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Everything posted by motorcycletom

  1. Earl, So sorry to hear about Jean Amy and I send hugs and prayers. Godspeed
  2. Just got the good news my family made it home safe. Amy's boss told her to work from home tomorrow. We hope everyone is safe in this winter weather.
  3. Tomorrow is my back surgery. This will be the longest surgery I have ever had so I am a bit nerves. I have to have 2 rods and 4 screws put in L4 and L5. Maybe more once they get into it. I will have Frogger keep you posted:fingers-crossed-emo
  4. Prayers sent. We hope that she finds a job soon.
  5. Thank You to all the veterans past and present, a special Thank You to my nephew Don West U.S.M.C.
  6. You don't have to pack a brush now. That leaves more room for Jack.
  7. You can always ship some to Big Tom.
  8. Well my surgeon called and gave me my date for my back surgery on December 13. Yes it is Friday 13th. I will be glad to see this day get here. My back is getting worse by the day. I put the bike away last month because I did not feel comfortable riding it anymore with my back. Here is some back ground on why I need surgery: Amy and I were rear ended last December as we were stopped to pull into the driveway to our park. I was in the hospital for 4 days had a silent heart attack, a new stint in my heart and a lot of back pain. Once I got out I went to a chiropractor but that was not helping. So then went to my primary doctor and he sent me for X-Rays and MRI. They found 2 herniated disks and 2 bulging disks L3 & L4. Then was sent to a neurosurgeon and he did more x-rays and found a fracture in L3 and L4. I will have 2 rods and 4 screws in my back and hope the pain is gone. I have talked to many people that have had back surgery and have heard good and bad. So I am hoping mine will be good.
  9. So when are we going to tell him that the ice cream truck broke down,so it will not be here.
  10. Best of luck. Got a date for my surgery 12/13/2013:thumbsup2:
  11. Sorry we just put the bike away today. My riding is over for this year. The back is getting worse. I can't wait until December for the surgery:dancefool:
  12. Good luck and heal fast.
  13. Thank you Big Tom and Steamer. This was getting a bit over thought. It is amazing how things get out of hand.
  14. I think that the Pioneer Spider Riders would be a great addition. They do not have an organized group like we do,may be because our group( family ) is so well organized this would help them become a group. This way Pioneer could use the Earls park for more events. They help us a lot so we should give them a helping hand.
  15. Sorry to hear that the trip has come to an end. It was great to see you and Al. It was a real surprise to see both of you and the trike on Motor Trikes face book page.
  16. Eat more ice cream. That will keep your voice in tune longer because you won't have time to talk.
  17. It's got my vote
  18. Great job:thumbsup:
  19. Happy Birthday:Happy Birthday:
  20. Happy Birthday:Happy Birthday:
  21. Welcome to the site. A lot of really great people here. It's like one big family.
  22. Congrats on the new ride. I ride with a lot of Harley's it doesn't matter what you ride as long as you ride safe.
  23. Happy birthday:Happy Birthday:
  24. Happy Birthday. See ya soon:Happy Birthday:
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