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Everything posted by motorcycletom

  1. Sounds good thanks.
  2. Thanks everyone for your donations. We can still use more. Please let me know so we can maek room on the table. We only have 14 days to the start of the Rally.
  3. I am green too:thumbsup2:
  4. Any more items comng to the rally for the table? Amy still has plenty of quilt tickets left $5.00 each or 4 for $15.00.
  5. We have a nice tank bib and gas cap cover for the main raffle. Maybe you will be lucky and win it. See you at the international.
  6. Thanks everyone for your donations. The new items will go into the general raffel on Wednesday night. If you have slightly used items we can do a raffel around the camp fire one night.
  7. Thanks Gunboat, Carbon One and Big Tom. That is great. If anyone has anything else please elt us know. The rally is getting closer and closer. Thanks for all the donations.
  8. Jim that is great!!! Thanks
  9. The rally is getting closer. I need to get a final count on what will be in the raffle so i have enough table space. Please let me know if you are bring anything. PLEASE PLEASE let me know!!!!!!
  10. Glad to hear you are all ok. Stay safe.
  11. Go USA!!!! Now we have someone to cheer for
  12. hope your day was a nice one.
  13. This sounds good to Amy and I.
  14. Nice ride congrates!!!! It looks even better in person. I can not wait to get mine in 3 years.
  15. To all coming tothe Int'l rally and bringing donations, PLEASE PLEASE pm me to let me know what you are bring so we can get a count and idea of what is coming. I need to make sure we have enough table space and tickets. The rally is getting closer and we need to get this all finalized. If you hve any question you can call me at my home number 716-707-2033 after 6pm EST. Thank you in advance for all your donations.
  16. I just talked to Becky and Bob is not home yet. They just informed him that he has CHF. I will let you know more after we see him tonight.
  17. Just went to see Bongo in the hospital. He is doing OK but is still retaining fluid. He hopes to come home tomorrow. He has to go for an EKG tomorrow. If you would like to call him in the hospital it is 716-794-0019.
  18. Amy and I had a great time. We have booked for next year. The rain was fun all the way up but better ride coming home.
  19. Happy Birthday!!!!! We hope you have a great day.
  20. Thanks buddy!!! Amy and I will and we will have to get together when we get back.
  21. Taters, Hope he did not have this floppy eared slippers on too!!!!! HAHAHA I keep telling you you can dress them up but can take them out. Amy
  22. Rick and Michelle, Be safe and let Amy and I know how it was.
  23. Prayers are sent from Amy and Myself. We hope for a speedy recovery.
  24. Amy and I are sad too you and Al will not be back this year. The best of luck with your case and we will be waiting to see you both next year. Take care
  25. Well Congrats Carl Amy and I think you will be GREAT!!!
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