Well my surgeon called and gave me my date for my back surgery on December 13. Yes it is Friday 13th. I will be glad to see this day get here. My back is getting worse by the day. I put the bike away last month because I did not feel comfortable riding it anymore with my back.
Here is some back ground on why I need surgery:
Amy and I were rear ended last December as we were stopped to pull into the driveway to our park. I was in the hospital for 4 days had a silent heart attack, a new stint in my heart and a lot of back pain. Once I got out I went to a chiropractor but that was not helping. So then went to my primary doctor and he sent me for X-Rays and MRI. They found 2 herniated disks and 2 bulging disks L3 & L4. Then was sent to a neurosurgeon and he did more x-rays and found a fracture in L3 and L4. I will have 2 rods and 4 screws in my back and hope the pain is gone. I have talked to many people that have had back surgery and have heard good and bad. So I am hoping mine will be good.