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Everything posted by marinakorp

  1. Got a spare wheel... still having the issue. ANy CLUE where I can get a spre hub from? What replacement hubs will fit this? I saw a 1" replacement hub at Tractor Supply... Not sure if it will fit or not. Starting to regret purchase... need to have fixed SOON (er vs later)... as I am planning on a dew trips...already took the time off. ANyone in the Philadelphia / eastern Pa (lancaster, etc) area have a hub that they can loan me to determin if tis is the issue or not?
  2. One I could see... but BOTH - MAYBE...
  3. Yes, it was this thread that made me look close at the axle for the issue. Hopefully the new axle will fix this issue... and it takes less than 10 weeks to get here! GOing to see if I can't find a spare wheel at the local tractor supply or the Harbor Freight store. If the new tire fixes the issue, GREAT...simple and inexpensive...gets me on road quickly. If not, returnable, or keep as a spare, while waiting for the Axle to get here. thanks for the input
  4. Hi all, Building a tag along, and noticed that when spinning the wheels, there is a pronounced "wobble" in the wheels. Took the hubs out, re packed bearings, re installed, seated bearings, and still have the wobble. There is no movement in the bearing/hub... Placed a square along the axle with some gap between tore and square.... On rotation, a portion of tire till contact square, and then not. This happens on both sides of the axle, both wheels. Any sugestions. I am in the king of Prussia pa area.
  5. Quoted for TRUTH!
  6. I have been looking at that Ruger in the +p 38. That is a nice stout little round there. I normally carry a Kimber Ultra Carry II in .45 ACP. Carry that everywhere.. and easy (enough) to conceal. THere is a tank bag / fanny pack that is avaialble... I don't like it. It is a nice piece... not for me. Been looking for a smaller weapon to tuck almost anywhere. Since my Distal Bicept Tendon surgery last year, and I was out of commission for several months... loading a weapon was difficult to say the least... especially racking the slide (yes, there are alternative techniques I can use in a fight if necessary) and seating a magazine. I have practiced these techniques on occasion, but actually losing the use complete use of my support hand, was an eye opener. The baby 1911 is AWESOME, but am looking for a baby hand cannon wheel gun... the Ruger is towards the top of that list.
  7. I usethe adavanced System Care - free version. works VERY well. i I also use malwarebytes http://www.malwarebytes.org/the free version. FOr MAlWAREBYTES, I boot in safe mode (fit F8 when booting up) and start windows in a safe mode. This prevents any bad software from booting up and preventing the scanner from doing it's job. A lot of those Free system scans...actually deposit malware on your pc, for htem to fix... causing you to pay them $$ the Advanced System Care is not, nor is Malwarebytes. I usually run them, re-boot, and run again to make certain all is gone.
  8. Depends on which state. Some states can have a lower threshold for self defense, defense of home, and or property.
  9. was thinking of one like this mounted on a tagalong...given the dimensions... I may be able to get two on there with little modification. http://www.harborfreight.com/25-watt-monocrystalline-solar-panel-96350.html or http://www.harborfreight.com/15-watt-12-volt-solar-panel-96418.html Not sure if my bike could handle the draw....but worth a shot in a pinch. Oh...back on topic... I took a look at the ones made for the cpap... they want over 300 for the battery pack... my battery was a fraction of that...works just fine.
  10. I drag a deep cycle marine battery with me... can run for a few days off of that with the CPAP - no problems. I put it on a charger when I get home. This is a bit heavy, and hard to do on a bike...so the above is for car camping, or for an emergency power outage. When I motorcycle camp (as of right now) I usually get a site that has electric and take a small extension cord. It would be nice to go off the grid once in a while. When I get the trailer setup... I want to put a solar cell on the top and charge the marine battery as I drive... top it off before I make camp at the next site.
  11. Honey...guess where we are going this Sunday? South Carolina... to renew our vows at the courthounse!
  12. We have some of the greatest topograpy changes for riding in a single state...everything from flatlands.. .to mountain ranges with river views, twisties and not to mention that the seasons do change! We believe in open carry and that the populace should have a LTCF (License to Carry Firearms) if they have done no wrong. We honor just about every state's LTCF (or CCW permit...etc) We are a "shall" issue state, vs a "may" issue (meaning if we don't like you, or you are not a politician or aan actor or an athlete, you will never get one) state. Sounds perfect to me!
  13. I have changed Many O' tire on the side of a PA road... and had hte Staties show up to make sure I was Ok... no Ticket ever Given. Upon certain occasions, like drought - etc - we do have water restrictions in place... no watering lawn, washing cars, etc. In certain instances, there are HOA (Home Owner Associations) that may place restrictions on doing work to a vehicle or washing of vehicles while within the confines of the HOA defined property.
  14. I have , and I do regularly. There are severla ways to "play" gold. One way is to purchase an ETF. This is not REAL gold. You do not own the physical, and can not get delivery of gold. It is Ok to use this for trading purposes, but not for "long term" hedge or SHTF scenario. There are others, like "POOL" accounts etc that can be used for similar purposes. The other way is to buy physical. Depending on how much you want to buy, there are several choices. My personal favorit is tulving . He is an ass, but always ships, and has the lowest fees , but you have to buy ALOT at one time... I can't use him these days. I have a few friends that use him with some regularity. APMEX Kitco They are Ok, depending on the sale, you can get some decent prices on the costs over spot. APMEX has more "numismatic" stuff (and I don't care with bullion to a point) and has some decent selection of Assayed bars, fractionals, etc. Kitco sells more bullion. Bullion Direct. This is my favorite when buying smaller quantities over time. They have am "exchange" that allows you to buy from others, they chage 1% transaction fee. They allow you to "store" the PM until you are ready to take delivery. This allows you to buy a few times, over a few monthes (as funds permit) and to save on shipping...take deliver y of all in your account at one. They are GREAT. E-bay EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Craigs List Meh...too much work sometimes "CASH FOR GOLD" They are Ok.. .can get a decent deal depending on the spread. Premiums are fairly low. Pawn Shop - gotta know what the decent prices are..they are going to pull numistmatic crap... Coin Shop Premiums are high. Can build a relationship and get a deal in the long run. Meh...I usually go for the Bullion Direct route. Oh... and there is another way. I usually buy silver ...and when the Gold to silver ration gets low (low 50's or lower)... I trade for Gold (lose a few OZ silver on the trade)... and then when the ration gets HIGH (70's)... I trade Gold for Silver... then when it drops I trade silver for GOld (etc) My motto is... if you can't hold it... you don't own it when it comes to PM. For the record... all of my PM's were lost in a boating accident last week, along with all of my guns and ammo...
  15. I have one, and Like it Well enough. I had a problem with it vetilating in the summer...as the air intakes are on the top of hte helmet as opposed towards the front. I fixed that with a trip to the home depot and built a snorkel of sorts that screws right in and will breakaway inder load. The visor fog in the winter tme, so I have tokeep it cracked a bit. it is a tad noisy... but i wear earplugs and have the music turned up inside my helmet. for the $$ it is an Ok helmet. If you are getting a good deal on it... go for it.
  16. I agree on the malawarebytes. I would boot in safe mode and run the program.. I would also run adaware.
  17. Well the lates in my aging royal star woes... it refuses to start. Key in ignition, lights go on...seems good... Hit starter... sounds like a swarm of bees below and in front of the seat. removed seat, repeat procedure... still sounds just in front of the battery compartment... like a old school joy buzzer... put a b attery assis on it, and still the same sound...don't thins it is the battery. could the starter have gone bad... how hard ($$) to fix? internet diagnosis assistance please!
  18. Thanks! I certainly does sounsd like the issue i am describing. Any idea what time is involved with this change? Would like to estimate what a mechanic would charge to execute this job. What needs to be done to find a part if it sheared off? (not sure if it did, just ant to know what i'm in for) ALSO... what else should be upgraded while i have the patient open? Thanks! love this forum!
  19. I just got back from a ride, and lost all gears above 2nd On downshift...heard a terrible sound (clutch was in etc)... was able to get it in to 1st, can shift to second... can not shift in to 3rd.... stops at second gear. Limped it home... 1st and second no problem... like I only have 2 gears. HELP... andy suggestions on where or what ... I'm thinking the gears in the tranny went... What would fit... upgrade to Vmax ? Bummed...
  20. Bersa makes a decent enough gun. If you have meaty hands... You may experience the slide biting the connecting flesh between your thumb and index fingers. Good gun... Not for my hands.
  21. Thought the wolo was a hair bigger.
  22. I have an iPHONe and a Scala headset. Works well. It is mounted on the Handlebars using a RAM mount (great mounts). when it rains, I take a plastic baggie out of my bags, place the iphone inside...and place back in the RAM. I have an earlier Scala without the BT for the music (wish I did) and went with a FM modulator... on the charger...connected to the bike. Works well.
  23. I will never understand why LEO have more rights than any civilian... Any who... back on track... Here is a version of what I use. http://www.gunvault.com/handgun-safes/nano-vault-300.html It has a cable to attach around the spare tire...other metal fixture in the car... or under the seat (etc). A FYI...when opening the safe, there is a "screw" that holds the mechanism in place...put a little lock tite on this to keep it from backing out. I have the small one in my bags and holds my Ultra carry with the 3" barrell... the larger one will hold a full sized 1911 with no problem (I used the large on when I went to Costa Rica for an IDPA match) I assume you are aware of the federal transport rules for transporting through states that do not have reciprocity with your home state.
  24. Pick up a small portable safe with a cable...lock it and store under your seat. I have one on the bike and use when crossing states without reciprocity to my home state. It is the best option if leaving it home is not one. I do not leave mine home.
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