spin but i was way out of control. Now my A1C is 7.0 but still need to loose about 40 lbs. Thanks for the wake up and hope your eye gets better. Keep us posted.
  17. Thanks for the update. The prayer are still coming.
  18. We test rode 1 for the whole day at Big Toms ralley. At first i hated it it beat me up!! But after i relaxed and let it feel the road & i got the idea of $24,000 out my head we:thumbsup: had fun. We put a little over 100 miles on it by the time we returned and loved it. Still not sure if i would like 3 wheels or not.
  19. Annie and Al it was a pleasure to meet you both and to spend our indepenence day with you both. You both made Amy and my summer. Take care and we miss you.
  20. Have a safe trip home, It was GREAT meeting You and Al. That book must be loaded with alot of fond memories of the USA and Canada.
  21. So sorry to hear that news please let Amy and I know if you or your family need anything
  22. Best 12 bucks you will ever spend!! This is one big family.
  23. Thats great news!!!!! Our prayers are still with your family.
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